Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners' Names and Addresses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Of course he is...:?

    East Windsor, NJ Police Blotter: Couple Wakes Up to Find Burglar in Their Bedroom.

    Police responded to the Windsor Regency Apartment complex after a couple called 911 at 12:46 a.m. on Dec. 27 to report that someone had burglarized their apartment while they were sleeping.

    The female resident told police she woke up to observe a stranger in her bedroom. She roused her boyfriend, who said he awoke just as the burglar – described only as a “male with a red jacked” – fled the bedroom and exited the apartment by way of a rear sliding door. The incident remains under investigation.
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    so you need a 50cal sniper rifle .....why?

    you need an AR (assault rifle)-15 ....why?

    because you think the US govt is going to take your home and your constitution?

    have you been reaqding the turner diaries?

    do you think people like zimmerman should own guns?

    are you cool with what happen in this article?
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You like to conflate a lot of shit out of fear. I or Bliss may no need or want an AR but I am not naive enough to believe all powers of force should be turned over to a small concentration of people. Id rather a million private citizens have full automatic weapons than fifty thousand troops who work for the interest of the rich more odten than not
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The U.S. military is not allowed by law to be deployed on U.S. soil against civilians.
    That's strictly National Guard duty.

    There's a great deal of paranoia about the U.S. government that I just don't get, in the sense that that the federal government is out to do someone actual physical harm.

    If Uncle Sam is a mortal threat to the average American citizen, no amount of weapons in your home is going to protect you.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If you say so. I prefer to be able to do something than nothing
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    GL, I need none of those weapons. I have one revolver and I never want to have to use it for as long as I live.
    But I absolutely respect the Bill of Rights. We cannot go chipping at it to suit extreme agendas. Abortion is a RIGHT tied to the 11th Amendment. Since Roe v Wade, there have been over 50 million registered abortions performed in the U.S.
    Some people want to overturn that RIGHT. Get with the times, you know..bluh bluh.

    But the same gun-grabbers will scream blue murder if that ever happens.

    So you see now? You can't just take away to suit you. The Constitution belongs to America and her people, not just you. And as we know, the Second Amendment SAYS, America and Americans, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to bear arms if you so choose.

    Learn from the 18th Amd. and the ratifed 21st Amd. and get over it.

    *As for Zimmerman, he had a right, but he no longer does. You get one law abiding chance at this incredible Bill of Right. Fuck it up and you lose it. You have free speech but if it becomes HATE speech, you lose that right.
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    u people are making me cry
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    just saying

    the whole debate about abortion is whether or not a fetus is a person protected by laws against murder. take that and examine a newborn baby, and questions start to arise if whether or not they're protected from murder as well.

    interesting stuff

    another article links to doctors in the UK or something actually performing abortions based on sex, so parents can dictate what type of child they want

    when does it end?
  11. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    As we speak somebody is planning to go on a killing spree this year so he becomes famous and get discussed and debated on internet forums. Its become a way of life and part of America's culture. Obama can't do shit about it. People with the help of google can pull killing spree articles from Antartica to Zanzibar it wont change shit. Its a gun culture thing. With that said if a mofo attempts to enter my house i am not trying to immobilise him by shooting his leg, i am aiming at his heart area to send him to his maker.
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member


    It's stuff like this that makes me lean more towards being full-blown pro-life.

    This is disgusting.

    I was reading some of the comments after the article and I like what this person said:

    Shortly after abortion was legalized in the USA, Christian philosopher and theologian Dr Francis Schaeffer predicted that abortion would lead to acceptance of infanticide and euthanasia. That once man decides it is his perogative to play god, basically no life would be safe. That eventually and increasingly what was unthinkable in one generation would be acceptable in the next. They didn't think such things as the Holocaust would happen in civilized Germany. But as Schaeffer noted, it was the medical and legal professions that paved the way and enabled Hitler to not only exterminate millions of Jews, but POles, Christians, the handicapped, and anyone he deemed not a good German. I am glad the vast majority of commentators recognize the madness and evil proposed in the name of science. And as one person noted, this is the fruit of ethical relativism, and the rejection of God's moral absolutes like the sanctity of all life which is non-negotiable. But if a spiritual revival and renewal does not come to the West and Europe and America, such evil and madness as is proposed in the name of "scientific progress" then what is coming in a number of years will make Adolph Hitler seem like a choir boy. Yet as an believer in the sanctity of all life, I do not condone the death threats to these researchers, it truly is hypocritical for them to complain, about threats to their life by someone that like them that believes they have the right and perogative to snuff out human life, but merely disagree about the age at which it is appropriate.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    we're getting there..slowly but surely

    all of the old conservative ways are dying out with this new breed
  14. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member



    So thats why you think guns are evil.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Just two kook doctors who somehow got an insane article published in a medical journal. I don't think they represent the opinion of anyone, except their own.

    I'm surprised the Journal of Medical Ethics published this shock piece, but I'm sure they had a boost in their readership.:smt096
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Work on that reading comp, Beasty.

    More gun restrictions =/= guns are evil.

