Ja Sam Srbitsa

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by karris, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. karris

    karris New Member

    I didn't know it. Grandma was passing for Croatian, which was really f####d up since that's who was exterminating us Serbs.

    We are every white supremacists worst nightmare. We were perfectly high achieving white people. In the 14th century we were sailing to China. We got to the Americas before the English (nobody in the US knows what the word "Croatan" carved in a tree at Jamestown refers to, but everybody in the Balkans does). The art in Belgrade surpassed what going on in Venice. But then the Turks invaded.

    We were Shanghaied. We weren't in Europe anymore, the border had shifted. We were in another continent, the bottommost part of the Ottoman Empire. They didn't know who we were and couldn't have cared less. They did what they wanted to us. They killed off our leaders and kept us in abject poverty and ignorance, used and abused us at will.

    So, when the border shifted back 500 years later and we were finally back in Europe, how did our white neighbors describe us? A bunch of lazy, shiftless losers who were perpetually whining about how other people were holding us back and abusing us -- stupid, oversexed inferiors.

    You see what I mean? Produce the same conditions and what do you get? A bunch of Negroes! I mean Serbians.

    It was an intensely analogous experience. That is, until the 20th century. Then the difference was like night and day. And y'all got all the day.

    While we spent 100 years getting ourselves repeatedly exterminated, you all spent it getting your asses emancipated.

    Nobody on earth appreciates African Americans the way Serbians innately do. Y'all take our breath away. We can scarcely imagine how anyone could be so genius.

    Look at me, I didn't even know who I was or what had happened, but that describes totally how I felt, even as a little girl. You need conscious knowledge to transmit culture, but you don't need it to transmit identity, not when it's had half a millenium to permeate every cell.

    Check out this little girl's story.


    Don't go there unless you're ready to be treated like a rock star.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2013
  2. karris

    karris New Member

    Geez, 47 views no replies. What does that mean? It's just so good I left everybody speechless? LOL
  3. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    I'll reply, because I like that part of your post detailing your ancestors' arrival to the Americas before the English. Many other nationalities have been proven to do so as well. The Jews, the Chinese, the Nords, etc. It's funny how Christopher Columbus continues to get credit, but it's proven that so many others beat him here. Maybe one day they'll go back and correct the history books, and get this one right
  4. karris

    karris New Member

    I'm just surprised I could make a statement like:

    And it doesn't register anything. I'm getting at something that strikes to the core of what's attractive about black men that nobody's ever said, to my knowledge, but has everything to do with why things changed up in our lifetimes and these relationships started happening.
  5. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I thought it was interesting. American history seems, to the rest of the world, to favor the white race when the white race built this country on the backs and blood of other races and nationalities.
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The only Serbian I know who likes brothers was Coco the wife of Ice-T. I don't know however if the Serbian booty is as big as the one from Poland.
  7. karris

    karris New Member

    But I'm not talking about a world where white people rule. There's no need to bring the conversation back to them. I'm talking about a world where people of color rule. Wrap your head around that. They ruled our lives and were as corrupt and exploitative as anybody gets. And it did the same damage to us that it does to anyone, and when their reign ended, things did not get better. Things went horribly wrong.

    And at roughly the same time there were some people of color over here, where it was all in reverse, where there were some subtle but very important differences in the way the subjugation was configured. There were little slivers of leverage that could weaken and destroy that subjugation, to be exploited, and just the right people, with the right kind of intelligence and talent, to make the most of it. And out of that comes a different kind of power that changes the world.

    If there's been a lot of conversation in this forum about Slavic women, and black American men interested in pursuing them, I've got some things to say about the potential that lies in that configuration. To say they don't think like white American women is a vast understatement, but there's nothing in the way you've ever thought about white people that prepares you for it. And what they unconsciously bring to the table, what associations they have about you, are not likely anything you would guess.

    They don't have open minds. Their minds are as full of assumptions as anyone's, but they're not the assumptions you assume. Is anybody interested in what I have to say?
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  9. karris

    karris New Member

    I guess I made a mistake thinking you all might actually be interested in Slavic women. Obviously, you're only interested in their body parts.
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  11. karris

    karris New Member

    Thank you for the response, FG. Where I live, we use the 'you all' to indicate a plural you, so, whenever there is more than one person being referred to, it's correct and customary to use the plural. In this case, there was a remark by one person, that I assume, by the smiley face, was seconded by another. And there are a number of threads here on the subject of Slavic women, with at least several men expressing an interest. The term ' you all' wasn't being used to refer to everyone on this board, or everyone posting on this particular topic. Some seem to be open to a relationship with a Second World woman, others seem to be looking for conquests. So long as there's more than one of the latter, it's appropriate to use the plural. That's what I mean by it, anywy.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    No, it wasn't seconded. I only posted an 'eek' face because he referred to big butts. And had the big butt Serbian booty as hailing from Poland. Which is why I bolded it. And of course snickered. Only Soul. That is all....carry on.
  13. karris

    karris New Member

    K, then. Cancel the second person plural.

