Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners' Names and Addresses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Just like the fear mongering lead by liberals who think every gun owner is a potential spree killer who needs to have their names and addresses printed in the interest of public safety. The NRA does the same thing but don't act like Obama and the left are clean in this. The provisions they have put forth do nothing to limit the gun violence not even spree killing since those who do illegal shit could care about the law in the first place. So registering bullets and limiting clips only limits people like and allows them to keep an eye on people who aren't going around killing. Can't you see how that shit fuels the very fear the right has.
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    also , again YOU TDK are a total asshole. you sit there and throw insults when your so-called logic is shot to death or people just outright disagree with you. why should any man respect you, when you wouldnt dare give it? explain why should I respect you when you constantly disrespect people not just me but others? fuck that. you arent gonna come at me like that.

    when you discuss things in a civil manner then cool.

    why would a black man believe ANYTHING that came out of a history book when they wouldnt totally tell what happened. if you read the history books the country was founded on christian you believe this country was founded by christians?

    do you people read and comprehend. got damn!!!!! yall see what you want to see. I didnt say I totally believe but are you gonna sit there and honestly say that white slave masters didnt go out and hunt escape slaves and not beat or kill em.

    according to your logic Bliss , the slave masters wouldnt dare harm or kill their slaves? are you saying they wouldnt?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    explain how that would reduce your 2nd amendment rights?
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You argue the point into the ground like you were there and it is fact. The second amendment had nothing to do with slaves. 226 years ago they weren't shy about their racism and entitlement. They had no problem writing into law that blacks were 3/5 of a person or even as recent as the 1960s have exclusionary laws against blacks so if the 2nd amendment was in fact a way for slave owners and whites to kill native americans and keep blacks in check there would be a record of it. It would actually be in writing.
    And more time so we are absolutely clear, no one is saying that white people weren't racist against blacks and that they weren't allowed to have guns but that had nothing to do with the second amendment.
    I keep calling you illogical because you keep failing to make a point. You're position has more holes than a fishnet.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    heavier regulations putting me under more government scrutiny and limiting my ability to protect myself is a limitation of my rights.
    Its like saying I have free speech only tuesday wednesday and thursday and that I should register all communication devices so they know that I am speaking responsibly and know exactly what I am saying.
    Its like saying I have freedom of religion but can only pick Christianity, Islam, and Hindu and if I want to worship anything else I need to be registered.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    damn dude...I keep saying before....stop jumping on the damn bandwagon of the following talking points:

    the eroding of the 2nd amendment.

    they are taking our guns.

    the govt needs to be stopped eroding the 2nd amendment they are tyrannical

    lastly you have not made you point on how is your 2nd amendment rites are being taken away thru the obama proposals
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Up until you brought it up I didn't mention anything about the erosion of the 2nd amendment.
    And they are taking away guns.
    Retroactive registration, limiting clips, and nothing about mental health.
    Its not about reducing gun violence. How does it reduce gun violence please let me know.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    no its not. how ? scrutiny?

    uuhhhh so are you saying we shouldnt check to see if you have a criminal record? or domestic violence patterns or other violent records?

    you shouldnt be checked to see if you have past mental problems?

    you do know a felon cant vote right? so how is it a felon cant vote but the chances of a felon getting a gun is better than voting?
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Its about reduci ng the efficiency of them killing people.

    everyone has been saying that over and over again by everyone who proposed it

    I said that before when I said loghner had 30 rounds and if we reduced it he would have harmed less......I didnt nor has any other said it would have stopped him.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're not making any sense once again. How does heavier regulation change any of that. It was already on the books. The NEW regulations doesn't reduce or help any of that shit. Criminals don't register guns and sure as fuck won't register bullets.
    Funny how the mental health thing wasn't in it, which would be the only thing I would agree with but they didn't even address that.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    when you say that the libs, goodlove and others you site are gungrabber and want to confiscate guns and the govt is tyrannical thats inferring the erosion of the 2nd amendment.

