LA Times Editorial Announces: White Men are Terrorists

Discussion in 'In the News' started by blackbull1970, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member,0,2444361.story?track=rss

    There are, in increasingly frightening numbers, cells of angry men in the United States preparing for combat with the U.S. government. They are usually heavily armed, blinded by an intractable hatred, often motivated by religious zeal.

    They're not jihadists. They are white, right-wing Americans, nearly all with an obsessive attachment to guns, who may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been tracking hate groups for 30 years, released its latest report on the growth of these organizations this week. Its findings were, to say the least, alarming. The center divides its subjects into militias, which are mostly groups of weekend warriors who train for combat against imaginary foes; hate groups, which target minorities; and "patriot" groups, whose beef is with the U.S. government. Patriot groups first began surfacing after the massacre of a bizarre sect by federal agents in Waco, Texas, in the early 1990s.

    They showed their teeth in 1995, when a patriot adherent blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City.

    Since then, the patriot movement has been growing at a blistering pace, especially following the election of President Obama in 2008, according to the report. From just 149 groups in 2008, the number jumped to 512 in 2009 and has been rising sharply since. In 2012, it hit 1,360. Now that Obama is seriously pushing for tougher gun laws, further growth is a near certainty. The result? There's no knowing, but some kind of serious attack is increasingly possible.

    Patriot groups are motivated by a host of anti-government attitudes, but their primary focus is guns. They are convinced that the government is out to seize their weapons, even though most legislation is focused on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals or restricting the types of weapons that can be sold. Many are also united by belief in an outlandish one-world government conspiracy theory positing that the United Nations is poised to strip away American property rights and impose socialism on us all.

    What can be done to reverse this tide of belligerent ignorance? Not much. The typical patriot acts within his free-speech and 2nd Amendment rights, and in fact most patriot activity consists of venting steam by meeting with like-minded Neanderthals and firing off blog posts threatening civil war. Yet such blather tends to get under the skin of the Timothy McVeighs of the world. These groups should be closely monitored, with resources adequate to the task, even if it means shifting some homeland security money from the hunt for foreign terrorists.

  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    naw, they are not terrorist they are murderers . if they were terrorist then america would have to wage war against know that will not happen
  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    They are terrorists, but because they are primarily white Americans angry with their own government they are given a pass due to free speech & liberty and all that other good all American jazz, they are classified as criminals when they do any terrorist acts. When it's foreigners or American born people of color doing the same shit then they are deemed terrorists.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  5. Stumper

    Stumper New Member

    Worst thread and article I've seen in a while. Horribly written with juvenile graphs and fact finding.
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    ^^^^ Agreed, Stumper ^^^

    Pass such as? McVie was called a terrorist. Name a white man who committed terror acts against the US. Govt who wasn't called a terrorist. Serious question.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    you are correct ms. bliss...unfortunately he was first called a mass murderer then a terrorist. eric robert rudolf Im not so sure...been so long no comment.

    here you go

    they call it hate crimes....I call it terrorism

    a case for that definition could be refuted by websters definition:

    the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

    websters Concise Encyclopedia says.

    Systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. It has been used throughout history by political organizations of both the left and the right, by nationalist and ethnic groups, and by revolutionaries. Although usually thought of as a means of destabilizing or overthrowing existing political institutions, terror also has been employed by governments against their own people to suppress dissent;


    its all in the eyes of the beholder
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    White guy who flew his plane into an IRS building because he was fed up with the government. I think it was three years ago. Definite terrorist act but he wasnt called that at least not by the media or public at large.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yeah Mc Veigh got called a terrorist, but what about all these same nut jobs that send these contaminated letter to various government officials over the last few years? Just had another one this past week that got overshadow due to the Boston bombing in a lot of media. He nor any other person who has done that shit has been declared a terrorist. Why not? Because no one died? If someone had died then they are a terrorist???
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Incorrect analogy, GL. The HATE CRIME STATUTE covers hate crimes AGAINST White people, too.
    Whites are victims too, you know.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    no shit.....really
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He is a terrorist. But he is also a proud and loud Obama voting Democrat whom the Govt were apparently well aware of. I can only assert that the Media and the Govt are abstaining from calling him one for that reason alone. I'm sure they are very confused by him. (and I'm being serious)

    And so you know, Ted Kaczynski was called a terrorist serial-killer by Federal Prosecutors.
    Frankly, the lazy mailed-in LA Times OPINION piece is a fail. So is BlackBull's all-encompassing header.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What about the dude who sent one to Obama they arent calling him a terrorist either
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    ted wasnt called a terrorist for a long ass time
  15. Mikemare

    Mikemare New Member

    "When it's foreigners or American born people of color doing the same shit then they are deemed terrorists"

    Nidal Hassam killed 13 and wounded 30 at Ft. Hood. The Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies have classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence not an act of terrorism. He wasn't foreign born, but why isn't that an act of terror.
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So let me get this straight. The patriot & militia movements whose activities all pretty much built up & became public knowledge in most quarters during the DEMOCRATIC Clinton Era and activities declined during the REPUBLICAN Bush Era even before 911 and dramatically increased once the DEMOCRATIC Obama Era began, the first president of color at that, and somehow you think the government & the media are both not calling him a terrorist to protect Obama & the fact the dude's a Democrat?? But anyone else especially if they are not an Obama lover, they get the label??
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Hmmm. Let's see. The government may have not wanted to seem as if they were doing stereotype profiling of a Muslim perhaps, since every time any acts of violence that have occurred since 911 the first thing that pops in everyone's head is "I wonder if it's some kind of MUSLIM TERRORIST ATTACK". I can't say that's the reason why but I'm sure that political correctness may have played a part in that decision.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    bliss is trying to say that BB thread title is targeting wm when it should be all inclusive. the article itself never mentioned race as of in itself . however, most hate groups are made up of wp. yes, nation of islam and the black panthers are listed in SPLC but most GOPers ignore that fact
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I had a debate with a GOP friend of mine about the SPLC ...his point was that SPLC info is slanted because they are libs...I pointed out that Black panthers and the NOI was on the list and he responded no it wasnt and I showed it to him and he was shocked. he listened too much to talk radio.
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Nation of Islam & the Black Panthers have always been looked upon & labeled as terrorists groups for the most part, even though they have not done anything near what groups like the KKK or Aryan Nations or even various racist bike clubs have done and none of those groups are labeled or looked upon as terrorists groups.

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