One pull of the trigger from a 12 guage shotgun using 2 3/4 shell of 00 buckshot is like a blast of 9 instantaneous shots from a submachine gun. You think that knowing this is faaar more deadly than anything of the AR family is intimate knowlege? :smt107 Hell no its common sense to anyone who actually give a damn enough to pick up a book and do a days worth of reading.
Okay, you take your 12 gauge shotgun holding its three shells, and I'll take my burst capable AR15 with its hundred round clip, stand at 50 yards and see who drops whom first. Or lets get really homicidal and walk into the nearest movie theater and see which one of us is the first to 30 kills. But you keep thinking a 12 gauge shotgun is more lethal that a modified AR15 with a 100 round clip.:smt048
i am for across the board background checks. I know PA requires gun shows to have background checks on buyers there, but all states don't (i think). That's pretty wild. Considering these mass murderers typically have mental health issues, something needs to be done with that as well. I know if you have been involuntarily hospitalized/psychiatric treatment, that's a red flag until after a certain amount of years have passed depending on state. You also have to consider who a person lives with. The mother of the shooter probably wasn't mentally ill, but her son was and he just ended up killing everyone with her guns. I'm still going to buy me a few. List my name if you want, you'd know not to rob me. other than that, i'm not too concerned what some hippie anti-gun type thinks about me. In the words of Smash Williams, I put the blinders on and keep it movin...i got things to do. :smt003
I agree about not caring I jist dont want to be harassed nor kept from jobs or schools Btw mind your tongue according to Ali its not MHI its guns guns guns dammit even though crazies use arson knives and other means to kill people
lulz ALL of the latest major killing sprees involved a killer that was mentally unstable. Not sure what else to say there. Like I wrote before, the nutty movie theater killer had explosives and booby traps rigged in his crib. He was a smart cat who knew how to build stuff. He could have easily repeated a McVeigh-level loss of life if he had to. You are right about the bias tho. Politics can play a huge role when it comes to work. If you have a group of people who are very passionate about anti-gun stances, that may affect whether or not you get a job if they can easily find out you are an owner. Mothafuckas just want to fuck with all of our rights up in here.
I just glad someone that knows about guns has not commited such acts, I much rather you remain clueless than that to happen. And what scenario you know about happened at 50 yards other than the DC sniper? :smt081 BTW good way to make an arguement without any knowlege of shotgun types, modes of operation or scientific facts. :smt038
The only thing I'll give boba is shotties tend to jam if you try to fast action reload. My remmington does that if I try to act like Annie oakly at the range. And since you can only get 8 rounds tops per full load. The long reload time would allow more people to run
People who hate guns tend to care less about the facts, for now I will just let him contiune to wish guns away, and not deal with reality. Anyway I did not know about Anne until now, these are some nice pics
Yeah right. How many shells does a single barrel 12 gauge shotgun hold?? 3? 5? Obviously I'm not going off my own personal knowledge, this is based off what I've read and researched. You're the only person so far who I've seen argue anywhere that any make of shotgun has more kill capacity than a burst capable AR15 with a high capacity clip. No need to be smug about it. You're just wrong. Shit we can cut it down to 20 yards. I'm still firing 9 rounds in less than 5 seconds with a burst capable AR15. The lethal capability of a firearm also factors in range. The further away I can be and still hit you, the more dangerous a weapon is going to be classified as being. Yeah a shotgun fired from a foot away is nasty. So is a machete or samurai sword. It still doesn't make any of them more deadly than an AR15.
lol, Im sure if you wanted too you could easily find out you are mistaken, so I am going to let you relish in your false sense of victory rather than give you more education that you can obtain for yourself. I don't reveal my hand that easily.
Duck and move. It's not about someone 'winning' anything. You commented earlier that I was mistaken for believing an AR15 was more deadly than a shotgun. You gave a specific case, that at close range a shotgun would cause much greater target damage than a single shot from a AR15. I concede that. But in most shooting situations that aren't face to face, an AR15 is the more dangerous weapon.
If either of you would like an unbiased appraisal of which is bigger, my email address can be found on the left. I'll need props such as a 2l soft drink bottle, a ruler and tape measure
Oh, Hai... Have I mentioned that I am mentally ill? Have I told you what i'm dx'd with? Axis I Axis name it..I got it. Have I told you how many people I've killed with ANYTHING lately? Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Goose egg....a BIG 'ole fat one. What part of the average person who is mentally ill is more of a threat to him or herself than any other person? We are more likely to be the victim of violent crime and abuse than any other person. So what did you say? Until you can come with PROVEN facts... You can't interact with teh adults. :smt084