    are you reading and understanding what you are saying?
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    you need to read more. felons cant directly get the guns....they get it thru straw sales and at guns shows. do you know what that is (straw sales)?
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If someone is intent on mass killing THEY DON'T FOLLOW THE LAW. It's not like they are discontinuing all manufacturing and going from door to door and going into homes to confiscate them, so they are still out there. And the people you are trying to limit, the spree killers, are planners. They will take the time to find the right guns and the right magazines before they do what they do. Its rarely if ever on a whim
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    i never said there was anything wrong with registering guns. But keeping law abiding citizens who have never done anything wrong from guns they've been able to manage without incident is plain wrong. The biggest problem I have is its done in the interest of safety and that is complete bullshit. Since when does the government care about loss of life. There will hundreds of people who starve to death this weak, thousands who will die in car wrecks and we accept that shit like its nothing yet thousands are dead.
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    people will commit crimes....just dont help them be efficient at it. dont give the access to allow people to mow down people with 100 round clips in 15 seconds. that dont make sense to me. thats all we are saying
    explain how law abiding citzens are being kept from guns because they are registing? also you just sat their and said in that statement the gun advocates are trying to erode the 2nd amendment.....(think about what yo9u just said).

    now all of the sudden you are saying that govt dont care aboutr the lives of, all of the sudden that maybe the 2nd amendment may not have been for you now? how far fetch is that since you are saying the govt dont care about people living or dying?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    obamas plan to CURB gun violence....(not eradicate it. violence will happen.)

    it also mentions mental health
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How often does that happen for us to be paying 500m for another program that won't work
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    doing nothing isnt an option either.


    whats the dollar amount would you put on this persons life?

    if she was your daughter.....and the Govt asked we can save 500 million if you allow us to kill her....would you do it?

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Seriously go fuck yourself. You people make me sick parading dead children to further your shitty political agenda. How about all the kids murdered by stray bullets. I could post pics all day but we wont legalize drugs like weed that would greatly reduce the gun violence taking their lives. Know why? Because theyre poor minorities so lets not pretend like we as a country give a flying fuck about dead kids. That 500mill is going to be sucked into the abyss of government overspending with zero results. You want to reduce the death of kids like the girl you just posted? Mandatory psych eval and mandatory safes for your guns or 10k fine no exception. You can make clips 2 bullets per round and it wont stop shit since criminals dont follow rules. Why is that so difficult to get?
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yes, that was a fucked up move by me.....I can accept that.

    maybe you should post pics of dead kids...better yet go to their funeral and tell the parents how there should be more guns like you want because of your agenda. have you ever had to carry a casket of a little child killed ? have you?

    did your political idealogy ever resurrected a child, stopped a bullet or from injurying a person?

    but werent you the one that put a price on life? you said it would cost millions of dollars.....that was you. can you accept that as a fucked up thing to cost too much. do you think those parents would be ok with that statement?

    you dont want to do anything but give talking points about in keeping your 2nd amendment rights.....but damn everyone else. very selfish.

    would you be upset if your child got killed and someone stated it would cost too much to try to protect your other child?

    never did I say it will stop people from doing evil things. evil acts have been done through out time....doesnt that mean you should just through up your hands.

    you got angry over starving people......well do you just say fuck it....the problem is too big and been around for years...let em starve will correct itself. NO. you, as an individual as a man, do something if it makes upset.

    I think it was churchill who said something to the extent "do a little is better than doing nothing"

    why is it so difficult to get? what I really dont get after what I just selfish and narrowminded people can be. they just fucking dont care what they do in how it harms others.

    you just sat there and confessed that making sure or trying to keep guns away from thugs and mentally unstable people shouldnt be hampered because its an inconvenience to you.

    yes, we can agree to disagree. sure

    yes, posting a pic of a child that was killed could be viewed as a low blow.

    But to sit there and say regulations on guns is bad because it might be an hamper to you and money will get sucked away.....well just go think on that.

    people (especially Republicans) always screaming how much of a christian they are and how much they love christ but when it comes to another human being....greed rears its head.

    part of the "christian" definition of love is to sacrifice....what are you willing to give up for your brother?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013

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