How comfortable are you with your S/O with the opposite sex?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jan 18, 2013.


How comfortable are you with your S/O being this friendly?

  1. Aww they just having fun, I trust my baby. :) <3

    3 vote(s)
  2. Errrr, this makes me feel uncomfortable but whatever :/

    4 vote(s)
  3. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! >:-<

    5 vote(s)
  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member





  2. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Those two are too endearing together! Kelly Rippa just appears like she is a tremendously charming, spunky and genuine person. She is so bubbly! Anyone would fall in love with her personality, she seems as though she is such a joy to be around. I don't know if I'd feel uncomfortable at all with my S/O working with her (or having a close friendship with her).

    Not sure if she's as unadulterated when the cameras are off, but I would never feel intimidated by her.

    However, in general, I do tend to get a little streak of jealousy if my S/O is friends with beautiful women. I start feeling self conscious. I know; this is so awful.
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I don't do jealous. If a man is too stupid to recognize what he has in me, that's his bad.
  4. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    How I feel about such a situation is depending on many circumstances.

    If I trust my SO and I've had no bad experiences in the past with him and other women/ or know about cheating of is ex girl-friends, I assume it's fine.

    If I know that woman and I like her, too and her character is ok, in my opinion, it's also no issue. But if I feel as an outsider, it becomes critical and the relationship can break.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    No problem if the guy is broke and looks like the ugly version of Flava Flav. Now that's fucking ugly.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  6. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    It doesn't bother me if my man is around other women...with one exception...his ex. Kinda silly, though, since he doesn't like her or want her back. LOL It's just a personal hatred I have for that bitch.:smt062
    But yeah, anyway...I'm very secure as far as my man goes. :)
  7. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I'm a devout follower of the "its not your pussy, its just your turn" movement so i dont get jealous but if i see my lady hands interlocked along with a huge grin with her male friend, im going to feel some type of way!
  8. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    From what I know she is married with children right??? I am sure this is all apart of getting more ratings/viewers for the show. I see it all as acting. They do look cute and seem to be fun to watch.

    As for me, I think it is cute when the man I am with gets attention from other women. I am sure his ego likes it too. It is what HE does in response that matters.

    I am not too keen on touchy feely business though.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm comfortable if it is purely platonic and their behavior is commensurate to that "platonic-ness".

    I am never deceived by a woman's appearance as a measure of whether to be concerned or not.
    Ugly women are as deceitful as pretty women and I am not one to cry on my BBF's shoulder in disbelief lamenting "but, but she is so ugly/so not his type" bluh, bluh. A man is never 100% adamant in what can catch his attention, so I would watch their interactiveness more-so than what she looks like.
  10. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Ha I can see how that level of being comfortable with a friend of the opposite sex, no matter how deep the friendship is and no matter how innocuous the friendship is, can make a spouse comfortable.

    But this is celebrity land and Kelly Ripa's personality is bubbly in nature anyway. They are both co-hosts BTW. For normal people though lol you're kidding yourself if another male wouldn't get uncomfortable, and ladies if that was your man you'd kill him.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2013
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I know it's just for show because she's a TV host, but seeing my SO hugging up on another man and all into each other's personal space would bother me.:smt087

    But I'd try to keep my insecurities to myself.
  12. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    I would definately like to think that my man would respect me enough to not spoon up with someone just for the fun of it, or take an extended long embrace as he picks her up off the ground. To me, that is beyond being friendly.

    If my man caught me doing what she did, I would be shocked if it didn't bother my man, infact I would be concerned if it didn't bother him. I think a little jealousy is human. I like a respectful relationship where both female and male don't cross the line between a welcome hug and an embrace.
  13. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I have more guy-friends than girl friends. Anyone I'd be interested in would have to accept that.

    I get tight hugs from them, where they scoop me up and spin me around... but it's just me, being a snuggly hug whore. It doesn't mean I'm fucking them all, or even interested in them all as anything more than friends. With most, I'm "one of the guys". If they need a place to crash after going to the bar, I know that I'll be going out to the living room and waking their hungover ass up off the couch :p

    So... since I'm like that with guys and it REALLY does mean nothing, I'd trust a S/O in the same way. Who am I to get mad at him picking a girl up and spinning when he hugs her, when my friends do the same to me?
    Now if it was like my last relationship, when he knew I liked those kind of hugs, would hug other girls like that in front of me, but then not do it to me because of me being too heavy.... there'd be something said. :p
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Interesting topic. Personally I'm really not comfortable with the guy friend situation with girls I date because I've noticed more often than not its some loser who is too gun shy to actually go after what he wants so he settles for being friends hoping one day she'll "notice" him. I've dealt with it several times myself so when I see a girl with a bunch of guy friends its hard for me to see it as anything more than a hook up. I try to avoid drama at all costs.
    I know this isn't always the case since I have a bunch of female friends but they're usually girls I'm not attracted to (attractive women just not for me) and/or girls who generally don't black men or aren't white.
    Currently I gotta stomach my girl making new male friends at school. I don't like it but we agreed from the beginning we wouldn't police each other so I gotta just deal with it for now.
  15. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Bingo! I've ended up looking like an ass a few times, after defending my platonic male friendships to certain ex's, only to have those "friends" eventually try to take it to another level. I think when you've seen this happen a few times, it's hard to be 100% trusting of platonic friendships.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly. The only time that's happened to me is when I tried to be friends with girls I use to hook up with. Definitely not a good idea, but its a clear sign if you have someone who is "platonic" constantly telling you how good looking and wonderful you are. The only way to really be friends is zero physical attraction.
  17. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Or a but of maturity. I can find a man very attractive and do nothing about it if I'm in a committed relationship. As for men I used to be involved with, many of them remain good friends even if one or both of us has gone on to another relationship. One of my exes, who I spent eight years with, moved here last year. He stayed at my place for about six months while he was finding a job and getting sorted out. Not once was there anything physical between us during that time. He moved in with a woman he met back in July, and they are quite happy together. He still stops by or calls me every week just to touch base. Obviously since we spent 8 years together, there was a physical attraction. But my genitals don't rule my life, my brain does.
  18. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    First of all, intimacy is more than sex, and those pictures are way too intimate for two people who are not in a relationship together.

    People act like "it's ok I trust him/her" c'mon son!. If every person can be trusted then why do more than half of all marriages end in divorce. There is no reason you need to test your relationships. Men are men and women are women, and any man and women can stray from their responsibilities when they put themselves in intimate situations with someone other than their significant other.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Cosign. I tell my girl all the time if making new male friends is that important to her than she is more than welcomed to it, I just won't stick around. If it makes me uncomfortable I am well with in my rights to express it and act accordingly.
  20. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Very comfortable. There is no relationship without trust.

    Jealousy isnt a manly attribute.

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