[YOUTUBE]ZXhxWysd4yM[/YOUTUBE] what do you think of her and what she did? would you have done the same as the mother? do you think colin should have a relationship with her ?
My heart breaks watching adoptive parents speak of their situations. As a mother myself, I doubt that I'd ever be strong enough to make the decision to give my child up for adoption. I know that's selfish...but it's reality. This woman was 18...she cared for Colin for 6 weeks while the adoption process was finalized. Even at such a young age, she didn't give him up to the first family she met...she interviewed 3 families and chose the one that she thought would provide the life and support that she couldn't. I commend her for that. I don't feel a birth mom should ever have to justify the hardest decision of her life. I think any parent can appreciate what she did for her child.
She's shady and up to no good. Why the fuck is she doing interviews about the fact she's Colin's REAL birth mother? Maybe it has something to do with the fact the baby she gave up is now the QB of the SF 49ers and just played in the Super Bowl?? I don't think this woman's intentions are sincere at all. She has an agenda and wants something from Kaepernick. If his ass was slinging rock and just got out of penitentiary after serving 5 years, you think she would be all up in his life saying how she was his REAL momma??? Fuck her. You made a decision to live your life. Now let Colin live his, with his REAL parents, the ones that raised him. Not you. She had more than two decades to get in contact with CK. She never seemed to have a problem not writing or talking to him when he was a toddler or when he was growing up. That's why Kaepernick recently cut this bitch off COLD. No explanation. No nothing.
In 1987, in Dover , NJ a baby boy was found outside the Emergency Room entrance. The hospital took the baby in. The nurses at the maternity ward christened him "Slugger" because the child had no name when he was found. "Slugger" became a ward of the state and was adopted after a couple of months. I guess "Slugger" is doing fine as an adult and no doubt had asked about his birth mother.
That's not being a good mother. That is making a good decision. Like andreboba said, If he was in state pen would she be coming from the woodwork looking to reconnect and doing interviews? Colin smelled that bowsheet 100 miles away and cut her OFF.
I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I have known or heard of such cases like this over the years of white females with a biracial who gave them up for adoption because of parents who would not accept the child or fearing for their child in a general racist society. I feel for her. I think she has quite a road to go in getting her son back. Right now he probaly feel resentment because she adandon him rather than being tough for him. This is a fascinating story that this site will never deal with in that many (not all) black men want the white meat, but do not want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of their actions in impregnating the women. My opinion, like it or not.
CK's birth father is a POS too. Mom and dad both don't have a right to speak Colin's name. WAtch him be superstar for the 49ers from a distance, then next time don't wait over two decades to find your son, if you really care.
She didn't wait two decades to find him. She kept in contact with him for as long as his parents permitted (birth to age 6). She then contacted him once he turned 18. I'm not saying her motives are honorable...maybe she is in it for fame or money. That's not for me to judge. I just don't think she deserves to be crucified for making the choice to give her child a life that she couldn't provide.
Things turn sideways when you voluntarily give up your child for adoption. Unless you are destitute I wouldn't call the decision honorable. I went to college with a girl who got pregnant her senior year in HS and she finished her 4 years of undergrad on campus WITH HER BABY. The school provided her a special apartment in the grad towers where she could live without a roommate, but still she was expected to be a fulltime student. That's honorable. CK's mother's decision was pragmatic. In hindsight, it was the best decision for him because clearly she wasn't up to being a parent. What I don't like is this bitch is acting like she's ENTITLED to have contact with him.:smt019 What didn't she get from the last time he cut her off?? He's through with her.
Damn fam you're brutal. Just because you know ONE girl who did it under those circumstances doesn't mean all people could. Especially at 18, I know with in myself for an absolute fact that I would have been an awful father and maybe she knew that too. I don't know the details of their situation but it is sad that people jump to these conclusions without knowing what happened in full.