Who would have ever thought mental illness affects behavior?? Naw really?? I thought the AR 15 did it.
Having the AR15 in the HOME made the scale of the tragedy exponentially worse. People with GUNS, especially with a weapon that shoots with the range and velocity of an AR15, are part of the problem. It's not really that different than the restriction we put on max speeds for automobiles. There's a reason why the government doesn't allow Ford and GM to mass manufacture cars for domestic consumption that can go 200mph. Because the risk for having a devastating car accident goes up when people are driving the roads in cars with that kind of horsepower. You don't need to have a clinically diagnosed mental illness to pull a gun on someone that isn't preceded by a need to defend one's self. Just ask yourself, would you go to a club or bar where 95% of the men are packing?? No you wouldn't because you know that situation is inherently dangerous. All firearms aren't created equal. Having a firearm around is not a good idea for anyone who's quick to anger or temperamental.
I don't know why you directed this at me when beastly was the one who addressed you but I'll bite. You're argument with cars is nullified with car argument by the fact we have cars on the road that not only exceed the speed limit by damn near 100 mph on the average but there are cars like ferraris and lambos that do 200 mph. If the speed limit is 55 mph when on earth do we need cars that 140 mph. Car accidents cause FAR MORE deaths than those by guns period and even less by legal gun owners. Btw the same result could have happened with a semiauto glock with a 15 bullet capacity for each clip. You people act like the gun was fully automatic regardless of size or caliber the end result would have been the same. Point and squeeze point and squeeze. I've read so many reports of the pass where people who didn't have guns use to find a lot of ways to mass murder people. The guns aren't the issue the people are fam. Sorry
Guns are designed for the purpose of killing people. They make it easy to do so. It's not anything like using a knife, hammer or baseball bat to kill some. And I was just responding to the last post, not you specifically.:smt083
I dont see your point. People will find other ways at least allow me to defend myself. And if more people were getting killed I'd agree but for the small amounft of people compared to how many guns we have its not the guns. Having guns wont make you instinctively murder anyone being a murderer will
We're back to the point where the devil is a black man and jesus is a blonde hippy. Welcome to the post-race world!
It's funny, they're so fast to make the devil a black or a jew, but you know it will take a good century or 4 to acknowledge a black jesus But I guess it's all good since Morgan Freeman played god in Evan All Mighty :roll:
The Hair ain't even right on that Jesus. I mean, if you're going to claim a Black Jesus, go all out. (not you, the drawing artist).