What I said was in regards to the accusation that dude may be a psychopath which very well might be true but like I said before necessary. Even if dude is a paranoid psychopath I feel like if more people were willing to do crazy shit like this the powers that be would think twice before doing most the shit they do
Dorner was HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the Navy. He was a commissioned officer(lieutenant). Dorner received multiple awards and commendations during his service. So he was all good working for Uncle Sam, but suddenly became a homicidal lunatic as an officer for the LAPD?? Something doesn't sound right. Recently I heard that authorities were going to re-open Dorner's internal affairs case and investigate his allegations. IMO Dorner was considered a troublemaker and LAPD made an example of him. I don't have any background in law enforcement, but for those members that do, is it common for an officer to be FIRED after losing an internal affairs case after being judged to have made false allegations against a fellow officer?? I would expect that officer to be suspended or re-assigned, not kicked to the street. From what I've read, the suspect told the review board Dorner's partner kicked him, but because the victim was a schizophrenic his testimony was considered unreliable. Three witnesses also claimed they 'never saw' his partner kick the suspect. Just my gut, but Dorner doesn't come off to me like one of those dudes who randomly makes up shit about other people. He may be a little weird but he doesn't seem like a total flake.
http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/l...hristopher-Dorners-Termination-190555681.html I hate to agree. I dont condone violence but the cops are a bunch of assholes.
another article on the reopening. hell the only reason they are reopening is because they thought america was going to be behind them totally. fuck em. they are going to lie about everything. they are going to cover up the cover up http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/l...topher-Dorner-LAPD-Allegations-190551791.html
like others have said..this is STRAIGHT out of a movie it will be something if they find out he shouldnt have been terminated fact remains tho..he still killed people in a movie ending, the people he killed would have been dirty themselves and found out to have been involved in a conspiracy
no support on that shit.....but where was the love when cops killed innocent people...not just blacks. hell they were hunting black folks for the fun of it. hell they killed a retired veitnam marine last year making racial slurs and didnt get fired or anything. so fuck em. karma is a bitch. like TDK stated when the citzens are feared then they would act properly. if they had respected the citizens then this wouldnt haved happened. you cant go around beating people and expect them to love you or respect you. they will turn on you. i wouldnt hide the dude but i wouldnt tell the cops shit about where he was.
Yup. The only way Dorner had a chance of catching a break from the media is if EVERY cop he attempted to kill was either dirty or involved in the cover up. Killing his lawyer's daughter and fiancee was just wrong. If he'd shot his lawyer and it was discovered that he screwed Dorner, some people would think he got what was coming to him, sort of. It still will be fucked up if the reopening of his internal affairs case concludes he never should have been fired. But I think LAPD has already reached a conclusion about their 'findings' before ever deciding to reopen the internal affairs case.
Am I the only one amazed at how dude has eluded nearly every law enforcement agency on the east coast. This shit is crazier than Wesley Snipes in US Marshals. I wonder if he's already crossed the border and is on his way to Peru by now.
lmao shit better not...that negro would kill you next reminds me of.......... Gerard Butler was off the chain in that one..dude was killin anyone invovled in his case even the lawyers lol :smt095
lol you aint bullshitting on that one. i didnt see the movie...was it good. was it life imitating art.
in a way gerard's character was framed for murder and I think his trial was rigged, so he goes about extracting revenge on anyone involved i havent seen it in a while, but like this current shit, all he wanted to do was get some payback there's quite a few 'i didnt do it, but i'll fuck up everyone involved in setting me up' movies out there when you think about it, shit like that CAN happen to ANYONE all it takes is a tight group in the right positions to ruin a life..shit's been going down like this since the dawn of 'law' look at OJ
yep...even on CNN yesterday. they came out and said there is much support for dorner. here is a st6ory of police harrassment [YOUTUBE]KdxfRKEPJRY[/YOUTUBE] 1&feature=endscreen&v=KdxfRKEPJRY
I read a posted response on this story that theorized what if Dormer just dug in somewhere tight where he'll never be found, like an underground cave, and just shot himself?? LAPD would lose their mind searching for this dude for YEARS. In a way it would be a perfect ending, make those cops piss their pants 24/7 looking for a ghost.
They cannot wait to kill this guy to shut him up and hope that the short attention span public will forget about it. He had a grievance because he told on one of their own. I do not condone his killings, BUT, he did have those on the inside who destroyed his career. Now he must die. Saw Mark Furhman on television say in so many words that he is but one man who is outgunned and is no match with the full force of the law. I take it to mean he (Dorner) is just peanuts. Where are the black journalist to flush this story out when you need them?
the unofficial police 'no snitching' policy rivals the ones in place in the ghettos to be honest tho, snitching on coworkers period is frowned upon wherever you are. I know of a guy who was setup for termination over that. he went around telling on people, and people used to sabotage whatever work he did and all that. they ended up dropping the dime on his ass when he decided to take a nap while on duty. boom, instant firing. when it comes to people, their families and their livelihood..you cant play with that shit dirty cops taking money...would you tell if you knew?
That is so true POJ,the "Stop Snitching" is stronger among policemen than any gang member in the world. In fact one of the gangs in Mexico were composed of former cops.
Wow! $1 million reward/bounty offered! http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-dorner-reward-20130211,0,5945373.story If Dorner isn't out of the country, I bet he's dead by suicide and hidden under the snow.