Massive Manhunt for Black Ex-Cop After 3 Officers Shot

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    But that's just animal instinct kicking in. I would guess that with your belief in a God that we could move beyond that stuff if we choose. And how does adding to it change it if you don't like it?

    I'm not here to fight with you on guns and on your stance about it. We don't agree there and I'm not doing that again.

    But it's like if it scared you so bad to see the breakdown of society after a disaster..why would you want to become a part of a further breakdown in society by stooping to that level?

    It's rhetorical and I really don't want the answer. I know more or less what it will be.

    One time, and this is as an aside, I was watching my mom watch Fox News. She was screaming and ranting at Glenn Beck who was screaming and ranting about something or another. It struck me as odd that she saw herself so seperate and better than this man she was screaming at on TV.

    No. Difference.

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    We do need a Jesse James because the bottom line of life is without fear people rarely do the right thing, especially those who are corrupt and believe themselves to be above the law. I don't like what Dorner did per say but boy do I agree with what he stood for. People who corrupt shit and the people who stand by and watch them do it NEED to be held accountable or how else does it ever stop?
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Like you said its animal instinct. I recognize that no matter how badly I want to be peaceful it won't stop someone else from being violent and I shouldn't have to forfeit my life or ability to be safe because someone else has decided to try and take it away from me.
    I don't believe in harming others but I do believe in trying to prevent them from harming me.
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I honestly believe that these two things are mutually inclusive. And with that, I'm done.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I always wonder about people like you. Its easy to promote this pacifist ideology why you're safe at home warm in your bed but what if someone had their hands wrapped your neck or a gun pointed to your head would you just lie down and die "respecting" their right to live? Or more importantly what if someone were trying to harm your kids would it be easy to say "well I'm not a violent person" and let them be harmed?
    I don't believe in senseless violence trying to exact my will on others but it does make me wonder why my brain functions in such a way where I want to fight for my life and why yours functions in such a way where you'd just lay limp and let bad shit happen. Very weird.
  7. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You must look at things differently! Put this on your walls first. [​IMG]
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You sir, are still an ass only this time you've brought a side of prick to the table too
    You are an ass and a prick
    Your mother must be beyond proud

    As for you TDK I have a response but I'm only on my phone ATM. Will explain it later.
  9. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I was going to go an entirely different direction but I think I just want to say that common sense has become a rare commodity indeed. In no other area of vast problems that humans face is the answer EVER more of the same.

    I'm sure recovering alcoholics don't go to AA meetings to be told that what they REALLY need is in fact MORE whiskey.

    People dying from lung cancer are probably more or less told to maybe, I don't know, NOT smoke?

    If someone should go to a doctor with downtown bit problems...It is rarely ever said by any competent doctor that the cure for that is to go out and sleep with 20 more people unprotected.

    Common sense can go SO far if it's actually applied in an effective manner. And yet when it comes to guns and gun violence..The right does nothing but accuse the left of wearing tinfoil hats. And calls them sheeple. And yet, if you heard anything like the above?

    You would think the people responsible had LOST their fucking minds.
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    My mother huh? you are such a sweetheart :D Please take me to rainbowland were everyone is caring and harmless as you are. I can't wait!! :smt043
  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    If thats some reference to you being hatched instead of born from a uterus..

    Doesn't surprise ONE bit.

    I'm sure you have the scene from Aliens down.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    thanks for the correction.

    people always want to interfere debates with facts. damn

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