A Rod & Torrie Wilson Go House Hunting

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by nobledruali, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    A-Rod is now with Torrie Wilson? He must throw women away like fast balls. Last I had heard he was dating Cameron Diaz. I guess things don't always work out. Torrie was a real beautiful blonde wrestler. I wondered what happened to her.
  2. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    With the kind of money A-Rod has, you could afford to discard women like yesterday's newspaper.lol
  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Three hundred million per year can be the honey that draws the honies. lol
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    If arod is black

    I'm fucking Korean
  5. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    He's Dominican.Dominicans are a big mixture of Mestizos, Mullatos, Spaniards and Blacks.
  6. vilify

    vilify Restricted

    This is just desperate. A-rod is latino.
  7. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    If A-rod has a black parent and claims to be black then who am I to argue with him? My sister married a white guy and their daughter has straight light brown hair, tan skin and hazel eyes, does that make her not black? Some ignorance in this thread. Smh. Even in Africa, Eritreans dont look like Ivoreans. Ethiopians dont look like Moroccans and Nigerians dont look like Botswanans. There is alot of genetic diversity of phenotype in the old continent and alot in the states. Don't play yourselves.
  8. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Ignorance my ass. If you think that this dude is perceived or treated as a black American male, then you're out of your fucking mind. It's guarantee that he wouldn't have gotten anywhere near most of the women that he's been with if they or the general public thought that he was "black."

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    truth....his mother is afro-dominican.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    perception or not is not the issue. the question is he or isn't he......with a afro-dominican mother,he is.
  11. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Perception is everything. It's reality. Trying to put this dude and his relationships with WW in the same category as the people on this forum is farcical and you know it.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly. Are we going ti count Wentworth Miller as black too
  13. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    You ever seen him with his hair grown out a bit? It's got a very tight wave pattern to it and if he let it grow out it would be kinky. As far as features he looks like he could be Rashida Jones' brother to me. Dude has a black mother, therefore, in America he is black by definition. Derek Jeter, same way but it's his father and he doesn't have a Spanish last name to deflect the prejudice. Obama's mother was very pale white and he is still considered black. Slash the guitarists' mother was black and he experienced racism because of it growing up in LA and Hollywood. Lenny Kravitz is half and half himself. I know these people are of mixed descent but in America where the one drop rule is still in play these celebrities will always be seen as black first once people know who their parents are. By the way I dont appreciate the insults dude we can agree to disagree and keep it civil.
  14. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    Lenny Kravitz is half and half and considered black .If Miller is half and half and then we have a dilemma don't we?
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Wentworth miller portrays white characters in entertainment media

    End of story
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    but he can legitimately call himself biracial or African American but since that's not what people see that shit don't count. I could be 10% Irish and 3% Jewish but all people see is my black ass so that shit sounds ridiculous. It's not what you call yourself its what people see.
  17. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    End of story my azz. This subject is open for endless debate.The entertainment media doesn't define my understanding of race. I cannot deny that public perception (which is influenced by the media) does however shade my perceptions a bit so maybe I am being hypocritical here but I would find it sad if you let the media define your understanding of race. Maybe that is unavoidable in our society. Idk. Like I said. If a dude wants to call himself black and has a black parent then he black. Whether he looks like Ice-T or Ice Cube.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2013
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    But isn't dependent on what's noticeable not what you call yourself. If you don't have to live the experience of being "insert race/ethnicity/lifestyle here" does it really count.
    I know its not a monolithic experience but there are somethings that are pretty much universal when it comes to race for example being nervous around the police late at night is something that I've seen that nearly all black men share. From wealthy to poor everyone looks at the police with a wary eye,
  19. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    I see what you mean. I remember riding with one of my white friends and a mexican friend downtown in my city a couple years back. My dumb ass white friend had an open beer and we were cruising around so he could pick up some weed. (I don't roll like that anymore) Anyways we get pulled over. The way the cops dealt with him had me and my Mexican friend struck dumb. He got the benefit of the doubt on every damned thing. we had no biz in that neighborhood late at night he had beer on his breath and an open beer spilled on the carpet so the car had the stale bread and alcohol smell but the cop just look at me and my Mexican buddy and asked us if we had any warrants. If it was my black ass driving we would have ALL gone to jail that night. different standards of behavior for the in group you dig? But back to my point. How can we know if Sam Wentworths or Rashida Joneses of the world got the blue carpet treatment. I know if they could get away with it the Klan would string them up just the same as me or you. Look at the way Ryan Braun got the benefit of the doubt when we know that dude is guilty as hell. A-rod gets raked through the mud. I think all black people get it even though we might not see it all the time. It might be more subtle for some than others.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Possibly but I'm a more often than not kind of guy and frankly more often than not if "they" think you're white the way you are treated is completely different. They approach you with far more understanding. To this day I can't believe certain shit no matter how many times I see it.
    I had a friend, cute blonde girl, who was pulled over for intoxication. To make a long story short the police called me and asked me to pick her up because they really didn't want to mess up her life by giving her a DUI. According to the cop he thinks she just misjudged how much liquor she could hold and made a mistake that shouldn't mess up her career, she apparently reminded him a lot of his daughter. Dude was even kind of enough to have another cop drive her car off the highway and park it since I didn't bring anyone with me to drive her car home. That shit was fucking insane. I have never once even amongst the rich black and hispanics I grew up with ever tell a story like this. No matter the way we dress or speak we are still Jorge and Tyrone from the projects to most of them. So in closing the way you appear to "them" matter a lot.

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