Massive Manhunt for Black Ex-Cop After 3 Officers Shot

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I just think people should keep in mind a police force know for lying and intimidation might actually use lying and intimidation to paint him a certain way. Not saying thats whats happening here but Im not quick to believe information "they" give the public
  2. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Anybody know if the Anti-Govt, Pro-Gun, Alex Jones conspiracy people support this dude?
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I can imagine in Southern CA it's round the clock.

    Yes, true. I think he tried to plan it a just tad @ the boat part - he was seen on surveillance refilling scuba oxygen tanks. But it's over now...don't know if his message will stick much though.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    It's funny to me that you say this, because this is the approach many need to take towards the Govt - who has way more at stake - instead of blindly accepting what they feed you. Those who control the flow of information to the masses, control the power.
  5. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    Its probably safe to assume that he perished in the cabin...
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly. I cant do the blind sheep thing.
  7. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    He had purchased scuba equipment beforehand. I think his plan was to make people think he was trying to infiltrate into mexico, but instead take the boat north, scuba back onto land like a Seal, and then hunt down his enemies or more cops. Just speculation though.

    Did you guys know he has a bit in common with the guys here on He did the interracial thing a lot, even married a blonde woman. (They got married in vegas & were married for a month. She calls the marriage "an embarrassment".)

    This guy was an egotistical ass with mental problems. I don't care much about the cops at all, but when he killed that nice young couple he lost all sympathy from me. His problems probably started way back when he was the only black kid in his grade school. He's probably been adrift and alienated since then, and trying so hard to fit in, overcompensating, the super patriot, the super "good kid". Always smilin'. :mrgreen:

    That line about "I'm not an aspiring rapper, I'm not a dope dealer," etc. in his manifesto is telling. Reading that, I'm like wtf? You want special points for that? That shit doesn't help you escape racism, it just shows he's caugght up in looking at himself through others' eyes. Turns out he wasn't such a "good kid" after all.

    The two concussions he took during his football days probably didn't help either. Look at jr seau, and other cases of pro football suffering from depression and other mental ills due to the head knocks they took on the field.

    Ladies you better watch for those guys who are wound too tight, act too white and are always grinning... That shit can mask some serious anger. :mrgreen:












  8. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

  9. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    I kinda look llike the guy a bit too. :rolleyes:

    Sad, sad story. First newtown, then the right-wing hillbilly kidnapping the kid, now this. America is going crazy.
  10. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    America and all other nations have had stories similar to this throughout history. America's not becoming crazy, we've always had people like this.
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I'd bet money the body they recovered is Dormer, but it's curious LAPD has yet to confirm it's him.

    I'm still waiting for LAPD to admit they used incendiary bullets to burn that cabin to the ground instead of saying it was one of Dormer's flares that ignited the fire.:smt068
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i can understand your position. black men especially have a terrible relationship with the cops. cops kill black men at will and no justice is ever served

    white people catch hell too but not like black men....but here you go


    what the cops did to the supporters of emily good

  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    seeing the previous men have a hard time feeling sorry for the police. NO we dont want them to get killed like they terrorize us but its hard to feel sorry for em.

    I remember times how they treated me. My heart bleeds koolaide for em. at the same time no man needs to die like that......I really feel sorry for the family he left behind.

    men dont forget. we get the brunt of the beatings and harassment. yes its hard for a woiman get raped....thats horrible. we get killed
  14. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    the power of video... heh heh. Bullies may do many things, but they don't like a light shined on it... :smt023

    actually before I come across as hating cops, let me clarify that i have no sympathy for the cops of LA with the reputation they have and the problems that they cause. It's like they're just another gang out there, from what I hear.

    However, cops are as necessary as any other civil servant. they're not heros, they're just people with a job to do. If they do it well and make themselves proud, good for everybody.

    They should also recognize how rotten they can get with the concentration of power and the isolation of being a subculture that few people really want to be around much.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Despite police saying they heard a shot fired, followed by the cabin catching on fire (they said they sent in tear gas and Dorner threw a green grenade at them (whtvr that is), I don't discount your theory either.

    I think Dorner was egotistical enough that he would take his own life rather than give them the 'pleasure'...but setting the cabin on fire? Hmmm, yet his manifesto requested they study his brain. Maybe in the end he said fuck it, you aint gonna abuse my corpse, I'm going to dust.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    medullaslashin, interesting recent posts...your thoughts and the pics. I have seen some of them and some others....but the 'NAILED IT" one was prophetic...plenty of angry 'psychos' with badges.

    Great post.

    In defense of cops though...
    You can start with the best of intentions and subsequently become jaded, especially if your daily beat is gang-infested with daily murders. Imagine if every day you had to go through all this protocol to go to face and catch...the dredges of society. Let's be honest, cops barely interact with the common good man (why would they), instead they have to seek out the seedy bad guys and know always looming is the prospect of possibly having to sacrifice their life because of some loathsome criminal.

    That is one thing I felt Dorner omitted in his manifesto...he vilified the cops and subliminally victimized the criminals, because he was wronged himself.
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The police are now admitting they indeed caused the fire...but are denying it was purposeful, citing it was accidental.

    Yet there exists a 1hr:10min police scanner (I have heard it) that a listener captured that suggests otherwise...?

    Police scanner transcript(25 minutes in)...

    "7 burners deployed we've got a fire

    Ammunition exploding inside of the cabin

    Do we have fire back there yet

    2 and 4 got fire moving on

    Unit(?) any propane tanks visible?

    Sniper on the back side

    Do you want fire squad to put water on it when the roof starts giving in?

    Negative, still have 2 sides vulnerable

    2 [cars?] not engulfed yet

    How's that fire doing on the west side?

    Taking a long time this thing's well constructed

    61 Lincoln, you ready for fire?

    Don't have adequate penetration on 2-3 yet

    Hold the perimeter until 61 Lincoln makes the call, then mop up with fire

    (corner)3-4 fully engulfed


    Do these cabins have [buildup?] areas?

    Confirmed this cabin has a basement

    I'm gonna let this fire self-contain and burn down to the basement

    Rosa, clear the adjacent buildings

    Make sure the garages are clear too, use force if necessary


    Rosa's clearing adjacent buildings, Unit #? moving in as we speak"
  18. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I'm hearing on D.C. public radio that 'burners' are military/PD slang for incendiary grenades, not incendiary tear gas.

    Apparently law enforcement threw incendiary grenades that burn at 4000 degrees F into that cabin and burned it all the way down to the basement.
  20. ArmyRanger

    ArmyRanger Member

    LOL :smt043:smt043:smt043

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