Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners' Names and Addresses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Speeding is against the law. Owning a gun isn't.
    Someone can't make you feel like a criminal if you aren't doing something illegal.
    It's like if you have hangups buying a porn mag at a local adult bookstore, that might just be your own thing you need to work out.

    The only slight problem I have is with the names AND addresses included.
    But I know what they're trying to do, they probably won't do it again.

    However I can imagine in the future we will see local counties and districts identified by how many people living there own guns.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lmao so wanting to protect your loved ones and home is cowardice?
    You guys act like legal gun owners are just walkimg the streets starting shit with people. So lets say all those subscribe to porn channels is public record do you think the newspaper should print the names of people who subscrib or lets say all those who have gotten in trouble for speeding or disorderly conduct. Sounds like more a of witch hunt to shame people out of owning legal guns
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What are they trying to do? Paint bulls eyes on these people for exercising their rights? Like you said its lehal they havent done anything wrong. Public announcements serve no other purpose than to shame people. If they broke the law fine but I have yet to see the newsppaper print a public announcement releasing the names of sex offenders in my area and the journal news is my local paper so I know what Im talking abhere.
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Pornography is viewed by many as a social vice and a moral failing.
    Most people don't see guns the same way, it's more an issue of public safety.

    Less guns in a given community, the safer IMO most people feel.

    To reduce the number of the estimated 300+ million privately owned firearms in this country, it's going to take a change in public perception, not the government.

    Alinoa is right, I compare it to the public advocacy campaign to reduce smoking.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thats total horseshit. Smoking is a vice guns bought by most legal gun owners is for home protection. It serves a real purpose.
    Fine compare it to speeding tickets which causes ten times more deaths (wreckless driving) so arent we posting those peoples names in the interest of public safety?
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    This is exactly it. It's about shaming people.

    There is no reason that you need to know whether or not your neighbors own guns. WTF? So if that neighbor were to walk over to your house to say give you mail that was accidentally delivered to his/her house, you won't open the door? Paranoid much?

    There is no reason to print a gun owner's name AND address in a newspaper. It's just to shame people and make the rest paranoid for no reason whatsoever.

    It's meant to strictly keep the people paranoid and afraid. That's it. Thats' the only reason for such a stunt. And in the meantime, innocent people are having their names dragged through the mud.

    You all need to stop being f*cking paranoid.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


    Not to mention it's asking for and inviting trouble. Clearly there are anti-gun zealots who are reaching desperately to justify this underhanded invasion of privacy, but it is telling people where they can find a gun if they want to.

    For example, a criminal could wait outside my home, watch me leave for work and break in and steal it. I'm sure that's what the anti 2nd-amendment zealots want. A gun in a criminal's hand instead of in my drawer.

    Another example: they break in thinking no one else is home and get blasted.

    Then the anti-second amendments zealots will decry it exclaiming "but, but...he was just an unarmed burglar!"
    Then the homeowner can point to the newspaper and say, 'no, he was here to steal my gun and use it on my family, see?' Print that.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oh so it's like that, huh? lol...

    Cool, let's humor your silliness.

    So if I feel this way about neighbors with paranoid schizophrenia or manic bi-polar disorder, am I afforded the right to have their names published since it's about public safety?

    I would like to know if they are taking their meds and if not, why the hell not!

    I sure as hell don't want to be chilling on my porch eating a tuna sammich and have some deranged nutcase neighbor run up on me with a butcher knife because he didn't like the smell of tuna. :axe:

    The guy yesterday who shot the firefighters, guess what? He left a suicide note saying:
    ‘‘I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down, and do what I like doing best, killing people.’’

    I want a national registry for people with lighters and psychotic natures, like you want for gun owners.

    "It's like if I'm in a club where I get word there are dudes who are certified psychos off their meds or on too many, I'm leaving.:smt111"
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bookworm616 again.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bliss again.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    if u want people to know who has the guns, i want to know who's a whisker away from stabbing me in the driveway for an odd look
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They have no problem with privacy being violated until its their privacy.
    You'll see how quickly the mainstream media becomes the villain then.
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This whole story's laughable at best.

