He didn't really criticize Obamacare. I keep forgetting your ass is still Iggy under a new username. Dr. Carson believes our federal income tax policy should be based on Biblical scripture and not the idea of a progressive tax code. According to Dr. Carson, there should be a flat tax of 10% for everyone, because the Bible said tithe and that's the magical percentage to cure all our economic ills. Apparently Dr. Carson is smarter than every economist currently on the scene, because who knew a 10% flat tax would cover all the expenses of the federal government AND pay down the national debt?? If I need to have a brain tumor that needs to be removed, I'll look up Dr. Carson. But I'm not going to ask him run the Fed or develop long term economic policies for the United States. Unless you find a way to cut the skyrocketing costs of private healthcare that has nothing to do with market forces, it's driven by pure profit and greed, this country will collapse economically under the oppressive weight of healthcare expenses. Get rid of the private insurance companies, everyone pay into a universal healthcare system like the rest of the industrialized world, and only pay those who directly impact healthcare. Doctors, medical suppliers, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and medical workers. People should not be able to buy stock in companies who make a profit from healthcare.
Precisely. Russia currently has a 13% flat tax rate and it's still a crippling country. Even without a corrupt, authoritarian government, the working class are paying more into this flat tax program, which makes it harder for them to get ahead in the wake of their economic responsibility. Dr. Carson should keep his mouth shut on matters he knows little about. And touting biblical scripture is utter nonsense.
No one here should have been able to figure that out. Remember, he has a far more superior intellect than everyone else here......:smt031
True AndreB,Dr.Carson should stick to medicine not finance. He sounded like a house slave on that speech.
Wow. Congrats. One person says something uncalled for and everyone else gets painted with the same brush. Same Ol' Iggy even under a different name........
True EyeRa,Dr.Carson was on Hannity some nights ago. Seems he is the new poster boy to diss Obama like a true house slave.
Being that Harrow is Iggy and his main motivation for posting this was obviously to try to get one or more people here to call Carson a "House Slave or "Uncle Tom" for have a misguided view point and being a tool for Fox and conservatives of the Hannity/Limbaugh mold, don't you think the best course of action would be NOT to resort to calling any black people "House Slaves" or "Uncle Toms"? Food for thought if he decides to pop on the forum again and post more of his bait & troll shit.
To call any Black conservative a "Uncle Tom" does no service to the novel or the man who inspired it who had the good sense to move to Canada and stayed there. Yes the 'House Slave' is giving us a rise like a Ann Coulter who wrote a book on racism to get attention.
Hmm I need to research this Dr. Ben Carson more. He is obviously a threat to many in the race industry. A house nigger? Now you know there must be something why they are afraid of him. I wonder how he became what he is today? Is it he speaks his mind? That nigger cannot do that. Where is the fucking thought police? Maybe that is the answer.
What the fuck is the "Race Industry"? People who pit other Black people against each other? Kinda like what you're doing in this post? Yes. He's allowed to speak his mind, which is why I said no Black people should be calling any other Black person "Uncle Tom" or "House Slaves" even if they believe that person's opinions to be misguided. Now here you are playing the equally ignorant other side of the coin.
Being a brilliant neurosurgeon doesn't make you an expert on economic policy. You really are on board with a 10% flat tax because the Bible said we should tithe??lol:smt005
lol i bet this isnt the first time Dr Carson has been viewed as a house negro dude's made it far in this white man's world..him and Obama are poster boys for Uncle Toms
sure as hell don't i'd listen to anything he has to say about neurology but that's about it people have to realize that academic subjects like finance can be just as deep and involving as medicine, and shouldn't assume that being good at one means they'll be good at the other if that was the case, their wouldnt be a need for specializations in college
Hush your mouth! That man has the title "Doctor" in front of his name so that means he is all knowing & all seeing. Get with the program dammit!! Quit being rational !!
seriously it's a disservice to people that actually majored in a field, to have a medical doctor come along acting like he's just as qualified as you are without spending years and years honing their craft that 'genius' shit is only in the movies the reality is that any given field has an infinite amount of literature and shit in it.. hell he's a specialized doctor..out of all people, he should already know this concept:smt120 not like that mothafucka would scrub in for cardiovascular surgery
Hey Iggy. This dude is on your side. He's actually defending the man. But like I tried pointing out to Bliss in another thread, this dude is all over the place & flip flops between trying to be an intellectual & straight out of the hood. And just like you he too thinks he's smarter and more successful than everyone else. So stop hating on him.