Black Men: Yall ever think a WW you talk to will NOT be into you...

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by blackbrah, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Damayor

    Damayor Member

    I am one of the black guys who just doesn't like a large posterior. I prefer a shaped posterior which also comes in package with small waist, cup sized or slightly bigger breast and a beautiful face.

    Now coming back to the original poster's question. I treat White Women as I would treat any other woman. If the body language shows that you are IN, then you are IN and then I converse to her like a human being.
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  4. aquarian6nyc

    aquarian6nyc New Member

    I'm new here.

    I know exactly how you feel, blackbrah. There's a certain bar in NYC where I go to watch the Steelers that attracts a lot of gorgeous women. It's easy enough for me to make small talk about the Steelers with just about anybody, but I often wonder whether some of these women are just being polite, or if they might really be interested in me. I never really thought much about pursuing white women until recently, but I certainly don't ignore the ones who catch my eye.

    I live inside my head a lot, so I tend to be self-conscious about these things. Obviously there are white women out there who dig us. I would just love to meet a few and not have to guess what's on their minds.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    clint eastwood says "have a seat and lets talk about WW."
  6. Thomas000

    Thomas000 New Member


    Trust me, if a woman likes you her body language will tell you before her mouth does.
  7. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Definitely the type that I prefer,too.
  8. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    This is the toughest issue for me. It's just too hard to tell if someone is just being nice and polite, and I have seen and heard the studies about body language. It's still tough to judge. That's why it is easier for WW to be clear about their intentions, as we would just be flattered and say no kindly, even if we were not attracted to them. I could give a list of lines and gestures that I THOUGHT meant something, but I have been too much of a gent to pursue. Plus, when you are attracted to someone, it's easy for your imagination to see things that might not be there at all.
  9. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Sometimes that's hard for me to gauge. I understand where you are coming from.

    Then again I've had women give me little to NO body language and I found out they were attracted to me.
  10. LuvVanillaIC

    LuvVanillaIC Active Member

    I know that this is a generalization to a large degree but WW do tend to act differently from some BW when it comes to the "signals" game. It also depends on a woman's personality and, to a fairly significant degree, her upbringing/social background. As we know, there are many WW who will be very friendly and polite, to anyone, and there may be nothing there other than courteousness and a display of her social graces. However, to be fair, this is, as I stated, predicated largely on a woman's personality and background. A lot of brothers don't buy it but there are BW around who display the very same social graces. The only thing with quite a few of them is that they tend to go for white guys and/or brothers who are highly educated and equipped with all the requisite social graces. I may be wrong but I tend to think that there are WW out there who may be extra polite and friendly to us, not necessarily because of any physical attraction but because of a fear that they may piss off a brother by appearing to be standoff-ish and cool, especially if he appears to be interested in pursuing conversation and possibly more. I think that this further clouds our interpretation of the "are they interested or not" question and therefore we have to determine if we should take that chance and pursue to see if there is actually anything there or just take it for what it appears to be on the surface. I don't think that, again generally, WW play as many games as some BW do when a guy tries to initiate conversation and interact with them. I think that, in many cases, you'll likely know, rather quickly, if there is any true interest there, other than shooting the breeze and talking about the weather, etc.
  11. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    From my perspective, if a woman; any woman is interested, she will let you know by standing or sitting closer to you or looking into your eyes. And other things. She'll be polite and friendly to all she meets. In terms of a serious relationship, she has the power of choice and a man has the challenge of vying for her attention.
  12. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    I feel like that all the time. Especially since I've relocated to PA. I have a heavy NY accent, so I think I come across as a "thug" when I'm not....I actually hold my MS in Cyber Security...but unless given a chance you wouldn't know that about me at first glance.
  13. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    We have something in common then...I'm part of the cyber security round here :p
  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  15. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Some good looking black men just like big women because they like curves. In some African tribes and in(some countries) Europe, a big woman is considered beautiful. I don't think it is a case of self-hate. It is a case of a man and woman who know and are attracted to each other. I have seen many couples like this all the time in many variations. We don't know why they are together, but they are. No one knows why. You cannot help whom you are attracted to.
  16. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    You silly rabbit :smt058
  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

  18. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    I agree with you but my perception of it isn't that they have self-hate but instead they are settling with less. As men, we think with our southern head and when a women of any body style approaches, you can't help but at least wonder what sex is like with them. Therefore I guess a lot of them just go ahead and accept the advances of an overweight women.
  19. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I think there is a difference from the idea of weight a while back and more recently. Heavier women may have been regarded in a better light because it signaled that they were well-off, but I don't think that's the case so much anymore.

    Moreover, I believe there are big differences in what people perceive as curvy, thick, voluptuous. Personally, curvy to me comes before thick and voluptuous. If your checking out woman from a side profile, she'll have curvature in the spine (poking her butt out) as well as "booty meat" to substantiate her qualifications as "having an ass" or a "big butt".

    While her butt is usually a bit more 3d than her counter parts, her thighs maintain a slimmer proportion, thus giving the butt a larger appearance also (some men like the thigh bigger as well, which I believe to be the "Rhino leg").

    Lastly, waist and hips. Maybe not important on their own, but lumped with this ass theory, becomes very important. The waist must cinch in. For instance, if you take a west from a "skinny" girl, and replace it with that of a "heavier" girl, the heavy girls ass is going to stick out because the proportion there ("Cocola bottle effect/hourglass figure). The smaller waist is naturally going to give flare to the hips. If the hips run into the slimmer thigh, the visual effect will be more vast (better imho). The hips also, from a front or back view, will not be squared off (much like SpongeBob square pants), again, adding onto the hourglass figure.

    Obviously some race/ethnicities may generally have more or less women in the hourglass range, but they exist in any race/ethnicity. I believe many people enjoy curves from the waist down, some don't surprisingly to me. So no matter what race/ethnity I'm looking at, I'm looking for curves, and If I find them outside of the AAW (whom seem to possess them a lot more), man am I excited. A white girl with curves for me, is, is, I could go on, I just luv em' a lot lol.

    My example would be opposite ends of the spectrum:

    Hourglass, Big Ass: Beyonce (Singer-Entertainer)


    SpongeBob, No Ass: Jennifer Carpenter (Actress from Dexter)
  20. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    I see your argument and raise you this:


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