Totally agree with the bolded part, but I honestly won't shoot someone over material things. If I feel my life is threatened, thats a different story. Anyone who kicks my door in stand a real chance of getting cooked.
Him and his ilk are terrified and because of it speak and act irrationally. Making up bs to support a weak argument and wanting to exclude MI from the conversation because it's "stereotyping" is representative a group of people who haven't figured out the truth about life. Safety is an illusion and one must try to protect themselves as best they can.
Most U.S. gun owners acquired their guns legally, according to current federal and state regulations. I didn't know that was a controversial or slanderous opinion.:smt105 The point I was making is that our gun laws at present are so lax, you can be a homicidal ex-con, or severely mentally disturbed and still legally obtain a firearm because in most instances a background check isn't required. The Va Tech shooter bought his guns legally too. Stop making excuses about people being afraid, or their beliefs have something to do with political ideology. When you rationalize why gun violence statistically isn't a problem, you're either justifying it or throwing up smokescreens.
Is the threat posed by gun violence because of mentally ill people acquiring guns, or the 300+ firearms already among the general public?? If your argument is mentally ill people are the reason innocent people die from gun violence, that is stereotyping and not based in reality. BTW personal safety doesn't require carrying around a weapon capable of deadly force. I'm terrified yet you can't live without your gun??lol:smt026 Typically it's the pro gun advocates whose lives are governed by their fears, not those who favor much tighter gun restrictions.
First off...that remark was NOT aimed at YOU. And second off..if you found it insulting.. Why would you reply with a further insult. And thirdly.. Why for the love of fuck can you not get the stereotyping thing. Or would you like me to call 911 if ever I see you walking down the street because oh mi gadz! Black man! Might rape me or rob me because he's black. Just like someone with schitzoaffective might shoot up another school with his mothers prepper guns because he's mentally ill, Yes people with SEVERE (that would be the key word there) will do whack shit..but people with ALL sorts of everything do whack shit. But you go ahead and BLAME this WHOLE thing on MI pt. maybe I'll start a thread about how black men are the reason there's hoards of gang activity in America. Or are you trying to still figure out why Asian and other racial gangs ares never included in the high stats? Must be because the only type of people who kill over drugs debts are African American. See how utterly fucking frustrating that is? No..probably not.
Actually I have no problem with you making an argumemt that blacks are responsible for gangs because I have statistics and history to PROVE thats not true. So of you want to make that silly argument go ahead. I never said people with mi are to blame for the whole thing but its NEVER brought up by all you anti gun people. Its only guns causing these problems. Nothing to be said about the fact that nearly all if not all of the spree killers were severely ill. So while you demand to know who has a gun becaise neighbor bob might have a bad day and shoot up the diner youre eating at its worth noting neighbor usually does shit like that if hes off his meds or was prescribed some. People like you and boba make it sound like we should only focus on guns and I agree with heavier regulation on assault rifles but this bs fantasy of becoming like AU and ignoring the unique problems the US faces is dishonest. And btw as much as you and boba keep bringing up how many guns are out there keep in mind its usually the ones obtained and/ot used illegalpy causing the carnage. Not the guy who bought a couple of glocks for home protection.
There are so many cases of disgruntled employees being fired and coming back to their place of employment and shooting up the entire office who weren't diagnosed as suffering from mental illness, or the husband who shows up at his wife's job and kills everyone inside who wasn't mentally ill. Remember the term, 'going postal'?? Just normal people who snapped, took their gun(s) and went looking for revenge against those they perceived had wronged them. One of the reasons this case is receiving so much attention is because of the age of the shooter(20) and the victims all being young children and elementary school teachers. Most spree killings are not the result of mentally ill people flipping out. You can address what kind of mental health care we provide in this country for those most in need, but that's just a fraction of the problem. In the U.S., if you are so inclined and want an easy way to kill one person or several that doesn't require you getting your hands bloody, a firearm is the weapon of first choice. Because guns are really good at killing people and they're relatively easy to purchase. Even a 'crazy' person knows if you want to unleash holy hell on someone, doing it with a gun is the best way to go. The problem is the easy availability of guns in this country by ANYONE. EDIT: DK, what you don't realize is that under our current gun laws, even someone with a criminal history can obtain a firearm 'legally', because in many cases it's 'legal' to sell a gun without a background check. Many criminals have admitted buying their guns from pawnshops and gun shows all according to state and federal guidelines. MOST guns in this country are acquired legally, because it's 'legal' for a straw buyer to go to a gun show and buy 100 9 mm, then sell those out of his house to anyone without a background check.
