Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners' Names and Addresses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its not spending money thats the the problem its being so wasteful with it that is. Nothing they have proposed or put into law slows down someone who wants to kill. They can get their hands on an rifle they can still find a clip that holds 30 rounds and still spree kill. Nothing theyve presentrd slows that down one bit.
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I understand your think I dont. shit
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the major problem I have especially are the talkj show hosts. these fools will say anything to get noticed.

    here in bham a radio show host was flip flopping on everythiung . first he was saying we need to do something (short version) but not infringe on 2nd amend.

    so a caller chimed in and said " we need to do backround checks on all sales. to keep guns away from felons"

    he responded "thats a slipper slope" he didnt goi in-depth on what that meant. so he had a local chief of police or something like that on the show.

    now i had a backround check for felony and its only 54 bucks and it taked 5 I have no idea what slippery slope he is talking about.

    the cop stated the following "we have something in place already. what we do is when a crime happens we do a search to see IF we can trace the gun to the owner..using shells casing and finding the gun"

    he stated that and he went on to basically say in summation thats all we needed.

    just think on that for a moment.
  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You, sir, are an idiot.
    And go get fucked for all I care.

    I do know my history and it affects everyone in one way or another.
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

  6. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    Again, you sir, are an idiot.

    You ARE included in the constitution NOW as it NOW stands.

    Now, here's the hx lesson you, sir, ARE missing.

    When it was all written and the second amendment added, you yourself would have not been considered a person and could not have owned a gun or been part of any thing "we'll regulated" or not.
    Unless of course you considered a field of some sort where you would have been forced to work for no pay and under horrid conditions a
    Therefore, hence, ergo..

    If times have changed then pray you tell me why for the love of cotton do you hold dear to a document that wouldn't have included you even if you begged?

    It kind makes you and TDK's tyrannical government argument look asinine.
    Especially when you consider that what you keep crying foul about (a tyrannical government) is exactly what the 2nd amendment would have protected against.

    If you had been included that is.
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Your current president is considered Black and being called a tyrant by the very White descendants of the people who wrote the documents about "freedom" & "rights". Think long and hard on that shit before getting too patriotic and wrapping yourself up in the flag and what it is suppose to stand for........
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I Iz trollz:
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2013
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    There's about 500 more pages to this thread that I'm trying to read through, but this post is spot on. There are so many more dangers in this country that people should be worried about - pollution of our water (Erin Brockovich anyone?), polluting our foods, etc.

    And every time I read Goodlove's "I have a right to live" phrase, all I think about is this woman (who lives in another suburb here) who was upset that her husband didn't want to move back to Poland so to "get back at him" she stabbed their son over 100 times and because she was babysitting a little girl at the time and the little girl was a witness, she stabbed the girl over 50 times.

    This happened a few months ago.

    There are sick fucks all over this world. Where there's a will, there's a way.

    You cannot legislate people who go off their rockers like that. You can't. It's impossible because we aren't living Minority Report.
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    This is comming form the same deranged dummy that said the pentagon would use nuclear weapons against a citizen rebellion. I am going to talk at you and not to you because you are to stupid to reason with.

    So what about the black people that come from africa in the 21 st century and become citizens do they not have constitutional rights because they are black. What about the White americans of Irish decent who are descendants of slaves, well because their ancestors were slaves when the constitution was written then they don't have second admendment rights either huh? The truth is black is synonymous to slave in your eyes because you are an ignorant decrepit mutherfucka.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    He is president regardless, is he not? Don't get too stuck on the past racism is racism, it does not matter where it stems from. Remember white people are a big reason why he is president now because they voted for him. Would you not say you are entitled to the same rights as any other citizen?
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again dumb shit brought to yoy from Ali. Based on that slow ass logic then I should never vote because the concept wasnt created with the idea I should have any say in the decision making process. Same goes for you woman.
    You people are trying to shove us back into slavery with these ridiculous statements. Black peopl in this country as a people have more than earned their right to be treated lik any other citize and enjoy the same rifhts and privileges everyone ne else enjoys but now the new mqntra from you people is "they werent allowed to before why should they have the right now" think about that shit sounds.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What on earth are you talking about Ra. You are another smart dude posting some bullshit. No one here is waving the flag and screaming about their patriotism fam. We are acknowledging that the second amendmemt wasnt just about militias and muskets. There was a concern about a government getting to big and exactig its will on the people and nkt being a tool of thr people. Do you think that it was a mistake to be concerned about that?
    Qnd these "those laws werent made for you" comments are gwtting out of hand. Its lik you people want rights to be retroactive. If wouldnt have had them in 1780 you shouldnt be worried about having thrm now. Its ridiculous and quite dishonorable.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    More propoganda from a biased source. They were never shy about saying black or slave before but theyre gonna beat around the bush in this document? Why?
    And lets say that it was the intention. So the fuck what. Should we continue the racist tradition of denying blacks the right to protect their homes and family? Hope you enjoy the same logic when someone says women were never allowed to vote so why are they voting now.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    get off ur ass and stop typing with ur phone
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol at 5am with baby girl at the crib yeah right lol
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I'm not going to talk at you or to you because you are a, how did you put it?!?!?!?

    Too stupid to comprehend and a decrepit ass motherfucker.

    Obviously black people who come to America I. The 21s century have the same rights as black Americans who live here.
    Is there suppose to be 2 America's?
    I would wager a guess that you are one of those that says Obama hasn't done shit for blacks two?
    And which Irish people are you referring too, exactly?
    Irish slaves?

    I most certainly hope it isn't the black Irish.

    If it is then wow, you ARE as stupid as you seem.

    * I HATE typing on my phone *
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Ha Ha you obviously can't read well
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dude I'm not anti-gun. I am however for some regulations. So don't come at me on that "patriotic" crap about "rights" or don't be stuck in the past speech. I am a Black man in America who has seen and experience my fair share of ignorant shit and it's not the mentally ill or the criminals I'm worried about. It's not even some evil tyrannical government I'm worried about taking my "freedoms" or my "liberties". It's the law abiding gun owning citizens that are stuck on stupid and currently have a problem with a Black president and going out of their way to delegitmize him and the fact he's president that I'm more worried about. Especially the ones who look like me. While there are many enlightened people out there, I'm not foolish enough to think it's all gravy. Because the "new racism" is not just about race it seems, it's ideology. Because you can get people of any race to get behind an idea even fucked up ones if they sound good. That's all I'm saying. Again. Do what you feel is best for you & yours to keep them safe. Just be sure about why you're actually doing it.
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I am just as disgusted as you are about the way the president has been treated, but just because it is the right wingers that are doing it and I may agree with them on some gun rights issues, does not mean that I am a party to their stupidity. Also, I see nothing so patriotic about claiming my rights that were fought for by civil rights leaders and appreciating the many people who risked their lives in service to the country that I may live, and those that made my road easiler and defended the freedoms that we have today like Dorie Miller for example. Can you imagine how rough it would have been for you or me without the sacrifices of black and white people before us. I would be a fool to not claim what every human being deserves especially considering the fact that many did not have the same opporitunities before me. Why should I let a few clowns turn me off from an issue that I feel strongly about? They may be just riding the banwagon of anti Obama, personally I am just staying true to my own values, no need for the bullshit.

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