That reminds me of the KATRINA coverage, these articles specifically. This is the reason there isnt more outrage, people probably didn't consider it "looting"
the youtube comments reflect some of the same sentiments some are saying that the katrina looting was plastered everywhere, while the boston looting is more low-key, less front page
@ your "HaHa!"?? Really, BB? Old and proven as 'BS' YT news. Once again, you're perpetuating a LIE about the people that day. Got to love your yet ANOTHER "White people" header (ps, so the BP taking jacket in it are White? ) But really, who are you - the new Rasta? Do you even know what looting is? Clearly not. What your cut-off footage doesn't show which has been shown, is that the BOXES OF JACKETS were brought there by a man and put down for people to help themselves when the tent was abandoned. Most had no clue a bomb went off. Get a clue about MAJOR sporting Events. I see this scenario often when people are offered dibs on left-over 'freebies' - anything from towels, hats, food, blankets, posters, bobbleheads, souvenirs, et al. TRUST ME ON THIS. For goodness sake, one guy casually picks up one and puts it down and GOES OVER to a different BOX for his size. In fact, some, once upon learning of the bombing, gave their jackets to stuck runners and/or hurt victims. Looting my butt. But keep up your BS attempts to disparage on here, Kid.
dont get me wrong tho if u google 'boston looting,' u will see several sites covering the issue, along with people selling what they stole on e-bay it's just not 'front page' on yahoo think about the people that were potentially robbed when others 'went to treat them' it would be so easy and opportunistic to grab a wallet, or take a purse in all the chaos
Because, just like this forum, it's only OK when whites do it. It's never OK when your skin is darker than pale. End of Story.
Well as far as this country is concerned you have a point. Like I said lets see how many white men of ethnic origin are gonna be unlawfully detained or targeted.
u know it's true i've never seen such a lack of empathy either ur uneducated, willfully ignorant, or u get off on being the forum shock jock
You'll have to contact me on gmail if you want me to elaborate. Ultimately, if someone disagrees they don't tell me in the forum, and just negative rep me with "bullshit" (all one word). So, if you are curious feel free to ask me there. I am only on this forum for the day since I can't actually delete my account.
Stop these 'white people' headers. It was not OK when rasta did it. Its not OK, when u do it. Its inflammatory. That people loot while people are dying, is disgusting, but your title is fucked up man
It's pent up aggression for being constantly portrayed negatively in the media but when the shoe falls on the other foot, nothing but excuses and passes. This is a perfectly good platform to elaborate and voice your grievance with the forum. I too would like to know. I guess your worried about hurting others feelings.
A few titles in the forum about Black People... HIV in Black America: A Visual Breakdown Mayhem in Chicago with black teen mobs last night 'Opposing Black Guy in the White House' Is 'Good Politics' More Black Men in Jail than in College? Wrong! colin powell versus orielly. blacks only voted for barack because he is black.
The hypocritical aspects have already been elaborated on in this forum by myself, TDK, and plenty of others. I am just in for today. I can't actually delete my account, so I randomly speak my mind and then disappear. I suppose I will be back again in 6 months to a year. Have a good one.
Hmmm, you have a good point. I will have to reread those threads but I don't think anyone found those black people titled threads inflammatory...
Just because some don't find it inflammatory, doesn't mean that All don't find it inflammatory. This thread isn't much different than making a thread called, "Mayhem in Chicago with black teen mobs last night". White people are looting and black teens did create mayhem. But, then again it's inflammatory in this forum when it's about white people, not black. See you in a year.