I disagree with a lot of shit TDK and fuck with him but I will never want harm to the little fucker.... that is too fucking far and sick
yes...I dont want harm to come to you. who in the world will I get to fuck with....shit? besides, just because you disagree with someone doesnt mean you hate them...it means you disagree. NRA...shows str8 h8. thats not cool at all. thats why George H.W. Bush left the NRA in the 90's. he stated they were getting bad
uuuhhh ok. Im gonna letr that sit out there for a year or two. anyway, i googled that story and it seems to me like its a story of: a friend of mine said that a friend of his said that such and such said...... read the article...I couldnt find more than that..so I wouldnt put much stock into it http://nastyjackbuzz.blogspot.com/2012/04/nra-members-obama-assassination-joke.html
Did you actually watch the video? It was a good piece and made sense. I live in the area especially affected by the Journal News and all these concerns are extremely valid.
I've been looking for the coroner's report and haven't been able to. Anyone have it or know where I can find it because I found this link made by NBC news and its really weird to me that no one is calling them out on this and saying its wrong. http://patriotupdate.com/2013/01/assault-weapon-at-sandy-hook-or-not/
As far as I know nothing has been released in the way of coroner's reports or surveillance footage. Youtube is abuzz with people asking tons of questions regarding huge inconsistencies with the official narrative. But the mainstream news media doesn't seem too interested in addressing these concerns. The goal has pivoted to a rush to ram through gun control legislation as quickly as possible.
You have to wonder if people truly are blind deaf or dumb. I guess every civilation has its tipping point and this is part of ours
Firearms have always topped the list of items highly prized by criminals who break into houses. The $ cost of ammo and guns (especially semi auto rifles) have spiked dramatically. A gun that cost $500 three months ago could easily go for $1000 today. It's not surprising that a listing like this would pique the interest of criminals.
Yeah, inquiring minds want to know.... So loving both of your minds right now. The way you question info, not just accepting what is fed to the masses. Quite a few inconsistencies exist with Sandy Hook. What it needs is one fearless snoopy investigative reporter to get to the true completer story...like Watergate and the Tuskegee Experiment had. Reporters sniffing around....
Coul be a tipping point. Definitely a line in the sand for millions. Notice how swiftly the govt. can move when it really wants to. I've never seen them move this fast. Lol Too bad that efficiency is lacking in regards to the 100,000 plus people who died from preventable infections and medical errors in hospitals. You'd be able to chisel new legislation into rock faster than than our politicians would put out bills for that though.
Thats why I know this bs about children and public safety is pure horseshit. If they cared even a little marijuana would be legal and high fructose corn syrup would be illegal.
Agreed. Given the magnitude of the crime as well as the proposed legislative changes affecting millions being pushed as a result, we should have an official account and timeline of this event without huge gaping holes in it.
Bet you it will take YEARS. Freedom of information can take MONTHS according to reporters. Which is why many are baffled how quickly the gun-owners names were provided to this paper. Was almost instantaneous. Not to digress....but here is an excerpt from Peter Jennings expose on the Govt and HFCS. I saw this way back when it aired on ABC, and have never forgotten it....see for yourself.... [HDYT]CtLFeH0W1x4[/HDYT]
every time i go shopping, i look for certain things in the ingredients HFCS is definitely one of them..along with high fat content and excess preservatives and other shit that I can go without the less 'extra' stuff that sounds like something a chemist cooked up, the better