Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You "grew up"?

    Ehhh, not by this post, buddy. I hardly post around here anymore anyway, so your post is practically moot. But I applaud you on your successes, but clearly you're one of "those" people.

    But good luck to you.

  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You didnt need to add the last point fam. I for one am very happy to see another bm doing well but its not very becoming to rub it in.

    I do agree with you about the huberace of youth. I thought a degree and few published articles made me an authority on every damn thing. He'll grow out of it if not for any other reason than by realizing that being the smartest guy online dont really mean shit. It just artificially inflates your ego.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I say it all the time. Someones kid at amazin went to college because of me. Your welcome lol
  4. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    I didn't need to, but I did. What is with everyone's "did need to"/"didn't need to thing"? I make my points of my own volition. Now had he and I been able to have a regular, non-personal debate, with no dig/jabs taken...I would've responded accordingly. It's just like when my son was a child and threw tantrums, I'd get right on the floor and roll around with him...got me?
  5. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    By "those people" you mean winners? Yes, I am. No luck needed. My life is predicated on the meeting of preparation and opportunity. Thanks anyway youngin.....
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    No. A walking contradiction.

  7. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    I almost cared about what you thought...but then, I just didn't. But you'll get their one day lil man...kept up the good work.

  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I appreciate your immaturity, but I thought you were the adult here. I suppose you've proven my point. :smt102

  9. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    I am trying to school my little youngin...oh, lemme guess? You don't like when somebody comes at you sideways for no apparent reason. HUH? Imagine that!!! So like, if someone just makes a statement, with no ill intent towards anyone else...it's immature if somebody were to say, call their opinion limited, or a pool of diarrhea...or grandiose? In other words...a healthy conversation is one where both parties can voice their opinions equally, and without taking shots at someone else, and masking it behind some nice Scrabble words. GOT IT NOW! Thanks for the lesson. The student can surpass the teacher. :cool:
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    There's one problem with your reasoning here: You've weakened any level of validation in your arguments. Throughout the discussion, I've consistency stated facts, providing a detailed understanding on one word which contains a multitude of definitions and applied it as such. You took it as an insult to your credibility and, like many people whom I've "schooled", you resort to an oversimplification and thus diminished the argument altogether.

    When facts present itself, the other party often jump on the "opinion" bandwagon and claim that we're just stating opinions. But, I wasn't using an opinion aka a conjecture. I'm merely stating the obvious fact. Sadly, this is something that a lot of people often confuse themselves on: not knowing the difference between providing facts and stating opinions. I'm a fact-based person and I'd rather be proven wrong than simply state "it's merely an opinion."

    So, in this case, the student has a lot to learn if we're willing to jump back and forth on definitions. You're more than welcomed to respond, but even if you don't want to, you're compelled to respond like usual.

  11. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    When you have to keep tally of "cyber schooling" it speaks volumes about the rest of your life. Good job cuzzy! If anything you said was backed up with academic credentials, I could take your opinions as expert testimony. But once the YOU started the name calling, I wanted to hold that mirror up to your face, and you and I both know you didn't like what you saw. Your opinion of me, and definitely on physics is really of little to no consequence. My professors, colleagues and mentors school me sir...not you. You don't have the ability nor experience to. You're just not qualified. But I'll leave you with this...numbers don't lie. I get a healthy reminder every other weak of where I stand in academia, corporate America and the IT field in general. If you honestly think your childish rants, mixed in with some SAT words has any bearing on what I think or how I feel, you're even worse off than I thought. Sometimes you should watch how you talk to people my guy, this way we can save each other some time...rhetoric and semantics isn't my strong suit. I make my bones in the REAL WORLD! Not by copying and pasting from Wikipedia and Google in some futile effort to be "the smartest guy in forum". Smart people always try to prove a point...wise people let them know when they're wrong.

    Deuces (I'm using both hands, guess what fingers?)
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    So by dismissing facts, you really think you have it all figured out in a nutshell? That's the sign of a man in denial and far graver problem when you make silly assumptions about me. I questioned your intelligence on the matter, and rightfully so, but you hate the idea of being challenged, especially when you're proven wrong.

