So I suppose his drag queen hipster chic style will now become popular in NK since their leader approves. Now NK will become the hub of eccentric fashion in East Asia.
The Gangnam craze came to us from Seoul, South Korea. The late, great Van Cliburn bridged the USA and the USSR through classical piano playing. What else, besides basketball, can Dennis Rodman bring to North Korea? Maybe he is trying to say that the USA is not their enemy. Or maybe, Kim Jong Un, a basketball fan himself, could not get in touch with his hero Michael Jordan. But, Dennis played alongside Michael. The thing about competitive sports is that it is a substitute for war. Everything is settled on the court, field, ice rink, pool and track.
What everyone doesn't know. is that Rodman is really a government spy, it just so happens they asked for him. Didn't you ever see him that movie with Van Damn! That was just the beginning.
I remember the line spoken by Van Damme when he asks, "Who does your hair? Siegfried...and Roy?" God only knows how this will turn out. I don't think this is a scene out of The Manchurian Candidate when people are brainwashed and programmed to be assassins or other anarchists.
Probably some truth to this. I would not be surprised if the CIA gave Rodman a briefing before going and had a debriefing when he returned. Looking at pics and video, Rodman had close access to Sun that no American spy can achieve. They probably got a lot of info from Rodman.