I get so mad I sometimes. I really do hate G-d at times

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by goodlove, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    thanks for the rep and the advice
  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Anytime goodlove. It's good to hear things are going better for you.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    there was multireasons for putting up this thread. Im not sure if people really caught some of them. I saw a couple of people catch on. you and there was at least one guy that caught on. I will tell in a few though. One of course for me was it was theraputic for me.
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Then it was worth it. Sometimes it's good to just get stuff out of your own mind and write it down. I think honestly that can be better than therapy. I keep a journal and if something is really bothering me, I just write all my thoughts down and I always feel better for some reason. I hope things continue to look up for you and that you are successful in getting to see your daughter.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    a good friend of mine told me the samething. he stated he did that and it helped him also. It was also suggested that I write letters to her and I did that also. It helped me too.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    let me ask yall this

    if G-d is so good to his followers then why do bad things happen to them.....are they being punished or what ?

    also why do things happen to innocent people like newborn kids ? they havent even did anything wrong yet. they are born with AIDS and other diseases but the adults who steal lie and cheat are living perfectly cool lives....why is that ?

    is that fair and just ?
  7. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Lol, was I the only one who thought G-D stood for someones initials other than God, I was running through names like Geena Davis and George Doors.:D
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Nope, the first time I saw that Francie I had no idea what it stood for until I considered it in context of the sentence. I still don't understand why people can't just type out God? It's not a swear word, and He's sure not going to be offended by it being used in this context.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    The reason that it is done that way is because most jews particularly orthodox believe u should not write out the name because it is understood not to use the name in vain. also it is a situation of respect and reverence. some other religions if Im not mistaken do the same. Im not sure of that.

    again , most jews dont want to write out the name because of that thought process and other reasons.

    here is a better explanation from judiasm 101

    Jews do not casually write any Name of God. This practice does not come from the commandment not to take the Lord's Name in vain, as many suppose. In Jewish thought, that commandment refers solely to oath-taking, and is a prohibition against swearing by God's Name falsely or frivolously (the word normally translated as "in vain" literally means "for falsehood").

    Judaism does not prohibit writing the Name of God per se; it prohibits only erasing or defacing a Name of God. However, observant Jews avoid writing any Name of God casually because of the risk that the written Name might later be defaced, obliterated or destroyed accidentally or by one who does not know better.

    The commandment not to erase or deface the name of God comes from Deut. 12:3. In that passage, the people are commanded that when they take over the promised land, they should destroy all things related to the idolatrous religions of that region, and should utterly destroy the names of the local deities. Immediately afterwards, we are commanded not to do the same to our God. From this, the rabbis inferred that we are commanded not to destroy any holy thing, and not to erase or deface a Name of God.

    It is worth noting that this prohibition against erasing or defacing Names of God applies only to Names that are written in some kind of permanent form, and recent rabbinical decisions have held that writing on a computer is not a permanent form, thus it is not a violation to type God's Name into a computer and then backspace over it or cut and paste it, or copy and delete files with God's Name in them. However, once you print the document out, it becomes a permanent form. That is why observant Jews avoid writing a Name of God on web sites like this one or in newsgroup messages: because there is a risk that someone else will print it out and deface it.

    Normally, we avoid writing the Name by substituting letters or syllables, for example, writing "G-d" instead of "God." In addition, the number 15, which would ordinarily be written in Hebrew as Yod-Hei (10-5), is normally written as Teit-Vav (9-6), because Yod-Hei is a Name. See Hebrew Alphabet for more information about using letters as numerals.
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Thanks for the explanation goodlove. I do not consider writing God's name as taking it in vain. I also do not believe God has a problem with, and I have the utmost respect and reverence for Him.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah no problem. i just didnt think about what I was doing. It is a habitual thang for me. I just started studying judiasm and it became habitual for me. Trust me I understand you would have respect for G-d. It is just that people do things differently and dont realize that they are accidently making people uncomfortable. people become uncomfortable with something new but they dont get the full explaination then problems arises.
  12. AfroLove

    AfroLove Restricted

    If I believed in God, I'd hate that fucker too.

    I'm sorry for what you've been through.
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  14. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    Do you own a gun? Tonight, take aim at the Moon and shoot. Afterwards, observe how much damage you've done to the Moon.
  15. 7th cloud

    7th cloud New Member

    I hate that all of that has happen to you, I really feel for you but don't blame it on G-d this type of stuff could happen to anyone, everyone hits a brick wall sometime in there life, all you can do is stay strong. I believe you should really fight to see your daughter, no man shouldn't go on in life not able to see there kids. I know you posted this thread a couple of months ago and hopefully you are in a better situation now, then you were when you posted this thread.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    the purpose of the thread was to vent and try to see why would G-d do things like this or allow thing like this to happen to people of innocence. when I say people who are innocent Im mean people who never done anything evil. evil to me is when you go out to intentionally do things that are wrong to hurt other people directly or indirectly and/or to capitolize off of other peoples misery. there is a difference in making mistakes and wrongdoing. It seems to me that evil people get away with sooo much while the innocent suffer and that is not Just.

    G-d always says he is a just G-d. so where the justice ?
  17. DJ_1985

    DJ_1985 New Member

    'God' doesn't say anything. He's as silent as Zeus, Amun-Ra, Baal, An, and all of the others. People willingly and happily delude themselves.
  18. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  19. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    Whomever you deem to be the supreme architect of all things, that all powerful being sometimes places hurdles in our lives to test our resolve, patience, faith, etc. I have also been through many hardships, but you should always let your cooler mind prevail. What doesn't break you does indeed only make you stronger. Keep your head up brother. Fight the good fight :smt023
  20. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I am 47, unemployed and a loser at love. I am not mad at God for my situation. It is a season. We all have them. For me, it is the "Season of the Witch." My situation is the result of decisions I've made in my life. Whether or not they were either mistakes or happy accidents, I don't know. I only know that I must live on...like a bull rider in a rodeo. The rider has to hang on for eight seconds. Those eight seconds are the longest in that rider's life. That is what I am doing now.

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