I'm not saying don't claim your rights. Just don't get too caught up in the fervor. Especially when dumb fucks like to try to flip and roll that shit. And no need for history lessons, please. I'm 45 years old and grew up in the South and I got all the history & then some from parents, grandparents and family associates coming up. Never mind the first hand things I witnessed locally at the time.
See what I mean about ideology? You have people on political/religious bullshit blaming others who don't subscribe to their way of thinking for any and everything. Just say some foolish individuals did something they probably should not have done and leave it at that. SMDH.
I think we all did a good job of leaving political ideology out of this thread, except for the times we had a few people insist on bashing the NRA while lumping pro gun rights advocates in the same category along the the likes of rush limbaugh and the KKK. That was not necessary. Has anyone here claimed to be a member yet? Don't worry I'll wait.
Wow this thread has genrated a pile of posts. All we need to do is go on with the other favorites, abortion, religion, etc and we'll be up to 1000 pages of posts in no time. My thoughts on this subject go back to the first page where thoughts on the media were written. Regardless of whether they were naming the names of gun owners, women who have had abortions, those who don't belive in God or the supposed names of people thought to be communists during the McCarthy hearings the naming of names is wrong, harmful and everything that makes this country not North Korea. I for one have pretty much lost all respect for the media be they liberal or conservative biased because they can't just report they are now trying to influence the way society lives its life.
No one that has posted in this thread has claimed NRA membership. That doesn't mean there aren't people on this forum who aren't members. We have people from all kinds of different backgrounds here, so only reasonable to assume there may possibly be NRA members here. And for the record the people who are speaking out for the NRA in the media don't necessarily speak for the average joe member who belongs to the NRA, so labeling anyone who is an NRA member as a right-wing gun nut is wrong. Just my two cents.
Ra thats horseshit. GL and Boba are outright accusing us of being in the NRA just becaude we dont agree with them. Just because you believe in gun ownership foesnt mean we believe in no regulation and arming teachers. Its like being called a sexist if you think women's only gyms are ok.
I guess its not bias if it supports your position huh? Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.- samuel johnson TDK...go find a post where I said you are in the NRA ..... I stated stop adopting the NRA talking points because they are not in the best interest of the public. if you really think on it....you will realize they dont represent the members of the NRA they rep the manufacturers.
yeah, my position with gun regulation is not to make it easier and/or more efficeint for a mad-person to kill people. its easier to kill a person with a gun versus a knife. who you rather face if you didnt have a gun. a man with a knife or a man with a gun.
TDK, if you're not a member of the NRA, then why are you getting worked up about anyone coming at you accusing you of being a member? So what if they don't agree with you or your opinions? This is suppose to be a discussion on a topic correct? Why is anyone in this thread even acting like they are winning some kind of battle or something? Put your opinions out there. If some one doesn't agree with it, then they don't agree. If they are posting up things that you think make you come off in a bad light, then counter them, but rationally & respectfully. That's on both sides of the discussion. And this is for everyone. I understand there are strong opinions and passions on both sides, but everyone comes off looking like fanatics on either side once the disrespect and attempts to discredit the other side to get their point across starts. That's why there's not mass participation in sensitive yet important topic threads such as this. Everyone here is an adult, but ya'll crack me up at times with some of the kiddie bullshit that goes on.
exactly. those type of people are always watching fox and listen to rush limbuagh without regards for both sides , facts and listen to common sense.
Becausing calling me an NRA member is a way of dismissing what I say. Its like someone calling you a racist because yu disagree with them about something regarsing race
And that's why I suggested countering rationally & respectfully. If you know you're not a member, then they can't dismiss you if you correct them rationally, which I know you are more than capable of doing. Again, I realize there are strong passions involved on either end, so not putting blame on anyone for getting caught up in the topic discussion. Just recognize bullshit for what it is.
Have you read my posts Ra. I coulsnt be more rational sir. When people like Bliss and Book who dont normally agree with me are finding value in my posts that speaks volumes sir.
Dude. I know you're rational. That's the point. I'm not saying you're wrong or at fault on anything. Just recognize the bullshit they said or may say for what it is. Bullshit. They know they can push your buttons with that. Don't let them. That's all I'm saying.