"You women are c*nts! Yeah I said it, C*NTS!" - TDK on women who love bad boys, but also sleep with men whom they classify only as 'nice guys' (in a thread on the same topic). Pretty clear there. :-? Haha. It's fun Friday. Enjoy yours! Peace. :smt061
what kind of douchebag would call women cunts, knowing damn well that if they called bm niggas, he'd scream bloody murder and hold fucking meetings and rallies n' shit
not really..you need to add about 10 more inches to this biceps and like 20 to those pecs oh...wait..........i see what you did there :smt021
Uh, YOU made a VIDEO of it on YT! Posted here. EVERYONE Saw it SMH. You go through your 25,000 posts boo, not me.
Yup. He knows damn well what he said on his YT vid. Proudly posted it here too. GUILTY as hellll! :smt045
If we are talking about the same video I called dudes who were nice guys CHUMPS. Maybe I have an accent to you but I most certainly didnt call anyone a cunt. You seriously just hear what you want to sometimes. Want to know how you can tell Im not lying? I cop to everything Ive said or done. My entire reputation on this forum is based on mey unapologetic rudeness. Like I said beforeif I were calling anyone a cunt they most certainly know it and I wouldnt make it broad there would be specific names since I dont have abad relationship with every woman on here