Why do you need a car to go 200 miles an hour? What purpose does it serve? Speed limit is at most 65. :smt069 Same thing with 30 round clips. Apart than for multiple assailants, some people like to go to indoor/outdoor ranges and just shoot at targets, tin cans, melons, clays, whatever. You do know there is an OLYMPIC SPORT called Skeeting, right? Yeah, how about that...guns at the Olympics. BAN them now! :-x http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_skeet
For the record, it's very difficult to draw an analogy between guns and anything else. Guns are designed to kill. They aren't made for 'sport', although they can be used that way. In much the same way a gun can be used to open a locked door, ventilate a window instead of getting up to open it, or be used to 'turn off' a TV, permanently. A car that's sold capable of exceeding 200 mph is a marketing ploy, that speed for most drivers is totally unnecessary. But most car manufacturers know that many drivers are turned on by SPEED and horsepower. In the same way that many gun owners are 'turned on' by the lethality of a particular firearm. Even the head of the NRA has argued that most experienced shooters can swap out 10 round mags in seconds so that individual mag load capacity is almost irrelevant. A 30-50 round clip is designed to facilitate killing a large number of people without reloading. The Gabby Giffords shooter had a high capacity mag 9mm. So did the Colorado movie theatre shooter and the Connecticut elementary school shooter. I'm glad that many pro-gun people are willing to accept a ban on high capacity gun magazines.
Abortion machines are designed to kill, too. Look, I don't like 30 mag clips. But if they make guns that take them, then who am I to tell you a limit. I don't like abortions. But if there are docs who perform them, then who am I to tell you a limit. :smt102
The medical equipment used for abortions is designed to remove an early developing fetus one at a time. So if an abortion doctor developed a process that allowed him to conduct 10 abortions at once, that would be fine too because it's 'legal' to have an abortion?? It's the same reason many abortion doctors won't perform one after the first trimester, because most people operate within what they consider to be reasonable limitations. For instance, it's (sort of) legal to buy and sell most armor piercing bullets, but if you go on many internet gun forums and ask where to buy it, people get suspicious. The question most widely asked is, why would a civilian need armor piercing bullets as opposed to normal ammo?? It's the same argument against high capacity mags. Ever go to a gun forum on the interwebz?? LOL. Talk about background checks for the mentally ill.:toimonster: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=371711 I wish people would stop misconstruing the meaning behind the 2nd Amendment. The Founding Fathers were against the idea of a professional army and believed at which time the States needed a standing army, that army would be organized on the state level not federal. Part of their reasoning according to many Constitutional scholars is because the Founding Fathers were against levying the taxes that would be needed to support a federal army and instead chose to leave maintaining militias to the States. The 2nd Amendment has nothing at all to do with arming ordinary citizens against a tyrannical government. Militias were supposed to be this country's National Guard and federal force. The NRA has distorted the meaning behind the 2nd Amendment to feed the paranoia of many Americans and sell more guns.
You are absolutely wrong on that one: "The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson) "The tank, the B-52, the fighter-bomber, the state-controlled police and military are the weapons of dictatorship. The rifle is the weapon of democracy. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military. The hired servants of our rulers. Only the government-and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws." (Edward Abbey, "The Right to Arms," Abbey's Road [New York, 1979]) "And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants" (Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787. Taken from Jefferson, On Democracy 20, S. Padover ed., 1939) "...to disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380) Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. - Thomas Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764
The problem with you anti-gun people is that you refuse to be honest about what this is really about. You claim to be afraid of how many guns out there and think limiting clip size and restricting the law abiding will some how make you feel safer when the real issue is you refuse to see the nature of people. You think nicely regulated laws will keep things like Sandy Hook and Aurora from happening when the reality is that removing the instrument of death from those hell bent on death have never been successful before so why would it now? Cowardly and/or insane people will always find a way. We can not hide from them all the time, there will be a point where we are forced to confront them. Giving all rights and powers to someone else praying they always do the right thing is childish and naive. How many times do we need to see examples where a government takes the rights of the people away when they see fit? A small concentration of powerful people who have shown us over and over that they could give a fuck less about the people are suppose to care about our safety? Motherfucka please. And save the arguments that if a government wanted to take out the people they would send the marines and just carpet bomb the fuck out of the area. Strategically that wouldn't make sense but if it came down to it I would much rather be able to shoot back than to under my bed like a coward praying that someone else saves me. I think the problem a lot of you have is that you fail to realize that their is no such thing as safety. You're in danger all the times just sometimes more so than others. As for GL dumb ass question why do I need a 30 round clip? So I have 30 opportunities to take out a motherfucka who is trying to harm me. Again all you "your right to own a gun shouldn't infringe on my right to live" whiners how about you take that fight to companies who pollute the fuck out of your food and water which kill hundreds of thousands to millions per year but since its not on the news all the time you geniuses don't know it huh. Shit if your right to live is so important. No more alcohol no more individual driving only public transportation. Its cheaper and a lot more SAFE. No more knives bigger than someone's palm what the hell do you need with knives bigger than that for unless you're a butcher we gotta people safe dammit. Go live in a bubble if you want to that's fine but don't try to require me to do it as well and rely solely on the altruism of other people to do the right thing by me. Its childish and ridiculous.
