LOL. First, you can check over on this site and see if you're even interested. If thereby motivated I can impart a world view that will enable you to stand head and shoulders above the average tourist on the make. It won't help you much with superficial, puerile, idiot girls. A long line of credit on your visa card is probably all you need for them. But if you'd like to catch the interest of someone with a bit more depth, who knows who she is in the world, I can help you get her undivided interest. I can even help you see how interesting she is. -- Auntie Linda
I had asked about the music in those areas. If I ever get the chance to go, I wanted to know what live folk music is like over there.
I answered you on the other thread. It sounds like Greek music. My grandfather played the tambritza, a small mandolin, played the same way as the Greek's play it.
An Epic Romance Spanning the Centuries Yes, it's huge, the backstory to this relationship, two people from two different corners of the world -- two subcultures which occupy the same niche in their respective worlds during the same time frame. Almost everything is the same except the color -- that's in reverse: and the one other thing that's different she finds astonishing. :smt054 This is a white woman who will understand and appreciate who you are in the world beyond anything you've ever imagined, beyond anything you could ordinarily comprehend. . . . . . Geez, I can talk some shit. Who'd I get that from?
LOL. Why am I doing this? You guys aren't interested in anybody's mind. Not yet. In the end that's all there is, and that's when it gets really good. Okay. These are Meditteranean women, so every corny Al Pacino, Zorba the Greek sexual platitude you've ever heard about the way to a woman is through her soul fully applies. I think whoever put up those pix was partial to blondes. There are some there, but the Greek girl in the thread next door was more typically Serb. Anyway, it's a very hungry soul, neglected, ravenous. The world's neglected it. (That's why people like her are stereotyped as oversexed.) If you want the long answer as to why she's neglected, you have to go back to 1389. If you want the short answer, you still have to go back to 1389, when she was kidnapped to another continent, where she lived in bondage for 500 years, and began getting darker, in the usual way. Once, a Serb became Sultan.* As a boy, he was stolen from his village by Muslim soldiers. Every year they would visit each Serb village in their Empire and steal the best and brightest eight year old boys. The mothers, wailing and keening, would follow the wagon, in this case, as far as the ferry, where they were left behind. We Serbs lived at the bottom of a very fluid caste system. Anyone could pass, at any time, who submitted to conversion, and this particular captive-child-convert was so brilliant he rose to the sultancy. He ordered a bridge to be built at the exact spot where he last saw his mother. He set aside an ample budget to pay the Serb workmen hauling that granite, but why, his administrators reasoned, pay chattel? Those Serbs never saw any of it. The Sultan's own kin, without his knowledge, were forced to work years on that bridge -- unbeknownst to them a monument to one of them -- for no consideration at all -- no room, no board, nothing, while their families went hungry. One man organized sabotage. The saboteurs were cornered, but he saw to it that the others escaped. He was not lynched, that would have been too humane. He was impaled. A strong man, he would have agonized for days, but at dusk, another Serb shot him with an arrow. That night, every Serb woman lit a candle on the family shrine and he achieved the only fame a Serb, who remained a Serb, could attain. And the astonishing thing is, nearly all remained Serb. Over the centuries a few sold out and became known as Bosnians, others sold out and joined the Croats, but by and large, Serbs remained Serbs. A US university did a survey of nations to find out who the most confident people in the world were. The Serbs won! Except the headlines in Serbia were not "Serbs are the most confident people in the world." Their headlines said, "Serbs are the bravest people in the world." Confidence is a very different word than the word 'courage.' You have confidence when you know you've got it licked. You have courage when you know that you might not have a prayer in hell, but you're going anyway. Serbs don't have a word for 'confidence.' We just have the word 'courage,' and now you know the etymology of that term, outlined in the story above. And that, my dear, is the Serbian soul. You can only make love to it with all of yours. Anything less is obscene. ______ * From the historical novel, The Bridge on the Drina, Ivo Andric, The University of Chicago Press, Nobel Prize for Literature, 1961. The book is acknowledged as being carefully researched for historical accuracy.
The Serbian dictator used that excuse in 1989 during the 600th anniversary for the conflict two years later. The women from that region are attractive.
Yes, he hit that nerve. Every year for hundreds of years, on the anniversary of that defeat on the Kosovo plain, the body of the defeated general, which had naturally mummified, would be carried through the street in a procession and the women would cry and keen as if nothing had changed, because nothing had. Milosevic knew exactly how to hit that nerve. He stood in that location and addressed a crowd and told them "never again." The colonization of Serbia ended exactly 600 years after it began. A letter from 'nuff. But there have been a lot of them. . .
Milosevic was an opportunist and a villain. I did not know there were more like him after the end of Nikolai Ceausescu and his wife. But as the saying goes, "Absolute power corrupts and power corrupts absolutely."
