and negroe if you look it was from a chris rock joke....BUT how much validity does it have. will drive up the cost to be a criminal. also you can make your own bullets but if you have to register it all then it makes a lot of shit harder and make people more responsible for their shit. fool ...... you agreed with all the suggestions I made except one. check mate..... class over now go turn in your paper to me next week
dude you have nt answered the questions from the last post. now go sit down at the little people's table
LOL, that's all you got. That's 'cause you realized you fucked up. :smt056 Now you KNOW Ronnie didn't take their guns either, he just made sure you they couldn't use them. Sound familiar? I bet he spat the same ish you are - " Californians, SHOW ME where I stated we should confiscate guns!" :roll: You know, Thomas Jefferson was right when he basically said, 'the course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases'.
NRA (national racist association) has never been our friend.......maybe our allies but not our friend. your view of what the black panthers were doing versus mine are totally different. guns in that area and that time were legal to carry in the open. until the panthers started doing it then its a problem. so please
I know right?? I don't think he knows what he wants. He's just parrotting. And TDK was being respectful while others here first were calling him stupid and cursing at him. Trust me, I was looking out for it to see if he did. He did not start the insults in this thread.
LOL. in other words...., you said I want to grab guns and now you cant find where I stated you want to say thats all I got. LOL LOL....egg on your face. I have always said cool keep your guns but assault weapons need to be banned that is for military only. when they banned it in the 90's they allowed people who already owned them to keep em. no need to say that it will be grandfathered in. also, I stated and will continue to say...gun restrictions/control/bans/regulations not gun grabbing your response ...insults, violation of 2nd amendment rights (which its not) and comparing what I stated to things that are not designed to kill but have more restrictions and regulations
bullshit.....and you know it. he started waaaaaaaaay back 10-20 pages ago and you didnt say shit until I did . so dont go there
^^^^^^Total crap man, you came late to this thread. Go back and read then speak. ^^^^ No shit Sherlock, that's the point. Total and blatant disregard toward their constitutional right to carry. What are you missing here, GL?? :smt017
now go find where I got personal before hand....he also did that with andrebba but you were cool withg that because he sided your views. right? civil should only be an one way street?
they are about 5X more expensive when its illegal versus legal. the seller (who bought it opriginally and legally) will sell it in his area to someone who dont qualify (felon). police will tell you that.....noted
really....sooooo. when you agreed to those you disagree with what you cosgned to? please explain how that works? who are you paul ryan?
If you make it as tough and ardous to buy guns why would everyone do it legally? Youll price out poor people making illegal guns that can just be stolen rather than purchased and resold below market price. You didnt think that through did you
Im telling you and him.......2nd amendment rights (constitution for that matter) were for whites not blacks. so to talk about infrigemenent thats a joke. to act like all those people who are upset want you in on the deal.....thats a laugh.