    Now, I'm waiting for a few crazies to take up arms and create a shooting rampage.
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You are a complete riot.

    Why is it people who love guns think that to die by them is completely natural and no life saving measures should be taken to prevent that?
    Perhaps because they know that's their sole purpose even though they try so hard to sweep that little aspect under the rug.

    Just like everything else that could be permanently damaging, I'd like to know and go into the situation with awareness that yes, I could possible be dead in a very short amount of time here

    Sorry if for some reason that seems unreasonable but for those who think so, and you know who you are, you can all go get fucked.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    THis is stupid. Owning a gun is way more of a public safety threat than living next to someone who's schizophrenic or bipolar.(Responding to Bliss).

    The overwhelming majority of mentally ill persons, especially schizophrenics and manic depressives are a threat to no one except themselves.

    But you keep thinking the mentally ill are the same threat to the public as unregistered gun owners.

    Literally one of the dumbest suppositions I've ever heard.

    I have lived with a relative with schizo-effective disorder and my family's biggest worry was steering him away from those times when he was consumed with killing himself and keeping is mood elevated. He was paranoid and scared of the world around him, and much more comfortable when he was locked inside his room alone.

    THere are too many fucking guns in this country. Next step is reducing that number. It's not some un-American idea to believe that cutting the number of firearms in this country by half would be a good idea long term.

    I suppose some of you are in favor of worldwide nuclear proliferation too?
    So don't talk shit about Iran developing a military nuclear weapons program, because more nukes worldwide equals more safety for the rest of us, huh??

    Bet you all were some of the same people who cheered going to war in Iraq because they allegedly had a nuke program.

    It's the same concept, more weapons of destruction whether it's a nuclear bomb or a firearm, don't make us safer. They put us all more at risk.

    I have no problem with people who are pro gun regulation trying to change the public perception of owning a firearm and attaching a stigma to it.

    If you own a gun, be proud of that shit. Stop whining because your neighbors know you're packing.

    It's no different to me than a newspaper publishing the names/addresses of those people who attended church. So fucking what??
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    chill with the rudeness youre better than that. Ali your point makes no sense at all. So you think this is cool because theres a chance your neighbor bob may be having a bad day and youre gonna be able to tell from sweat on his brow that hes ready to shoot up a place?
    Come on thats absurd. A lot of these spree killers steal guns so if you see angry neighbor Tim but think he doesnt own guns hes safe?
    Youre a clear example of how fear breeds total irrationality. Know who has guns wont protect you my friend. Sorry
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Chill with my rudeness?


    I'll remember that the next time people want to spit out untrue facts about bipolar and other (unlike guns themselves) non-dangerous forms of MI.

    Unlike owning a gun these are things a person can't choose and it is no easy task to stay well.
    I am bipolar and can tell you on any given day that you are more of a threat to me than I would ever be to you..or anyone else for that matter.
    So again I will say..

    I'm sorry if my right to want to live trumps your right to be an ass your right to own a fire arm and again, I'm sorry if it seems unreasonable to want to not die by a gun but that's my opinion and I'm allowed to express it

    At least small children and defenseless women don't end up all over the floor when I do.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    By that logic its the same as printing names of people who go to church? Are you high?
    Because it seperates you as other and leads to persecution genius. This is exactly how shit started with the jews
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now you sound ridiculous
    1. You cannpt speak for every person with mental illness. You are a singular case and nearly all these spree killers have mental illness so obviously there is a correlation. Sorry if the truth stings.

    2. Bottom line how does menot owning a legal gun make you more safe when people will just by illegal ones atent available. We have clear as day PROOF with drugs and alcohol.

    Legal gun owners for the most part prove to be responsible otherwise this country would have dead bodies in way higher numbers than anything else due to firearms.

    You never answered me. Do you drive?
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Many guns are bought 'legally' at gun shows by....CRIMINALS. Because there is no background check.

    The underground black market for illegal guns is pipelined through gun shows.
    This is documented and is one of the biggest loopholes in registered gun sales.

    Again I don't see why I legal gun owner would be so uptight about having their names published for owning a legal firearm, other than being frustrated because it's a political ploy.

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