    The adult thing would be to sit back or simply not respond at all because you know, as an adult, you're clearly in need to learn so much more. Not simply give into your convictions. If I'm wrong, then I can concede, but as it stands, I don't see how you can use facts and opinions interchangeably in this discussion. The only thing that we can consider an opinion during this discussion is that the Brane Theory is or is not plausible.

    And lastly, this ghetto-fabulous post doesn't really show much adult-like attitude on your part, my friend.

    P.S. At least you're making the omission that rhetoric and semantics are your strong point, so we have some redeeming quality in you here.

  13. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    You abandoned that several posts ago, when it was no longer about a Big Bang, Brane or String Theory. It was about your, in my estimation, worthless opinion. You haven't stated one fact. Nothing to bolster String Theory, nor any to dismiss Brane. You name called, which is your right to do, it's your opinion. I stated what I AM. And was one of "those people". YEAH A WINNER. Who gives no credence to anything you say. Ghetto-fabulous. Again. Names. I gotta few names to call myself as well...successful, thoroughly educated, focused, career minded, etc. When you become a C-level director at Sacred Heart Hospital and start signing off on my check... yeah then you will matter. Now? Not so much...sorry lil man. Need a little more experience...you're just not seasoned enough.
  14. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    If rhetoric and semantics are your claim to fame...sir, you have no life whatsoever. And at 26 that's really sad.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Of course I've stated facts. You didn't want to see that. You haven't provided anything substantial on your end, thus you're acting like a kid. But keep being in denial. I'll wait for your response like a lemur on a tree. You act like facts don't exists, not me.

    I never implied that. But you're insisting on thinking you have me figured out altogether. So, I'll let you humor me.

  16. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    Oh, I've figured you out alright. We both know it. Your claims to fame are cyber rants, and trying to belittle people. What's sad is you're a bright kid. I'm in denial about nothing. Again, I know who I am...this shit you're doing stinks of small man syndrome. "Oh I know what I'm going to do today...I'm going to get my rocks off online, by being the smartest person on forum." Whooptie fucking doo...that and a Metrocard will get you from Bronx to Harlem. Come with some REAL WORLD talk. Maybe even something you're researched yourself...my thesis on biometrics was almost 300 pages alone...let's talk some real shit. Shit that actually matters in the grand scheme of things. And you dare say you're waiting on me...where? You better be at the top...cause if you're talking this bullsh*t but not making any waves in the real world, you should be ashamed of yourself...now I can sit down and be well enough versed to speak to anybody on any subject...right now, I'm just telling you how it is baby boy. Take it or leave it. You can't wear that mask forever...
  17. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    You could never "let" me do anything. You need to let yourself be real
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's pretty sad that you're willing to make such claims even though you're far more guilty of exercising this small-man syndrome better than I do. As I've stated before, if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong and I prefer proof rather than just an opinionated response.

    It doesn't matter how well you're doing in life if you can't really hold a strong argument and respond irrationally when proven wrong. Think I should just cower to David Duke because of his academic credentials? I don't need to boast my credentials that are irrelevant to one's intellect on a subject matter. That's just a sign an egotistical jackass trying to reinforce some level of merit and credibility.

    If you lack the knowledge and don't own up to your wrongful conclusion, then no amount of personal success can save your ass.

  19. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    THEY DAY I NEED SAVING FROM THE LIKES OF YOU WILL BE A SAD DAY!!! You're not qualified to judge me. You're just a lil boy that tries to get thrills from copying and pasting the work that others do, then calls them his own facts. You're pathetic. David Duke, nah. Wisdom is the application of knowledge...which results in success. PROOF = MY LIFE. FACTS. You can ignore them all you want. Hurts don't it? Lol. I'm used to it. Hate is the new love...people like you give me energy. A smart dummy that knows squat about life or the real world. Useless knowledge is just data, and serves no purpose. But, hey if you like it, I love it! Eagles fly with eagles, pigeons fly with pigeons. I'm not meant to understand you, I don't fly that low. You can keep trying to talk down from a position of convoluted authority...but you know who you are...and so do I...and that shit is kickin yo ass right now. I'm just better than you...get used to it. Deal with it....let it burn. That's how you know to keep your hand off of the stove. LMAO. #teamexposure
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Lots if chest thumping going in this thread. I would join you but my balls are kept on my chest to stop chaffing. We call them chesticles

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