not ONE gun was involved tragic no less and yes..if people want to kill, they'll kill this will either be linked to terrorism (which it looks like, since everything is well coordinated with other potential bombs still around) or this is some nutjob getting his rocks off boba may be right after all..but iran.... i dunno that's a stretch
multiple yahoo reporters are tweeting/correcting each other on that link i sent you it's like being in the middle of a busy news room
That shit is regular in NY. Anytime someone leaves an unattended bag for more than five minutes you have either mta police or NYPD telling people to stay clear. This whole thibg doesnt seem like a terrorist attack. No shrapnel in the bombs for maxium kills and in a crowd of 27k only three died? The get ten times the kills in a mosque with 100 people. If they are terrorist it seems more likely to be home grown unless this was just a distraction
i watched some video on TV and a lone runner did go down right after the explosion could be from shrapnel, nerves or concussive force...but since no one else went down, im attributing it to shrapnel unless otherwise informed he wasnt getting back up either....
Checking in was nowhere near the city. At the Cape,,,in service sketchy, news said that in the city they cut off service in fear of remote detonation. There was another explosion at the JFK library, which is near my neck of the wood they are not sure if the two are related.
Hmmm, another notch to April. Why so many high profile killings in April. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Oklahoma City bombing, Waco Seige, Columbine killings, Virginia Tech slaughter, and now the Boston Marathon bombing. What will be next?
ah that explains why people are posting they have no cell service duh honestly didnt think of that, but you know there are people getting paid good money to do so if cell service was left on, who knows how many more could have went off
It's fantastic because it's live. Never seen this done this way before with major reporters. A great link! (shit I even hear intermittent keyboard clicks!) **** Well all cell phone service has been SHUT DOWN in Boston. Airport flights grounded. Cell phone service? Really? Are they being detonated this way? Must be because that's bizarre.
The Boston Globe@BostonGlobe RT @GlobeGideon: Some of 64 injured in Boston #Marathon blasts have had limbs amputated, hospitals report. #Marathonbdc omg... that's sad now u got 2 killed and people getting life altering amputations.... not from a warzone..but from watching a marathon
If there were shrapnel in a crowd of 27k there would be far more dead and injured no? This is some tragic shit but cant say Im surprised. NY has been bracing for more shit since 9/11. Just sad as fuck
depends on where it hits also depending on the actual composition of the bomb, you can have more maimings than actual deaths you can load them up with anything from metal ball bearings to sharp objects, to be dispersed after the explosion sometimes people go with whatever is available to them, so when designing a homemade bomb you have to improvise ie IED ALSO size is an issue..and theyre saying 100+ were in fact wounded ud have an easier time penetrating with something that's small an nonchalant
True but a targeted attack like this usually goes for max kill and 2 dead and only 50 injured sounds like incredibly low yield for a target zone of 27k. They get more kills with car bombs in markets in the middle east. I could be wrong and it was meant more kills but somethi went wrong on the terrorist end. All I know is one thing we as a country can not go back to the days of yellow and orange threat level alerts while they try to pry more civil liberties from us. That shit is coming please believe it.
+1 i kinda knew it would happen...but...when the report came in that people were getting amputations at the local hospital, my heart tugged that's serious business and I know people that been through amputations death isnt always the worst thing that can happen to people
100+ injured from what i'm looking at, with 2 already dead and amputations underway you have to remember that getting hit by hot metal doesnt always equal death you have to take into account arteries hit, size of the debris, etc mind you the event had tight security so a car bomb wasnt going to happen so, you're dealing with something small, mobile with less yield but still can do damage
They've detained a Saudi National. And the JFK Library bombing means this may be an ongoing co-ordination. Well I'm not gonna put my tin foil-hat on yet...but hello U.S drones.#didSomeoneSayDistaction?
Good point. This is gonna put cities on major edge for awhile. I just hope we can keep coop heads and not overreact. I really doubt its a terrorist attack it seems to poorly planned for that but like I said I could be wrong.