You keep ignoring the big issue of guns that ate already here and guns that can be shipped in illegally across the border. Also you cant tell me a person who kills a shit ton of innocent people isnt crazy. They may go undiagnosed but someone who has a grip on reality doesnt kill innocent people because the day went bad. But its worth noting that going postal and spree killings are incredibly rate and you love to point out how many guns there are but its a testament to how sane and responsible most people are since the firearm owners to death by firearms is insanely low. So if guns wete truly the problem wouldnt there be more killings
The U.S. ships guns south, it's not the other way around. Mexican drug cartels send straw buyers to Arizona and Texas to buy our guns, then arm the drugs cartels with them. THe U.S. is the #1 arms dealer for the Mexi drug cartels, according to the Mexican government. Also if there's a classification of people in this country who are high functioning, borderline personality types who live their entire lives undiagnosed and are impossible to screen on a background check until the right stressor comes along and makes them snap, isn't that all the more reason to have tighter regulations on guns?? It's a question of whether or not the amount of gun violence in this county is at a statistically acceptable level, whatever that means to you, or, is gun violence in this country already too high??? If it's at acceptable levels, we need to stop talking about all the young Black youths in Chicago and elsewhere blowing each other away every week. There are people BTW who believe based on the number of guns already out here, 30,000 people a year dying from gun homicide isn't really that big a deal.
When things become banned a new market emerges look at alcohol and drugs. Like I said Im all for regulation but how does that reduce the amount that are already out there? I also noticed one thing about most of them. Theyre cowards who prey on the defenseless the minute the cops come they either kill themselves or give up. It makes me wonderif more people were armed would they be as bold. I just dont see how keeping the sane and law abiding from owning guns being a bad thing
Other than buybacks or voluntary return of their weapons, I don't know how the feds reduce the number of guns either. How did they do it in Oz??? It bothers me because it seems as we become more industrialized and technologically refined socially, we are adopting the cultural norms of the 19th century Westward expansion in this country where it was status quo, almost on the level of owning a car, for most adult frontier men to own a firearm or save money to buy one. Most guys I know are 'normal', but I also know there have been times if they'd had a gun when they were beefing with someone, they might have pulled their piece to encourage someone else to shut the fuck Just not a good trend IMO.
I knew guys like that when I was a teenager but grown men dont do that shit. To be fair most people dont do that because most value human life and fear consequences. I domt like that there are so many guns out there and I hate that I feel the need to own onr but until certain dangers are properly det with I gotta protect myself.
I've seen grown men throw blows with a stranger when they find out their wife is cheating on them. I've seen grown men threaten to kick a mechanic's ass for shoddy repair work. People have bad days sometimes and things just blow.:shock: Guns to me are just very antisocial. Whenever I'm at someone's crib and I know they have a firearm I just get really uncomfortable, especially if it's someone I don't know well.
Why would anyone need a couple of glocks for home protection? A couple? Is one not enough? How many guns do you need to protect yourself, actually? So if you have one glock and shoot every single need the second glock to keep missing? Or you need two because you want to John Wayne it up? Who seriously needs a couple of any kind of gun for self protection? Especially if its a one shot, one kill? It's many coach bags do I need before it starts to get ridiculous and now I'm just being a twat? Same with guns. And I can give you stats out the okole that show that mentally ill people are not the problem you think we are. Just like you can give me proof that backs aren't the problem most people who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about think they are. Do you honestly think a suburbanite white collar snob in a high end house is ever going to think a young black man from the hood won't grow up to be a gang banging thug? My fat ass. Just like some glock collecting gun owner would never thnk that someone who has bipolar wouldn't take those guns and shoot 'em up at the local fucking mall. I can give you numbers and numbers on how MOST mentally ill people would never do such a thing. Or I can just tell you I'm living breathing proof that mentally ill people prove less of a danger to most other people than most people who are afraid of mental illness would like to admit. Talk about irrational and fear based thinking. And if your are going to talk about the stats regarding the mentally ill and shooting sprees then why are you not digging in on the the white male factor? Fair is fair.
^^^^A big reason why gun regulation makes no sense ^^^^ One minute an AR-15 is too scary too be legal, the next minute we should not have anything more powerful than a 9mm, now we should only have one glock because two is to many. :smt100