    There wouldn't be many in any case, liking anybody. I'm one in four ethnic Serbs to survive the 20th century -- a Third World, holocaust surviving, line-crossing white woman. Why would I be touchy about being objectified?
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I've mentioned it mostly because there are not too many Serbian women known in the Black diaspora in the US. The Polish women I know but,the Serbian women and others from the baltics like in the former Yugoslavia,Bulgaria,Romania,and others are new to me. I read a lot on its history and politics but,don't know for example if Black basketball players who play in those nations know more about them?
  15. karris

    karris New Member

    It's a small country with a small immigrant population over here, so it wouldn't be very noticable. I just hate to think of you young guys going over there to check out the girls just taking them for your average white people, when, under the hood, they're more like black people. I'm not talking about culture. I'm talking about issues, the way we look at the world, relate to it, feel our place in it. The strengths, weaknesses, insecurities. It's real easy to miss the admiration that Serbs tend to feel towards AA's and consequently trample on it. Damn shame.

    Have you ever seen this site? http://www.srpska-mreza.com/library/library.html It's rather radical, and I suspect any accounts as to Serbian misdeeds may be underreported, but I trust it more than other sources as to what's happened TO Serbs. The testimonies in this section are incredible: http://www.srpska-mreza.com/History/ww2/book/Lukajic/index.html

    Google "Ottoman abuse of Serbs" The "Bridge on the Drina" is the best historical fiction I've found. "Balkan Ghosts" was what I read that led me to discover all the family secrets, lies and ignorance about who we were.

    I'm building links on my home page, but I need to do a lot more. And then, of course, there's my interpreting of it all that can go on forever.
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Nice info Karris,but keep in mind others may mention the reason Yugoslavia broke apart by a Serbian dictator in 1990. Plus the war in B-H,Croatia,and Korsaba.
  17. karris

    karris New Member

    Thanks for responding.

    I know, the story that's been told here involves all that. There are two main concepts to keep in mind when interpreting the data. Violence that was done by Serbians was done by militants, not fascists. The war in Rwanda was unbelievably similar in its dynamics. The violence was being perpetrated by the historically subjugated class onto those historically allied with the subjugator. There's a great deal of confusion and debate over the sequence of events, who instigated what, how. Also, there was a great deal of violence going on against Serbs that was severely under-reported. In the 90's, minority Serbs in Croatia went from 12% of the population to 4%. It's uncertain how many escaped. I know that in the village where my family came from, where we got our name, where we had always lived there are none of us left there now. They were murdered.

    That we've become violent is not debatable, but we should not be dismissed as fascists. We were going off the other deep end.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I read that the reason a few Croats were in jail for those crimes is because most of the people involved like the dictator in Croatia died.
  19. karris

    karris New Member

    Died from other causes, or died at the hands of Serbs?

    The war was incredibly complicated, what was it, four "countries" at each other, three with long supremacists histories towards Serbs, in an area the size of New England, with an insane century behind them. The US gov has never liked Serbs. We were always too leftist. It's enormously simplistic to paint any participant in that scene as THE bad guy. Cruel irony to go through so many centuries victimized so badly for so long, while still trying to get along with people who'd done horrible things to us, then finally freak out after three million of us are genocided in a century, and that's all anybody knows us for. And nobody knows about the rest. Or cares.

    There's a topix.com with a Serbian section. It's overrun with Croatian trolls. I thought it odd, but then I realized, Serbs would never censor those trolls. We want to know everything they have to say. No more surprises. LOL. Tell, tell, tell. It's amazing to hear the adjectives they use. So familiar. . .
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Most of them from other causes. I read two Croats were let go of crimes some weeks back. NATO came to Serbia because the di ctator was killing in grand scale. I remember a movie starring Gene Hackman who played a admiral on a ship communicating with a U.S Air Force pilot shot down in Serbian territory.

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