The IRS reads your email

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Loki, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks fellas its greatly appreciated
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Really hoping people catch before they are left with nothing
  3. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    My dear,

    I'm one of those iPad owning GMO eating (sometimes) people and even I look more with sideways glances at our government as a whole. I had it shoved down my throat just as much as the next born and breed pure blood urrmmeerriicaaan.
    And I have a friend on Facebook who is a believer in anarchy and we would have these post discussions where he'd be all, "blah, blah, blah" and I'd be all, "blah, blah, blah" back.

    But let me tell you something.

    He dropped the bug in my ear and then I started seeing repeating patterns. And I know that even though he's a crazy conspiracy theory follower that there's truth to what he says.
    Stuff I would have automatically dismissed 2 years ago as "you are nuts, dude."

    Keep dropping the Bugs TDK...
    It's out there, it's going on and eventually people will CARE and respond. As a mass sea of people.

    Signed lovingly,
    And iPad owning GMO eating (sometimes) citizen
  4. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    My thought, as I read through this, (and you sort of touched on it) was - isn't this what the Occupy (wherever) tried to do? We had a small camp set up for weeks here in Lancaster. What did they accomplish? I don't mean just here but nationwide? As I understood it, the whole point was to let the government know, in a non-violent way, that they were unhappy. In the end, imo, these groups just became something we gawked at as we walked by and shook our heads at. Radicals who accomplished nothing. They say there is strength in numbers (and much of the time that is true), but did the Occupy movement accomplish anything?

    I feel like fighting anything like this is a losing battle because this country is run by the powers that be the way THEY want to run the country; doesn't matter what John Q Public thinks or wants, even though we voted them into the positions they hold.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And thats the attitude thats going to keep us under the boot of those who would oppress us. First I wouldnt say it didnt accomplish anything occupy wall st was a first step it was an airing of greivances. I think they made no sense especially since there wasnt a clear central message. A lot of passion very little brains unfortunately. Protest is for governmemt and boycotts are for corporations. Like I said occupy the capitol building in your areas or the court houses. Demand freedom from those youve elected and become eradict in your decision for who you vote for. If you really believe no matter who you put in there they wont work for you then start shaking that shit up. Let them share in the instability they have created. Why should their jobs be anymore secure than ours especially with so many broken promises and poor results. And I cant stress this enough you vote with your dollars. Start buying from your local stores again extract money from the corporations and invest in your local businesses that invest in your area and if you are going to buy corporate goods at least support those who support American workers. So that means STOP BUYING USSLESS TECHNOLOGY LIKE IPADS APPLE RARELY HIRES AMERICANS ANYMORE. Shit at this point I would rather see McDonalds make billions than most corporations because at the very least most of the people working there live in this country and add to our tax base. Be willing to think be willing to connect with your neighbors and be willing to sacrifice. Stop clinging so desperately to comfort because its fastly erroding but if you want freedom amd opportunity for your son and hopefully his children the fight starts now. Make the small changes so that when the big changes come youll be prepared. Show the powers that be that you matter and you have a voice worth hearing. Our time on this earth grows ever shorter but with that time its better to stand for something rather than lying down waiting to be trampled into non existence.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2013
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well TDK I must say, I have noticed a change in your political ideology and it's most impressive.
    The Centrist(?) vision (with a pinch of left of/right of) suits you very well! Riveting posts! :smt023
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My ideology has always been the same you just see where we agree lately :smt023
    But in all seriousness I've always believed in the power of the people just hope more believe it and stop with the divisionist materialistic individualism nonsense. Until we truly see we're in this together nothing will change. One man shouting in the wind is but a whisper. A million whispers rising up creates a storm.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You know to add to your last line, North Korea is talking serious smack the last 2 days...and my visceral reaction to it is if they fuck with and go to war with us, watch how all the petty divisiveness that exist amongst us suddenly pales and evaporates, and we all become ONE America. Not even like 9/11 saw -
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah I've thought the same thing. The only positive if they strike first is it will unify the country. Every war we've had some how unifies the masses and that's what we desperately need right now.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Not only that, but China is their ally. And as such China will be dead to us if war happens. Deuces Walmart! How amazing if America became self-sufficient, self-producing, self-reliant. Keep most all of the dollars here to circulate, most all of the jobs here to produce for us as a nation. So good to just cut off the dragon's head. I know, I'm thinking delusional...but I can dream for a bit.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    lmao you sure are dreaming because you better believe all that ally shit will be out the window if it goes down. They'll build a stronger relationship with Russia first and create an economic pact similar to the Eurozone. But China's big leg to stand on is cheap labor that makes them an economic power house. Too many economic interests would let the whole world burn down before they let that money go.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Out the window? Doubt it.

    A special man shared this video with me tonight -

    "..could possibly be North Korea, China, Russia against the US, South Korea, Japan"...

  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ahh....the same lineups we had in the Korean war

    oh wait.....the Korean war never ended
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Anything is possible but its not likely. China is going through its own economic instability and is facing a housing bubble they simply don't have the resources to fight over some shit that North Korea started. North Korea is starting the aggression out of nowhere and its hard to justify military action when you're starting shit. China has a far better relationship with the US. We buy the lions share of all their cheap shit, we educate their kids at our best institution, and we provide all the entertainment they rip off what the hell do they get from North Korea?

    And don't underestimate how scared the world of the US going balls out and using our real force. There's a reason why spend more on military defense than the next 13 countries combined which most are allies. We'll take some hits but there will be whole areas that will no longer exist after this shit is over. This is the essence of the no win scenario for NK if it really goes down.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    as a side note, if the Korean War went live..where in the hell would our government get the people to fight it

    we'd probably have to outsource that too

    didn't we do that with the PMCs
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    With a dwindling economy and high unemployment for the youth in this country you'd see our numbers in military nearly triple over night not to mention if they hit us first shiiiiiittttt. I'd even join over shit like that.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    too bad our military is directly related to our economy

    hope you like serving without pay :partyman:
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    then we will go back to the loot and plunder days where we just take shit from countries we conquer
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    ^ Draft? And that includes women this time around.

    The 'reasons' you provide for China 'not assisting NK' will go by the wayside. Russia will see to that. Besides if they have a treaty which is highly likely, then America is SOL. Like it or not, CHINA is the ally of NK and not the USA. The economic affair we have with them is separate - these are military promises between them. (Think Israel and the U.S) One only hopes China sends their reps to slap this child some sense because this could lead to WW3 if cooler heads don't prevail.
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    North Korea is selling wolf tickets, once they start sending submarines to the strait of hormuz, you can brace yourselves for war.

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