Thank God for institutions like the ACLU because without them corruption would be far worst than what it is. Try living in a third world country where there is no such thing as an appeal. Its judge jury and executioner shit out there. While I'm not always happy with the results of their work I'm happy there is an entity out there that will make the big boys a little nervous.
shit's obvious in this case...shooting at the cops and all but ur right without watchdogs and people willing to take on literally any case, this country would be a fuck hole at least with the ease of the internet, people are becoming more exposed to their rights and what's out there like the whole gun laws/concealed carry shit you got tons of reliable sights informing you about what you, as a private US citizen, can do if you decide to purchase a firearm and/or get licensed to conceal carry
Damn. Looks like the younger brother may inadvertently killed the other one. I wonder if the cop will release what capacity magazines both suspects had?? Bet a dollar it wasn't a 10 clip job they had to reload.
holy shit are serious Boba? Because terrorists would follow the rules right? Lmao that must have been a joke right.
There's a legal definition of terrorism and I don't know if building an IED and detonating it in a crowd at the Boston Marathon automatically makes one an 'enemy combatant' of the United States. I don't think he forfeits his rights as an American citizen unless they can prove he has an affiliation with a foreign terrorist group. Someone check me on this, but if you don't read a suspect his miranda rights, it's not a 'legal' arrest.
The government has powers when it's an act of terrorism. The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property in order to coerce or intimidate a government or the civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives. During the 1990s, the United States also became more concerned about domestic terrorist activities carried out by U.S. citizens without any foreign involvement. Beginning in 1978, an individual who came to be known as the Unabomber targeted university scientists, airline employees, and other persons he associated with a dehumanized, technology driven society. The suspect killed three people and injured 23 others with package bombs. At the Unabomber's insistence, major newspapers published his 35,000-word manifesto describing his anti-technology philosophy. In April 1996, a suspect, Theodore Kaczynski, was arrested for crimes associated with the Unabomber. After a rather bizarre trial, in 1998, Kaczynski pled guilty in exchange for a sentence of life without the possibility of Parole. However, it was the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995, that galvanized concerns about domestic terrorism. The bombing killed 168 people and injured more than 500 others. The FBI arrested Timothy J. McVeigh and Terry Nichols, who were charged with murder and conspiracy. McVeigh and Nichols were connected to the right-wing militia movement, which opposes the powers held by the federal government and believes in the right of its members to bear arms.
There is so much misinformation out there: 1. The residents of Boston were not facing the penalty of arrest if we left our homes, it was a REQUEST, nobody can order you to stay in your house. 2. The first responders were able to save so many lives because of all the equipment on hand for the marathon AND because many of our hospitals have had mass causality training with the Israelis. Also, the victims went directly into surgery, bypassing the ER. 3. The younger brother will be getting a Federal Public Defender. Opinion this government better do this by the book so that he will be convicted of his crimes. The city is back on its feet. I am going downtown for a painting class and dinner tonight, was out in the city yesterday too. There are still mad cops everywhere, but people are friendly, smiling and thanking our first responders in public, holding bake sales for One Fund and donating to the victims. Finally, it is people like my good friend here that represent the true spirit of both immigrants and America. This is one of my best friends, who is a first responder and a naturalized citizen.
The FBI knew about these guys for years The FBI knew who these guys were, yet they were asking the public to ID two supposedly unidentified men. :smt069
WTF, the two muslim terrorists had guns that they were not suppose to have. I'm hearing that the terrorists who blew the bombs and shot two police and created a war zone had weapons that were not registered. The law in Mass is that to have a gun you have to get a permit from the local and state police. Mass has the most restricted laws in the country, yet the laws did not stop these terrorists from getting weapons. The terrorists won in shutting down the city. People had to stay in their homes. I bet those who legally had guns were assured of protection if those bastatrds entered their homes. I'm joining the National Rifle Association (NRA) today and I will aggressively get as many of my friends to so so as well.
Excellent. I had read this comment a few days ago...I think the analogy applies perfectly to your observation... "Imagine if it were ten terrorists in Boston this week instead of these two doofuses. Or twenty terrorists? Or fifty? How would Boston be faring right now with it's millions of gun-fearing, unarmed, government-trusting citizens? Imagine it's your town and you're told to stay inside unarmed and terrified hoping the killers didn't come bursting through your front door. Would you feel safer with a cell phone and a 911 call or a gun in your hand? Which one would protect your family at a moment's notice?" One thing the comment(er) forgets is that cell phone service was shut off for many. So you could not even call 911 even if they came through your door.
plz do. I hope a slew of negroes join the NRA. lets see how long they hold on to not doing backround checks on private sales and the guns shows. when they start see about 200 black faces at one town hall meeting per city those mofos would put the brakes on that shit
yeah,I can see it now. pookie with his doo rag on at the NRA meetings screaming "no back round checks when I buy my ak47" them mofos would be like "hold the fuck up. its time to amend the fuck out the constitution"
You people are too much. No civilians were killed or injured after the initial attack at the Boston Marathon. You're allowed to OWN a gun in Massachusetts. If the surviving terrorist had burst into a gunowner's home, it would have been a wrap. BTW, let's give a high five to the NRA and pro-gun movement since both suspects bought their guns WITHOUT a background check(if you're on an FBI watch list for possible ties to terrorism, running their names through a database may have redflagged them and prevented their stockpiling of weapons!!). If you're against background checks and therefore believe ANYONE should be able to by a gun at anytime as their 'God given' American right, don't act surprised when events like the one in Boston happened last week. The cost of freedom, as they say.:smt026 Also watch closely as more details come out about this case. I expect to find out both suspects armed themselves with HIGH CAPACITY gun magazines, so they wouldn't have to reload in any exchange with LE.:-| You really think it would have been wise for police to encourage people to go about their daily routine while they were engaged in an active manhunt for two armed and dangerous suspects?? They didn't tell people to stay in their homes because no one owned guns. It was done to protect people. Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you can't get shot, or be confused as a suspect by police tactical officers. Or be killed by an IED. Just because you're required to get a PERMIT to buy a gun doesn't mean it's hard for a law abiding citizen to own one. That's why on terrorist jihadist videos, they explain how and where to buy weapons in the United States. because our laws are so lax globally. The United States will literally arm terrorists with an arsenal of paramilitary weapons to attack this country.smh. Just bring cash and dress appropriately. We all know why these would be terrorists were so well armed, and it's not the fault of Massachusetts' restrictive gun laws. EDIT: Cell phone service was shut off because it was believed the terrorists were DETONATING their IEDs with their cell phones. Land line service(which everyone IMO should still have) was still available.:smt019