Do nice guys finish last?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bigrob, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    But that's the point...nice guys aren't usually the ones to immediately grab a woman's attention. They get friendzoned because they fail to speak up and say they're actually interested in her. It's an 'accidental friend-zoning' but once you're in that category it's hard to get out lol. I've seen this shit me it happens ;)
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough I wont deny your experience. From what Ive seen the "nice guys" are just guys girls feel no immediate attraction to. They either dont fit the physocal criteria and/or chemistry. They are written from the get go. For example Al Roker would be peggd as a nice guy immediately same thing goes for a dude like Minkus from Boy Meets World (old reference I know lol) Someone like The Rock oIdris Alba have never been friend zoned a day in their life and I doubt they have to be that aggressive. Women just want them.
  3. XanderRed12

    XanderRed12 New Member

    In my experience, nice guys are typically cats who are nice because they feel they are compensating for an insecurity that they have. Therefore they tend to kiss a woman's ass in an effort to offset a perceived flaw within themselves. I feel like it comes down to respect. Nice dudes usually come out the gates with sweeping romantic gestures as soon as they meet the woman and they don't even know the woman. That mess is just downright creepy and desperate. Nice cats lose a woman's respect because she knows a nice cat will bend over backwards for her even when she's not reciprocating what he gives. And no broad wants a man she cannot respect. A dude who ain't a pushover knows that pandering and sticking around a broad who isn't into you is a waste of time. It not about bad boys or nice guys it's about mutual respect and mutual attraction. That's just me.

    Example from a favorite childhood show of mine....

    Exhibit A - Nice Guy


    Exhibit B - Nice Guy on Boss Sauce a.k.a A secure bruh that does not kiss ass a.k.a Swaggin on em. lol

    I had to do
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    That's why it's different when a man cheats in a relationship compared to a man.

    When a woman cheats on her man, she can talk all the bullshit she wants, but if he takes her back deep down she won't really ever respect him the same way again.

    However..don't get mad!!lol:smt077.. when a man cheats, a woman may 'hate' him and not fully trust him anymore, but a woman can still bring herself to respect him as a man.

    Agree with DK, if a woman finds you attractive from jump, you can be her friend for a decade and STILL be regarded as a potential fuck if the circumstances are right.
  5. Megan312

    Megan312 New Member

    Nice guys, especially self proclaimed nice guys are just frustrated guys who expect girls to have sex with them just because they are being nice.

    I mean claiming to be nice, is just as stupid as saying "I like to have fun" or "I am a male human being". It is just redundant, everyone is supposed to be nice.

    and nice guys especially white nice guys routinely cry of being friendzoned, and complain that girls like assholes. It is just that their perception of girls relationship with assholes is much inferior to what they imagine their relationship would be.

    bottomline, if you don't have a good personality, and a little above average looks, don't expect girls to date you just because you are nice.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    "Nice Guy" is something women bestow on men, men rarely if ever call themselves nice unless they are trying to be coy. I agree that a lot of men put themselves in that situation but I think women should also realize that many of them string these idiots along because they love the attention or like using these guys. Its simple if you're not interested just let them know you're not interested and don't accept gifts or favors.
  7. Garfield

    Garfield Member

    No. nice guys with any kind of self respect don't finish last... however, spineless pushovers do. People need to learn to differentiate from the two.
  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    No, no, and no. Their's always that one female trying to go up against the grain to be different living in lala land. Yes their's execeptions to the rule.... that goes for everything.

    Until you "nice" guys can see through bullshit like this, you will always end up being played by women.
  9. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Terrible example, one guys is socially awkward in every single every area you can think of and the other guy is GQ smooth and knew how to work the room.
  10. Garfield

    Garfield Member

    Nerdy Urkel actually got with a girl who actually appreciated him. Why? Because he stopped focusing on the one who shunned and berated him all the time.

    well until the last season or so...I think. I eventually stopped watching Family Matters.
  11. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    My biggest problem growing up is wanting to get to know a "nice guy" and genuinely like them after hanging out with them, but not attracted to the whole package...I always wish I could mix the two guys (nice guy and bad boy) together into one perfect person. Since this isn't realistic, I try to accept people for who they are and see where it goes, hopefully not stepping on anyone's feelings in the process.
  12. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    ^^^^yep. Great approach...
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol in other words try and date the nice guys but sleep with the bad boys lol
  14. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    lol well I didn't say all that :) but I guess the nice guys didn't end up at the finish line...but I am older now so I am better about who makes it that far ;)
  15. XanderRed12

    XanderRed12 New Member

    Still tho the core of the problem with nice cats is that deep deep down in the subconscious or whatever he thinks he can't score >>> compensation mechanism to mitigate this is act overly gentlemanly. Stefan (Urkel's alter ego) needs no compensation mechanism he knows deep down he's got IT. The "je ne se quois", the "Swag", the "juice", the "mojo"..... whatever you name it, most nice cats lack it, and therefore will always be that close second to the brother who has it. Nice guys in my experience may not finish dead ass last, but they rarely if ever finish first. And by no means do you have to act like a asshole to achieve this. It's all about the mutual respect between said woman and man.

    The example may have pushed it....I admit. But still the argument has merit.

    And yeah Myra who loved Urk for who he was, was a bad chick. Two sides of the same coin I guess...
  16. XanderRed12

    XanderRed12 New Member

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  17. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    A model from Maxim magazine was asked this very question. Her response was, " I don't think nice guys finish last, but they do finish late." I guess that reply was pretty spot on. I think being invisible is the norm for us nice guys.
  18. suzieb

    suzieb New Member

    It just doesn't make any sense to me, someone who has had their share of bad guys. Even that phrase seems to somehow convey something attractive.

    The guy I'm with now can't seem to believe that I am so attracted in him, because he has always tried to treat women well, and be a good guy. It's never got him anything more than being taken advantage of, and messed with.

    What is wrong with us chicks lol?? We bang on about there not being enough nice guys in the world, then when we find one, we get bored and treat them like garbage!
    Well, thats obviously a generalization, I'm not like that at all, after being used and messed with and taken the pee out of, now I've found a 'nice' guy I'm holding onto him!!
  19. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Do nice girls finish last too?
  20. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I think it's part of being young. When I was younger, I couldn't care less about the nice wasn't what attracted me or kept my attention. That changes for most women as they get older. We grow out of the bad boy stage.

    Congratulations on finding someone special, he sounds like a real keeper!! :)

    Yes! When people are too busy sitting on the sidelines, to get in the game...they're going to finish last. Male or female, IMO.

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