Obama looks like....SATAN??

Discussion in 'In the News' started by andreboba, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It's like an army man.
    One soldier ain't shit. A million soldiers can take over any country on the planet.
    The power of numbers, but we individuals miss the big picture too often, which is what happens when too many 'individuals' decide personally that their single vote doesn't count.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    OMG, where was this thinking in the gun debate!!! :freehug: You're killing me lately A/B!!!
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you forgot to mention that while one army is trying to take over 'any given country,' there's another army trying to stop them
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Okay it's not a perfect analogy, but people really have it upside down when they say their vote doesn't count.

    The fewer people who vote makes our government more corrupt because politicians have less accountability.

    Also a million trained U.S. soldiers is an entirely different animal than a million unorganized armed citizens with handguns and rifles.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    touche mr boba.....touche
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    We have a million? Since when?
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I think our active soldier count is like 250,000-400,000 tops, I read that once. (though I read just now we have 1,400,000? total..hmmmm)

    Now North Korea has one million, I read that somewhere.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    million+ troops, 1000 rifles, 100 grenades, 20 tanks, 5 jets and 1 laughing stock of a leader
  9. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Hmmm...did you sleep through bushes first election?
    I voted against him..as did many OTHER Americans.
    He still sat as president. Not once, but twice.
    So I know from first hand previous experience that, no, my vote doesn't count.
    But I ain't mad. No one else who voted against him counted either.
    The vote, that is.

    Politicians haven't had accountability for many, many years now. It's not because people don't show up to vote. It's because people will primarily vote for their own best interest (Or ultimately against it if you look at government today) and politicians will primarilywork for their own interest.
    It's mostly shinanigans anyway.
    That doesn't inspire confidence in those who come after us. And I don't blame them.

    Would you?
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Only about 60% of Americans eligible to vote actually do. Doesn't make our political system less corrupt if MORE people voted, but I do know if 85% of eligible voters in Ohio and Florida in 2000 and 2004 showed up at the polls, Dubya would never have been POTUS even one term.
  13. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Andre...I've SEEN you in action on this forum. So I know you are wicked smart and understand English.

    Bush DID NOT WIN by popular vote and only by electoral count in florida after a recount. If it looks like fish, talks like fish and smells like fish....
    Had MORE people voted AGAINST him in the very first election it would have only meant that in the very end WHEN the Supreme Court sided in FAVOR of dubya and AGAINST Gore that THAT many more votes would have been thrown out and discounted.

    So, no. You are incorrect in your statement that had MORE people voted he would had not won.

    THE ONLY thing you can adequately vote with now is money.
    It has the final say-so about everything that happens in America.

    That's why the "corporations are people,too" bullshit is exactly that.

    Your fellow Americans are not listening to individual voices and neither are most of your elected officials.

    That is changing but it's a slow starting, slow going process with big money holders outdoing themselves to not change status quo.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The only point I was trying to make about how Dubya never would have one in the first place if more people had voted in 2000 specifically, is that the majority of eligible voters don't vote.

    Florida had a population of 15 million people in 2000, roughly 80% of them were over the age of 18. That's 12 million eligible voters. Only 6 million votes were cast in Florida during the 2000 Presidential election. Dubya 'won' by a margin of less than 700 votes.

    If 250,000 more people had voted, election statistics say that Bush would never have won the state, since the more people vote the more the final electoral count generally favors Democratic candidates.

    When people give up on the only voice they have for change within the system, they are unintentionally supporting control of our government by very small, wealthy and powerful special interests.

    It's the reason why the GOP majority House of Representatives feels very little incentive to negotiate off their position and find compromise with Obama, since many of them were elected by gerrymandered Republican Congressional districts, where the only serious electoral challenge they have is from another Republican.

    Our current government as it exists is wholly corrupt, corporate lobbyists are the ones running the whole show, but when everyday voters say 'fuck it' because individually they can't change it, they're supporting a tyranny of the few.