Thank you, Av8rdrew, I don't care what they say about us line-crossing white women, we can be perfectly profound if we've a mind to be. Some kind of internet glitch was going on and I was getting a message that my IP was banned when I tried to log in. I was BANNED. LOL I kept laughing, I've been BANNED! What do they take me for, Mandella? And don't forget "A Tree Grows in Boston." Nobody read it till they banned it in Boston. Damn, I thought I was on my way, LOL. But no such luck, it was just a glitch. Anyway, I've learned some amazing, amazing stuff in the past few weeks. A new friend turned me onto a site, The author is a Jewish guy in NY, who, when about five in 1949, was playing Zorro with his cape and a pair of pointy Serbian shoes and his dad asked him what he's doing and he says 'some magic to help people' and his dad says 'Right you are, those shoes are from the people who stopped Hitler.' It's true, Serbia won WWII. Have I told that story? A grassroots uprising kicked the token Nazi force and puppets out of Belgrade. The smallest, crummiest country in Europe, or kind of sorta in Europe stood up to the greatest army on earth. Hitler threw an absolute hissy fit and insisted that his Army be diverted for a month to raze Belgrade, which they did, even though his generals insisted that would put them dangerously behind in their expedition to Moscow. They were right. They were exactly one month from Moscow when subzero winter caught them in the field. That was the turning point when Hitler lost the war. Plus no country in Europe hid more Jews than Serbia, while the Serbs in Croatia (loads of my own kin) were being exterminated at a higher per capita rate than Jews. So the guy with the site grows up, goes to Harvard, joins the SDS, drops out, drifts along for years till the Balkan Wars start up and he's amazed to hear headlines proclaiming Serbians to be the new fascists. He's confused. How can the people who stopped Hitler become Hitler? Then somebody's wife following the news stories notices something. The famous picture of starving Bosnians in a concentration camp has something wrong. The barbed wire is on the INSIDE of the fence, not the outside. You know, where you could pull the nails out. So somebody goes to the location and investigates. Those men were at a REFUGEE CENTER in Serbia, being helped. They were standing OUTSIDE the barbed wire. Let me set up an imaginary scenario for you. Let's say America was more like South Africa in that Black Americans are a dispossessed majority. America loses the Cold War. Communists take over and they like the Black people best, since they have the best intuitive grasp of the proletariat thing. The country gets sliced up into sections. The biggest chunk is mainly black, though they're real tolerant of anybody else who's there. Then there's several other chunks, the white zone, and a Latino zone, where blacks are a minority. But the Commies make everybody make nice and get along. Naturally, the majority of the people in the military are black, the largest military bases are in the black zone. The white zone folks are real nervous about that, worsened by the fact that they've got a long history of bullshit demonizing and denigrating the black zone people. Behind their backs they refer to them as animals. And don't let me forget the part about the Civil War. It was WAY different than the real one we had here where the mass graves were full of white men who killed each other in an argument over whether or not they should be nicer to black people. In this imaginary scenario the mass graves are full of MILLIONS of black people, men, women, children, who'd been exterminated by white people in two successive generations. The white fascists who did all that were never taken to task, the Commies prohibited anyone from even TALKING about what happened, and buried all the mass graves under concrete. The old Nazis were in hiding, scheming away at how they were going to eliminate ALL black people from their quadrant and make it look like it was all those nasty black zone people's fault. They're got their ducks in a row. The Commies are falling apart. Those nasty black zone people are losing that support. The white zone people proclaim their identity and start using their old Dixie flag, I mean Nazi flag, I mean Ustashe Croatian flag, and fill the air waves with lots of sound bytes that wouldn't mean a thing to the rest of the world, but the black zone people know exactly what they're referring to, and it's not good. It's time for another maniacal bloodbath on them and theirs. I used to think people were being paranoid talking about old fat cats sitting in back rooms plotting to control the world, but no more. Those old Nazis have scoped out some more stuff. They're sure, if things can just come to blows, there will be some real whacked out homicidal nutcases in the black zone. You can't kill a million people every generation, two in a row, without somebody somewhere going off the deep end. If they can just provoke some action, somebody's bound to take the bait. So there you go with Radic. The fat cats just quietly feed all that info to the world. Hell, these are the same guys who would have their underlings ship them coolers full of black zone people's eyeballs for fun back in the good ol' war days. It would be nothing for them to stage a few covert operations where they put on some blackface and go massacre a bunch of folks in the Mexican zone themselves. So much the better. It would be so easy to do, and hard to detect. And maybe they don't even have to do it. Maybe there are just more than enough black zone people whipped into such a frenzy by the past century's events they just do all that nasty vengeful violence themselves. Next thing you know the whole world is hating on that black zone Majority as nasty supremacists picking on those poor brown people. Then the white zone fat cats can force a Trail of Tears of all minority blacks out of their quadrant even though it's land that's belonged to those blacks for hundreds of years, and the rest of the (duped) world will totally sympathize. But I should say one thing to mitigate this analogy, something I just found out. I'm of course, equating white racists to Croatian anti-serb fascists. Just to put things in perspective on why it's all so complex over there -- in what were our Balkan colonial times, Austrian aristocrats were known to use naked Croatians as prey in a hunt, instead of foxes, just for fun. Like all bigots, Croatian bigots are just pretending to be superior. They're just hating a part of themselves, and that's what makes them so dangerous. And that's just SOME of what I've learned in the past few weeks. Later.
Tito who?? (no disrespect Karris, but Soul's magnificent one liners hook me in, I can't resist them) Soul...Tito, as in Jackson? ps: Karris, if it's any consolation, you'd have our darling Tony rousing Colin in a heartbeat. ;-)