    I don't think every bozo should be allowed to own a gun. I don't think you should be able to buy a firearm at a gun show or through a private sale without a background check. This is how Mexi drug cartels acquire all their U.S. made firearms from straw buyers.

    I don't believe anyone NEEDS or should be allowed to buy a high capacity mag for their firearm.
    Even General McChrystal doesn't think military style assault weapons should NOT be sold to civilians. He doesn't know why a reasonable person would need one.

    I don't think the 2nd Amendment should be repealed, but 300+ million privately owned firearms in this country is too damned much.

    THe NRA is the marketing wing of the gun industry. They don't care about gun rights. What they care about is SELLING GUNS. Anything that interferes with there core business, putting 2+ guns in the hands of every man, woman and child, they are against.

    Wake up.:?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Link supporting this please because I thought they got a lot of their guns from the Haitians and Russian suppliers through Colombia and Peru. I could be wrong but that's the first I'm hearing of it.
    I've been to gun shows and I've yet to see people buying two dozen uzis or half a dozen glocks at one time. Its usually gun enthusiasts who buy a single item. And you keep throwing out that number of 300 million privately owned guns. I haven't seen that stat anywhere please provide a link. Not saying you're wrong just haven't seen it.
    And if that were the case more regulation won't stop that. The only way to remedy that is to allow the government to start going to homes and taking them away from people. Which again only makes them stronger and us further under the mercy of tyrannical government if it chooses to be.
    Privately owned guns at least puts a little fear into those who might oppress us.
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    THe FBI estimates at least 200 million firearms are owned privately by U.S. citizens. The number fluctuates because others speculate at least 100 million guns are owned illegally, and most guns are owned by people who have more than one.

    Here's a link to a gun forum where they discuss the very same question.

    If you google, "300 million owned guns U.S.",you'll get over 100 million hits.

    Here's a wiki quote from Wiki on the Mexican Drug War;

    Mexicans have a constitutional right to own firearms, [100] but legal purchase from the single Mexican gun shop in Mexico City is extremely difficult.[101] A significant number of firearms that make their way to Mexico come from U.S. gunshops. These are then smuggled into Mexico across the US-Mexico border. [102][103] Most grenades and rocket-launchers are smuggled through Guatemalan borders [104] or stolen from the Mexican police or military.[105]
    The vast majority of the handguns and many of the assault rifles used by the cartels enter Mexico from the United States.[104] Consequently, black market firearms are widely available. The most common smuggled firearms include AR-15 and AK-47 type rifles, and FN 5.7 caliber semi-automatic pistols. In 2009, Mexico seized more than 4,400 firearms of the AK-47 and AR-15 types. [106] Grenade launchers are known to have been used against Mexican security forces, and M4 Carbines with M203 grenade launchers have been confiscated.[107] It is believed that some of these high powered weapons and related accessories may have been stolen from U.S. military bases.

    The ATF estimates that over 70% of the guns found in Mexico come from the U.S.;

    Remember Fast and Furious??? Opponents of Obama's administration have misrepresented what this operation was about. The ATF wasn't selling guns to Mexi gun runners. They were surveilling straw buyers along the U.S./Mexican border and attempting to trace where those guns ended up.
    One of those guns bought at a U.S. gun shop was used to kill a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

    Google is your friend. No one's making up stats or numbers. Most stats I quote can be easily searched for corroboration.

    Bottom line, there are way too many guns in the U.S. and Uncle Sam is THE major arms dealer for the drug cartels in Mexico.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dont be a pompus dick bag I was just asking a question. I didnt know if you had sources beyond a simple google search.
    I have a few problems with the stat. Although a significant number of guns come from gunshops. Define gun shop. Pawnshops that illegally carry and sell guns or guns being obtained by American citizens at legit dealers who are illegally selling the guns to third parties?
    Either way its illegal gun purchases and/or sales which doesnt include people buying guns foe legit reasons. Also if 70% of guns are coming from the US guess whats its being used for? The fucking drug war so if your concern is the violence the best way to stop it quickly is legalizing drugs not putting more regulation on guns unless the new mission is to shut down gun manufactoring (which will happen the same day Jesus and the Devil are on Dancing with the stars).
    And with so many guns in the country youd think there would be a lot mpre violence. I wonder why not.
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    If background checks aren't required for most gun purchases, there's really no such thing as an 'illegal' gun purchase.
    Not requiring background checks is a built in loophole that allows people who aren't technically allowed to buy firearms to purchase them legally.

    Define 'gun shop'??
    You don't have stores like this in NY?? We have them all over in Virginia.

    There are shops like this littered along the Mexico/U.S. border in states like Texas, Arizona and California. Straw purchasers walk in with 10 grand in cash, buy what they like, walk out the store and sell them to criminals across the border. That's usually how it works.

    Even in Amsterdam cocaine and heroin aren't legal. What do you think would happen to health care costs if hard drugs were legalized??

    Most gun regulations as discussed in this thread are considered reasonable IMO by most people. Shutting down gun manufacturing would mean that selling guns is illegal. That's never going to happen in this country.

    In fact many of the people in favor of tougher gun regulations ARE gun owners.

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