    THe only alternative to the system we have is for people to become more politically conscious and change it through the ballot box, or do nothing, drop out of the process and watch from the sidelines as our government turns into a soft dictatorship like Russia and Venezuela.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    find me a government that isnt corrupt, and ill show you a woman with 3 breasts

    “All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely"
    -Lord Acton
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    LESS corrupt than what we have now would be a good place to start.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    what would be the incentive on their parts. No matter who wins they are all bought and paid for. Even the rich ones do the bidding of corporations which truly makes no sense. Its like there is no such thing as enough money. Millionaires are pissed because they aren't decamillionaires decamillionaires are pissed because they aren't billionaire and billionaires are desperately trying to get to a trillion before they die no matter who hurts.

    And your point about the election, how do we know if someone cheats?
    How do we know people aren't lying about the results. The only way its run fairly is if there are fair and honest people doing the counting across the board and unfortunately I think that level of integrity is dead.
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Campaign workers, the volunteers, I think for the most part are honest people. Where I live most poll volunteers are retirees, teachers and students. They believe in the system and take pride in running an honest election.

    The problem is more at the National Party level and the candidates themselves.

    I haven't abandoned hope in the general integrity of most U.S. elections.
    You can mess around with a few hundred votes statewide in a presidential election, but it's much harder to steal thousands of votes if there's a paper trail.

    Campaign finance reform would take the crazy money out of American politics, which would put an end to the overriding influence of corporate lobbyists on Capitol Hill.

    The lobbyists are the problem. They write the laws, they fund campaigns, choose candidates and they give these guys golden parachutes once they retire from public office.

    We almost had campaign finance reform in 2008 when McCain suggested both he and Obama accept federal matching fund limits. But Obama knew he had nearly a $1 BILLION in his campaign war chest and wanted to win period.

    Cut off the flow of corporate money to Capitol Hill. I just don't know how to do it.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They are trying to do away with it all together with electronica ballots. And campaign finance will never happen. Corporations are vampires once they have their teeth in you the only way they let go is if you die. The only way for corporations and government to stop all their bullshit is a good old fashion boycott. People especially in the US hold a significant amount of purchasing power. We need to stop consuming shit from people who outsource, stop voting for the lesser of two evils and vote in candidates who won't allow themselves to swayed by money. Unfortunately we are in the great age of distractions and citizens would rather watch mind numbing reality tv on their ipads then take an interest in the force literally destroying their lives and future.
  20. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Look, you know that before I'd want something like mittens in office I'd want something like Obama in office. In terms of the things I stand for and the things I think America should stand for.
    More people would likely vote if they felt that it actually meant something.
    The Greedy Old Persons party seems to think its 1902 and would rather regulate a woman's uterus than how many deadly rounds sirpsychosexy can kill 26 1st graders with.

    Why even bother to tell me what can go into and come out of my pussy if you can't even keep the stuff that already does safe?

    And why are none of the corporate thugs who helped create the financial crisis our countr is in sitting in prison?
    Why is it you can destroy a world economy and make record profits in 2013 by STILL effectively raping the American people out of things like jobs, good infrastructure and a healthy society but if I should happen to steal a loaf of bread because I'm starving I'm going to spend 1 year in jail?

    Haw haw. He complains that our government is too large and costly all the while wasting 3 billion(?) in TAX PAYER monies fighting for DOMA when it's been ruled unconstitutional. 8 times!

    Give me a god damned break.
    How many of those who are screaming about Benghazi will even recognize that over 4,000 troops have died since the start of our WMD war. That doesn't even touch the amount of civilians in Iraq who have died. Hey, while your at it, look up the babies being born deformed from the use of DU weaponry.

    Drones? Yay! Boy do I feel safe now. On American soil? Even better.

    The long arm of corruption reaches from the top and extends all the way down.

    That is why people don't vote. Because there isn't two parties.
    There is ONE party with somewhat different ideology but with the same goal and that goal isn't the American people.

    American government NEEDS to wholly fail so something else can take its place.
    And eventually it will at the rate it's going.

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