Mass on edge - gunfire and more explosions

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Touche, lol!
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Like I said dudes on my facebook saying people shouldn't be profiled based on how they look. I busted out laughing like word? Welcome to the America every person of color has lived in since birth homie. Absolutely hilarious
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I wonder how many black people ran towards the explosions? :smt043
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i was going to type a long, convoluted response..





    i'll let u read between the lines

    then again..i'll just add that not all terrorist attacks against the US/Americans, happen on our soil

    shit's pretty lively abroad as we speak
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    At the Boston marathon? What black people? Wrong sporting event, you better wait for a Patriots game to ask that question homie.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    is it terrorism or rebellion I think we seem to forget the difference.
  7. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Would be the same answer

  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    shit's crazy

    that's some bullshit fam

    i seen a brotha helpin out...he was a cop..and that was his job...but so wat


    damn y'all cold blooded
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Don't go in the IMAGES that make you stop and Think" thread. Lot's of death pics.

    BTW, it was a collective America who demanded to see the coffined bodies of returning Vets that were kept from view.
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    :smt042 :smt030
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    it's terrorism

    we are fighting terrorists

    highly trained, motivated, dont give a shit, kill their own people terrorists

    therefore...The Global War on Terrorism

    stay after class if you want more
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    he wasnt being fired that day

    it's a got-damn recession
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Fixed, lol.

    No wait :smt017...mostly Whites go to them, too.

    Ok, after a Patriots SB win! :p
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    fuck the bullshit

    blow up a chicken joint and see what happens
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    lmao touche but at least you'll catch black people there other than the athletes
  17. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    ......Oh come-on Chessy, please stop with bleeding heart piece......these terrorist boys had a privileged life....and yet still they chose to perpetrate terrible evil and trepidation on the people of Boston....They were both grown men with a clear understanding of write and wrong....You almost have to personalize it.....To hell with that corpse on the slab,------FEEL for the little boy and girl whose lives were cut down......Ches your heart of sympathy cannot go out to damn devils who can sit down to create bombs of metal shrapnel that can rip unsuspecting people apart......Listen to your Sister Bliss : "In this life, what you reap you sow".........
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    53 pics of Osama's corpse are still classified as of Feb, 2013. FOIA requests repeatably denied due to National Security concerns. Obama said the ramifications would likely lead to the deaths of Americans.
    It's being judicially appealed.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that's funny...i thought bombing strongholds in Afghanistan was already leading to the death of americans

    fucking politicians
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well to be fair, he did say "additional". No sense in racking up the numbers if he can help it.

    But hey, he gave us a consolation pic. :eek:


    Bet he misses his X-Box here.

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