^^^ I hear ya POJ ^^^ Me too! Whatever she is, she's also a thief! "allegedly" http://natick.patch.com/articles/arrests-1-600-in-clothes-stolen
Some of yall have serious bloodlust!!:vom: More dead bodies on TV please. And televised executions.:smt108 Murder=deterrence.
Arch, with all due respect, you're not a mother. I said I was conflicted about the picture being published. We ALWAYS forget that the bomber, murderer, rapist, the sicko was once a child in his mother's arms. I feel for her, too, as she has to see her son on display for the world to hate.
because these guys didnt leave the city....I have a hard time believing they were islamic terrorist as defined by society. I dont think they were supported by some group or anything. they fucked up waaaaayyyy too much. no money to leave the country. they didnt blow themselves up with the bomb or whatever. the bomb was not efficient as a radical trained islamist would do it. something aint right
.....Ches, this mothers grief is part of the spoils of war and collateral damage brought on her by her terrorist son.....It comes with the territory of death and mayhem as he begins to answer for his crimes....I am sure you are a loving mother and perhaps the mother of the terrorist was also nurturing and loving,......... but as your children separate from you as individuals , they also carry away from you their judgement...... which may cause them to suffer consequences understandably objectionable in the eyes of an empathetic mother......Undignified death is an ugly business for the victim and sometimes for the perpatrator........but for this perpetrator, despite the best aspirations from his mother, it is the business he chose.........
GTFOH. All those in favor of releasing these death photos are the same ones against imbed reporters and cameramen in live theaters of war. If we're really gonna real be about it, let the U.S. public SEE what happens when Uncle Sam's finest invade another country. The XXXrated version.:smt095
no matter what your child has done......they are still your child. yes, the mother of the criminal is hurt that they did such a terrible thing and they are hurt that other people got hurt but they still will grieve also for their own child because they dont want to lose them either in any fashion. hell, they will not believe their child did it even if the child confessed to a murder with the head of the victim in their hand and the blood of the victim on their shirt and they got em on video doing it. the parents (especially the mother) will scream "not my child..they are good. they couldnt have done it". no parent wants to believe they brought something evil into the world
A really good lawyer would get this kid off. The media has speculated about their motives and called them terrorists. However the brothers themselves never spoke openly about fighting some jihad. We can't make up the rules as we go for American citizens on U.S. soil. If there's no evidence the younger brother had an active affiliation with a foreign terrorist organization, not mirandizng him is going to be a problem. Now I know why some Senators were like 'let's send him to Gitmo,' like immediately!!! Will be interesting to see how this case unfolds.
prettttttttty much either way you know..someone's going to try to make a name for themselves with that there's still protocol to follow, even during times of war. guys weren't just doing whatever and blowing up whatever during the Iraq invasion. they had to practice discipline and restraint and be aware of things like ROE, even if their buddies were being shot. dunno if the kid will get away scott free so to speak..but some shit will rattle definitely
If you blow up a bomb on US soil, you are a terrorist. Not all terrorists are Muslims seeking jihad. Miranda rights or not, he won't see the light of day. Law enforcement is not going to screw this one up. I believe they know exactly what they're doing with this kid.
ACLU is already sniffing around and keeping tabs on the boy http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/...suspects-miranda-rights-19007093#.UXOKGErgVv8 granted he won't 'see the light of day,' people are still looking for big cases to get notoriety and maybe lower the rep of lawyers even farther i mean shit.....look at what happened with Guantanamo Bay you'd think no one would give two flying shits what happened to bonafied jihadists, but look at how much scrutiny they came under