Hot Topic: Death Penalty-What Are Your Views?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FRESH, Mar 7, 2013.


Do you agree with the Death Penalty?

  1. Yes, I agree with it.

    6 vote(s)
  2. No, I do not agree with it.

    11 vote(s)
  3. Undecided

    0 vote(s)
  1. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    I'm with the death penalty. Here's my reason why:

    Yes I agree that an innocent man should live but when it comes to punishing,
    it's the repeating offender who has a cold sad heart and is guilty of anything and everything they do from animal abuse to sexual assaults to 3rd degree murders that deserve a death sentence.

    And this is from MY perspective and MY opinion, and if you wish to object, that's ok.
  2. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I respect that.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    When it's unequivocal, undeniable and without a shred of doubt, then yes, I am fine with State sponsored death penalties.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is that even possible?
  5. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I think a lot of people talk from a position of logic. If it were your mother, father, sibling or spouse, I think people would be sitting courtside yelling burn mutha ____, burn!
  6. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Its not. My thing has always been that my brother was very much against violence and would not want his death to be an excuse for continued or state sponsored violence. When the state takes a life it is on all of us.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I'm very against capital punishment.
    2 wrongs never, ever, ever make a right.

    But my question is:
    Why are we still testing shit on animals when we have people in prison who destroy whole lives by killing, raping and/or sexually molesting and violating minors?

    I'm sorry. I fail to see how one can utterly destroy a persons life, and everyone connected to that person, premeditated nonetheless and spend state sponsored time housed, fed and generally held unaccountable to those they are basically stealing from.

    If you are convicted of a violent life destroying crime..
    Then you don't get to be housed and fed at no cost to you while the victim and the people connected to the victim are forced to rebuild their lives and continue to find a way to survive.

    Fuck. All. That. Noise.

    You make those motherfuckers work their ASS off.
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Its wrong to toast them in the electric chair for a brief moment, but it is ok to inject them with drugs, viruses and spray them with chemicals as human lab specimens. :rolleyes:
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    YES. It's perfectly ok. They forfeit that right. That should be a part of their sentence, I think it would actually deter them from their despicable crimes more than the DP...knowing they'd be prodded and pricked and tortured and treated worse than death.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Sure it is. Those that genuinely confess; those caught on film/camera; multiple witnesses who are present for the murder/s, etc.
  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Oh, beasty..

    I do have you on ignore. However, as do most unhumoured and dull humans..
    You fail to follow the general jest in the post which is why I followed it up with the bit about making them work.

    Of course, your PIC was right behind your ass seeing if y'all's shit smelled the same.

    It must of...judging from her response.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It doesn't deter anything because people live moment to moment they rarely think of consequence and no one ever believes they can get caught. American exceptionalism at its best lol

    Eye witness testimony is rarely ever reliable and neither are cameras in my opinion. Confessions can be coerced, the tactics they use are sometimes borderline torture and a lot of people confess just to stop the pain or believe they can later take it back. Honestly I feel like I live in a world where nothing is reliable anymore. Its all so heavily corrupted and unjust it seems nearly impossible for their to be any fairness in the system. Why are you more likely to actually get the death penalty for killing someone white, why are you more likely to get arrested and be convicted if your black. "Justice" is too unevenly dispensed for us to take the death penalty lightly.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I thought I was specific. Multiple eyewitness present to the actual crime. (ie: not just seeing a guy fleeing in a black jacket, etc)

    Confessions that are actually genuine - as in non-coerced. (I typed that and actually changed it figuring u would understand the 'genuine' part.)

    FYI: The incarceration rate is down for Black males, and up for Whites. The same for Black females vs White.

    30% down for BW, 47% up for WW

    When you say 'how come you more likely to actually get the death penalty for killing someone white', your response rather should be why DONT you actually get the death penalty for killing someone Black. Don't sympathize with the killer, rather the victim should receive it. A Black person's life is as valuable as a White's and should merit the same penalty.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well that is my intention when I say that. You could easily use the inverse "why do we hold white life so precious above all others"
    I'm surprised by those numbers thanks for sharing. Where I work the demographic hasn't changed in the two years I've been here so I wonder if its in parts of the country where economic hardship is more prevalent like in parts of California, Michigan, and Florida. I also wonder what crimes they are being convicted of and I also wonder if the numbers have been adjusted because they released a lot of prisoners that were already there for a lesser crimes over the last couple of years which could account for the sharp drop. Very interesting non the less. Thanks for sharing.

    Btw I understood what you meant by genuine but how can we tell the difference between genuine and coerced unless we're all in the room when the perp makes the confession. The shit I've heard about in the legal system makes you cringe, you know many how many people have their kids threatened by cops "if you don't come clean I'll make sure your kids end up in foster care and who knows if they end up with a bad family or a good family". For a lot of cops and prosecutors its all about numbers. The numbers justify employment and career advancement so for a lot of them a murder or rape conviction isn't about justice its about a win so they can justify moving up that ladder to a sweeter pension. Not saying it happens in all cases but it does give incentive to unfairly process someone especially those who are poor and can't afford to fight back.

    As for multiple eyewitnesses the reason I say its problematic is because to a lot of non blacks all blacks look alike. You are attracted to black men and normally date them so over years you have paid attention to the slight differences in facial features and skin tone. To A LOT of non blacks we all look incredibly similar. That's a huge reason why a lot of eye witnesses get it wrong. I can admit I am really no better when it comes to Asians. I have spent very little time with them on a personal level so while I can differeniate between height and weight facially they look so similar I can definitely see myself making a mistake.
  15. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Very good points. @beasty. "Toasting," as you put it, I think lets them off of the hook in this world very easily.

    We wouldn't kill them if they were a part of experimentation. If they die as a sideffect, better them whom have never served the general public in a good, kind, decent prodcutive manner, then innocent animals.

    But, if we can't engage in what I think your saying is cruel and unusal punishment. I agree with Alinoa, they should be put to work. There are som nay of them that could provide labor for much needed products and services, epecially for the less fortunste.
  16. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Then it seems to become more about revenge than problem solving. Thats a position that the government should not take. That would also send the wrong message to law enforcement. Some actions are reserved for people who are truly evil, lets hope our government does not become as such. As a deterrent, no, serial killers and child molesters are truly fucked in the head. Other factors like drugs prevent people from thinking about the consequences, why else do people keeping contracting HIV from sharing hypodermic needles?

    Who cares? lol

    It is cruel and unusual punishment. The lowest person on earth is still on a higher level than an animal, and they should not be treated less than human simply because they are human. We are more capable of suffering than animals due to our level of awareness. Noone should be treated like a lab rat. I do agree they should work hard though. The worst thing I can think of is mining, you could never pay me enough to work inside the earth!

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