Thoughts on what Ann Coulter said here

Discussion in 'In the News' started by andreboba, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    We're ALL Americans. Not just Whites. So when Black teen gangbangers are blowing each other away in Chicago or L.A., it's an American problem, Iggy.

    Not just a Black one. WE need to find a way to solve it.

    Anne Coulter is one choice bitch.:rolleyes:

    How is what she said even remotely constructive or illuminating??

    IMO it's right up there with Bill Bennett speculating that if we aborted all Black babies we'd reduce the crime rate.:smt103
  2. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    The thing to understand about Ann Coulter is that she enjoys being the one on the offensive. She has a lot to say about anything and she will argue if anyone disagrees with her. She is the villainess to some and a heroine to others like about anyone in the cultural trenches. Like anyone you meet, it is your choice to agree or disagree. Everyone has an opinion, an opposite point of view and a choice to which they can live with.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Blacks are not considered Americans. To the vast majority we are guest who have over stayed their welcome.
  4. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Wait! Ann Coulter made a thinly veiled racist statement? Get out here!
  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You think you can distill Black on Black crime to just skin color?? Check yourself Iggy. Poverty, lack of education and no strong parental influence in the home are bigger factors for why Black crime stats are so high.
    NOT skin color. Whites/Asians/Hispanics from similar backgrounds have similar crime stats too.

    Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are talking about crime and gun violence in the Black community all the time. They have been some of the most vocal critics of Obama for not making poverty and the plight of the Black underclass more central to his administration's domestic policies.

    If you follow Ann Coulter's logic to his fateful conclusion, to lower U.S. crime stats to acceptable levels you need to get rid of Black people. That makes sense.:smt021

    Also the CITY OF CHICAGO has tough gun laws, the surrounding towns and suburbs that circle Chicago do not, which makes city gun laws irrelevant.

    To suggest that crime stats can be fully explained by only knowing the race of the perpetrator is so ignorant I have a hard time knowing if you're serious Iggy.

    Then, ask yourself why THE most violent criminals in this country(spree/serial killers) are overwhelmingly White?

    Keep sniffing Ann Coulter's panties Iggy.
    Hope you get gonorrhea.:vom:
  6. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Well said as usual, in the comments section of the link was a good answer below.

    Your trying to make the point that black people kill more people, right?
    If you're doing a study, your next question is, why?
    Your reason, from what you've posted, is this: black people kill more people because they're black.
    White people are arrested for drunk driving at EIGHT times the rate of black people. Obviously, all whites are drunks, right? And you should assume that every white driver is drunk behind the wheel. If that's not the case, then why are whites arrested at such an incredibly higher rate? It MUST be because of their race, right?
    Let's look at statistics for rape: rapists are three times more likely to be white men.
    According to your reasoning, this is because: white men rape because they're white. Whites--based on your reasoning--are pre-disposed to be rapists.
    Your simplistic rationale does not hold up. If you cannot make a parallel to other crimes and races, then race is not a primary determinant of any crime.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    People who make wide sweeping generalizations like this dont care about truth they just want to simplofy their lives
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Great examples to prove how much BS Iggy is slinging.
  9. vilify

    vilify Restricted

    Yes theres a lot of gun violence and crime among inner city black males. But what does that have to do with white american men going on killing sprees?Shooting up movie theaters, sikh temples, congress women and kindergarten students and then committing suicide. Does this happen in Belgium?
    The answer is no but even if it did why would it matter? To the small minded racist idiots reading this and politicians, you should be looking for solutions not pointing fingers and promoting bigotry. Its not productive.
  10. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    Anyone who knows anything about stats would know that if what Coulter is suggesting, that violence is a black tendency, is true, then the numbers should hold up throughout the black socioeconomic strata. If violence is a black problem then why is it only a problem with poor black people and not a problem with wealthy black people or middle class black people. The high crime rate should be stable from top to bottom, but it isn't. The fact is, is that violence is endemic to poor and disenfranchised communities irrespective of race. Coulter is just a conserva-troll. She is generalizing about an entire race/ethnic group and ignoring the numbers that really matter so she can continue to pander to her fans. I won't even address the agitator Iggy. He can go back to racist site.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Until another mofo on that ignorant bullshit wanna take another go at......
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I will say one thing that I think needs to be addressed. Why are black people the most likely to film their dirt? I get violence, drugs, and all kinds of other criminal shit happens amongst the poor but wtf is this obsession with documenting your dirt like you're getting paid for it. All the way back to Menace To Society I never understood that shit.
  14. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    My Brothers absolutely cannot digest the meaning of accountability....Whether or not Harrow or Iggy has used Anne Coulters statements to focus on something that might be true and relevant.....We apparently just can't stand to hear it coming from a fiercely independent white woman like Coulter.....And so we take it personal and we attack the woman as a racist....EVERY FUCKING BODY IS A RACIST THESE DAYS..............Is Systemic racism, oppression and lack of opportunity the explanation for why young niggers have to shoot up anybody they have a problem with in their neighborhood ??.....Cry me a fucking river.....

    We will agree on one thing....Iggy is a damn good agitator......
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Systematic inequality and oppression causes violence through out the world its not just a black thing. Those at the bottom often act like this. Need an example check out the middle east and as well as parts of Eastern Europe and Ireland. Its a human problem not a black one. Treat people like shit long enough and guess what they might do shitty things.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  17. rdubya86

    rdubya86 New Member

    Who gives a fuck?

    Who really fucking cares what that woman says. She is insane, and her whole agenda is to stir up shit for people to buy her literature- etc. She is a brand of that new Fox News extremism. Right wing extremism isn't just a way of life anymore, its an exploitable market that these knuckle heads want to make money off of- and I for one will not be sucked into her bullshit.

    Honestly why is she even relevant? She is less relevant than Kim Kardashian, who got famous by fucking Ray J on camera.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And what crime is in control?
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Why the hell are you so obsessed with black on black crime? You said it yourself, you are not a roll model and it's not your responsibility or anyone else outside of the black communities that are effected either to help curb the problem in any way. You just want to live your life remember? It's personal responsibility remember? It's all on the poor and disenfranchised to some how miraculously get their shit together all on their own. That's your solution that you & others who think like you keep putting out there. So why the fuck do you always want to have a discussion about the topic when you have already stated in no uncertain terms that you don't give a fuck about the black community or black people period?
  20. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Ann there is positive proof that when a legitimate thought is about to occur republican women have a way of shutting that process down.

    "She is a pinnacle of intellectual prowess" said nobody with a brain ever.

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