You're missing the point. The NRA and their membership would change their stance on gun restrictions and background checks if people who didn't look and talk like them with questionable backgrounds were suddenly advocating for the same policies. Criminals for instance are big time in favor of NO background checks. But the NRA never hears from that constituency, which is who ironically the NRA his helping to arm.
I know a lot of people who gave up their landlines for their cell phones. And this just reminded me how bad that could be in crises like these. Methinks I'll be keeping a landline always. As for the background checks, I personally, know no one who isn't FOR background checks and would GLADLY permit to a background check before buying their gun legally. I am not pro-NRA, but I am pro-gun and I have no issues with submitting to a background check.
Don't be dragging us into this! I've been super busy this weekend, so I'm only catching up on all of the news stuff now. I found this interesting: An Islamic militant group in Dagestan issued a statement Sunday distancing itself from the marathon bombing. “The Caucasian mujahedin are not fighting against the United States of America,” the group, called the Caucasus Emirate, said in its statement. “We are at war with Russia, which is not only responsible for the occupation of the Caucasus, but also for heinous crimes against Muslims.” Experts and rights activists in Moscow agreed that taking the war of terror across the ocean to the United States doesn’t help the cause of Russian radical Islamists, despite their routine anti-American rhetoric. “I think we can trust this statement, because attacking the U.S.A. is not in the interests of North Caucasus insurgents,” Tatiana Kasatkina, executive director of Memorial, a Moscow-based human rights group that monitors events in the troubled region. “The United States doesn’t support Russia in this regional conflict and more than that, it regularly criticizes the Russian leadership for violations of human rights in the course of this conflict.”,0,2907745.story No one is claiming responsibility, but they are distancing themselves.
:sigh: That seems like reactionary thinking. I just don't believe in the constancy of White supremacy enough to construct my political beliefs solely in direct opposition to whatever cause it may have. You can and have argued for gun control based on the issue of gun violence. Shouldn't that be the sole persuasive argument, instead of bringing up racist White folks and their actions of the past and present? I know this is a popular political strategy the politicos like to push when they want Black support, but I find it condescending when Black people are told they should believe in something or support a political position because they are Black; as if all political beliefs derive from that one fact. It's not that I don't believe in Black politics, or racialized politics per se, it just that I don't believe the formal operations of power in this country are concerned about Black people on either side of the aisle. "The liberal class" just co-opts the Black freedom struggle as if it directly aligns with their agenda. In this on going gun debate, aren't groups like the Black Panthers evidence that this is not always the case? I'm not a big gun guy, but I'm receptive to the Black men on here who want guns for their own personal protection. Many of the pro gun arguments make sense to me. You make good points also that I agree with. Injecting White racists into this debate is another convo to me and while I readily accept that a good deal of White pro gunners are racist, I don't conversely believe that Whites who support gun control are somehow anti-racist.
Its the same group of people who swear 90% of Americans want background checks. I dont remember being polled do u?
No I wasn't polled either. This rabid obsession the media has with the nra is getting a little out of hand imo. Now please imagine if he were brown or black
Connect the dots. I think it's called 'common sense'. Why would a criminal want MORE restrictions for gun ownership??:smt031 One of these brothers was on an FBI watchlist. Remember that when you're screaming 'live free or die !!' out the window opposing background checks. I wish the Crips and Gangster Disciples would send their representatives to the next NRA meeting and cheer their asses off whenever LaPierre opens his mouth spouting that nonsense.:smt043 When Al Qaeda supports U.S. gun policies, we might need to reconsider how firearms are sold in the country.:smt101 [youtube]EpRQzTP8H1o[/youtube]
THe NRA is one of most powerful lobbying groups on Capitol Hill. When the Assault Weapons Ban was signed into law under Clinton and allowed to lapse under Dubya Bush, it was the NRA, who rates all congressman on how pro-gun rights they are, that blocked this bill from being re-authorized. The NRA is the organization that threatened to primary challenge ANY Senator who voted in favor of the weak ass background check bill a couple weeks ago. The NRA is the sole reason the bill didn't pass. No one in the media is making the NRA into a bogeyman. They are the public policy wing of the gun manufacturing industry and can literally make or break a politician in most red states. People really need to pay attention more to what's happening in D.C. and how powerful special interests are running the federal government and wholly own the legislative branch of our government.
Common sense? More like mind reading. I've never heard anything from a criminal indicating they give a shit one way or the other about gun laws. John Stossel did a special report on gun control some years back. He askeasked some convicts in the pen if they were concerned with gun control. They all started laughing.
I strongly disagree. I'm not even a member and I'm tired of every teleprompter reading shill mentioning them. Motherfuckas act like Wayne Lapierre shot up Sandy Hook. If I'm going to get mad at a lobbying group it's going to be the pharma lobby or the economy wrecking banking lobby. The media working overtime to demonize not only the nra bit gun owners as well. If the gun control advocates are really serious then maybe they could direct some of their vitriol towards the million + gangmembers in the U.S. You know, the people actually DOING MOST OF THE SHOOTING. With handguns no less.
Motherfucka PREACH!!!! Like I keep saying gun control advocates could give a fuck less about the public good theyre more obsessed with the illusion of safety. Where the fuck were these people when they were signing the Monsanto act? Too busy to speak out against citizens united? Yet they are wearing their hearts on their sleeves about guns. Just your garden variety cowards.