[YOUTUBE]dpfdrJ8Lwvg&feature=em-subs_digest[/YOUTUBE] Burger King has acknowledged this week that some of its burgers in Britain and Ireland included horsemeat, the latest development in an ongoing scandal. Horsemeat actually contains just as much protein and far less fat than beef, according to nutritionists."* Horse DNA was found in the "all beef" patties Burger King used in the UK. The fastfood giant is saying that a supplier used an unauthorized beef supplier and that no health risk was posed. Would horses not raised for meat be okay for consumption? Would you be angry if you were unwittingly fed horse? Ana Kasparian and Sam Schacher (Pop Trigger) discuss. *Read more from Vicki Barker/ NPR: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/02/01/170873657/wheres-the-beef-burger-...
horse, cow....meat is meat people werent complaining about them before as long as it's safe and as nutritious as beef...whatever anyone still like 'wtf dood!' needs to go to stay on a farm for a week, and watch the slaughtering process
yeah, I think folks look at animals totally different in different cultures. In america dogs in the yard are pets that are having fun. in korea dogs are animals in the field that are grazing for to be fatten for the next sunday meal
that's modern day man for u mofos got it so good they can actually dictate which meat they can eat and not eat bet u if u put half these mofos in the woods somewhere on their own, theyd be cooking Lassie's dumb-ass by sundown
lol you cray cray meat eaters. i always laugh when i see or hear people getting upset about people eating certain meats, whilst they eat others. mate, if you think eating veal is wrong, stop hogging into that lamb chop you've got there. got a problem with horse? hows about you put down that cow you've got between them buns. when it comes down to it, you're eating the flesh from what was a living, breathing, feeling animal, ain't any of that right.
:smt043:smt043:smt043 When I hear you talk like that...this scene pops up. [YOUTUBE]vX07j9SDFcc[/YOUTUBE]
I have no problem with any kind of meat, as long as A: The animal isn't endangered/vunerable B: The animal was treated with respect whilst alive and killed as quickly and humanely as possible, and C: Isn't taken from the wild (I really think if you're going to use a wild animal as a food source, farm it. Or you'll end up losing it in the end). I know this last one is difficult for fish though. I have no problem with horse as a meat source. I think we should consume horse meat in Australia. That would get rid of those bloody feral horses we have here.
I have to remind you...this is Tarshi at her best with her James Earl Jones impersonation! [YOUTUBE]rG0aNqeMNIk[/YOUTUBE]
What do you do for protein? Just eat beans, nuts, soy, egg and potatoes at every meal? Wonder how that would work for a 230 pound man? :smt036 Wait is it wrong to eat eggs too? :smt081
Lol I can guarantee you that my diet is varied, delicious and so far from meat and 3 veg. Grains, quinoa, almonds, fruits and vegetables have my protein, iron and calcium levels at where they should be And no, it's not wrong to eat eggs if you're vegetarian and the eggs come from a place that believe in the ethical treatment of animals...organically fed, vegetarian fed and barn laid is good. I'm leaning towards veganism these days, my hurdle is finding vegan cheese that doesn't taste like shit
Wow Tarshi, I never knew you were a vegetarian as well. I somehow missed that. Makes you even more awesome than you already are :smt054