Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    How cute.

  2. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    So it appears your welcoming orientation is over....you were finally provoked into taking off the gloves....but all is not lost....you are still in good rapport with the women,....fortunately, this forum is structured such that, your status with them is all that counts......don't look for peaceful co-cohesion from the other guys, the competition can be as treacherous as the African plains on a moonless night............
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2013
  3. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lol, their White Plains and Buffalo may be in NY, but it ain't the Bronx, luv. That's like Ches's Amish country being compared to Philly. Different styles of people. :cool:
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It maybe the Bronx, but it's still an overall culture of people living in the state. Plus, i know people from the Bronx and I'm sure not all of them act the way IamMe does. He's just one person, not a whole representation of the collective.

  6. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Wha???! You mean my Amish neighbors ain't hip?! We got the Amish mafia patrolling our countryside in their pimped out buggies. They be way bitchin. :cool:
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    WTF is Amish mafia?? :smt043

    That reminds me of the Ohio Amish man lasts month who was sentenced to 16 years jail for cutting off other Amish mens' beards as they slept. They don't play, huh.
  8. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  9. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    We got plenty Levi's near me trussst, though they aren't for the good of the people.

    I watched 3 mini vids already. I kinda like their style though. :cool: Might check this series out.
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I watched 2 episodes and I couldn't watch any more. Just too goofy.
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Seen any black Amish?



  14. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    No, but I used to talk to a guy that thought it would be great to move up here and start the first black Amish community. :smt081
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    :smt080 I might start a trend with my Amish-isms someday.

  16. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    Duly noted:smt109
  17. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    Where you been sunshine?
  18. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member


    Take it yall haven't seen Banshee
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I want Rebel Wilson to make me orgasm so hard, I cream like Elmo getting something right...


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