Ah.. Because concepts mean absolutely nothing ever under any circumstance. Guess you outta let the dead CEO to apple in on that wise piece of petty wisdom. *rolls eyes*
Oh.. But it's totally NOT disturbing Andre The point that all these gun owning fanatics in this thread are trying to get you to understand is that you are the completely insane one for seeing something wrong with putting a fake gun to a kittens head and not being out of diapers yet. See, now anyone who knows anything at all about sanity would say this is exactly why people should own guns. Because to not have a problem with shameless deaths is insane. I wonder how many condolences say, Beasty or Bliss sent to the parents of the dead children at Taft High in Cali. Wait..it's perfectly normal to put the barrel of a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger. As evidenced by a toddler holding a fake gun to a kittens head.
Dude... Have you ever tried to take down an elk? Those "hunters" need every single one of those 100 rounds damnit! Elk! It's wuts fer dinner! Not to mention.. TDK would need what's left of those rounds to take take down the posse of rape crazed men waiting to break into his apartment at a moments notice and rape his girlfriend. Keep. Up.
Yeah... I have to work and stuff now. Everyone's sick with flu today. So dicking around on etsy selling vintage and retro clothes.
oh one fact that was left out. he got off 30 rounds in 15 seconds. killing 6 and wounding 13. again why should you have a 30 round clip? Bliss here where you can catch up on what I posted earlier about the car and clips/guns. now you can respond to that.....along with what andreboba. as far as competition shooting......you dont need them at home the competition organization can hand them out. also skeet shooting dont give a 30 round clip. if you miss the first or 2nd time you are ass out. as for hunters...hello its not a sport. football , basketball , golf , boxing and hocket and soccer is a sport because the people you are playing against have an opportunity to do the same back to you to get a score. if the animals can shoot back....your ass wouldnt play. hunting is for people to eat. if you cant hit an animal with a bow and arrow, crossbow or a sling shot or even with a rifle with one shot then you stink and should quit
believe it or not, some people believe football and boxing arent sports because of the amount of violence in them everyone has an opinion to be honest tho...certain animals do have the capacity to kill hunters..so...
i can see where they are going but hunting....the animals didnt volunteer for the activity. yeah...I can see it now. deer says to man "lets play a game call hunt. I go hide and you find me then you use this tool that have these projectiles and you try to hit me with them because those go lightening fast and I have to dodge them....good luck ready. set. go."
What I found disturbing with the toddler and the cat was where did this child at this age learn to do that? What has that child been exposed to? The whole thing is just wrong. My children at that age only knew of Thomas and the wiggles....the parents of the gun totting toddler should have social services set on them
The protection against tyranny is a healthy democracy, not guns. Keep thinking a few million 'patriots' with firearms is ready to go toe to toe with the most well armed military in the world, that same military we've funded annually with tens of billions of our tax dollars. So let's just take off the table the argument 'I own my gun to keep Uncle Sam in check'. The 2nd Amendment will never be overturned. Just a fact. So the only other reasonable option, the safer option, is to put more controls and better enforcement on gun ownership. No more private sales, no more assault weapons, a mandatory background check for all purchases and limits on mag clip capacity. If you're firing off more than 10 rounds at anyone, you are either under assault by greater numbers than you have the ability to defend yourself against, or you're shooting at shadows because you're scared out of your mind. I don't think you'll ever read a crime report were either the victim or police investigators believed ,'if only Mr. Smith had a 30 round mag, he'd be alive today.' I think Jefferson was wrong in his view about the equalizing power of an armed populace against the government. If our political system falls under the weight of corruption, it will be every state for itself. If Jefferson could have imagined the firearms available to the average citizen today versus the war machine of the U.S. military, I think he would have a totally different view about the role of guns in our society. If there are those who want to overthrow the U.S. government, just remember there are at least 51 U.S. military bases around this country, and that's just the Army. We have roughly 100 Air Force bases in the U.S. Are all of our allies less free than the U.S. because they restrict firearms?? Many of our European allies have been invaded by foreign powers during the last 80 years and are bordered by many of these same countries, yet they don't see this burning need to arm all their citizens to preserve their freedom.