25 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    So explain the guy in Florida who shot a customer in a dominos or some such because he told the guy told him to shut up because he was complaining that his pizza wasn't done in time?

    You know what his argument was?

    The stand your ground law.

    Let me say that again. A guy shot another guy over an argument in a pizza parlor over a pizza. I'm more than sure that he was an (up to that point) who got his gun legally and he had never used said gun to shot another human being over pizza.

    Stupidity and deadly weapons do not make a good mix.

    But you keep basing your whole entire argument on a legality stance verses criminality. When do those two lines blur TDK?
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So a guy took a can of gas and covered hid fiance in it snd lit her on fire. Do we make gas cans illegal?
  3. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    An excerpt from an article called "How a Gun-Loving West Texas Girl Learned to Fear Assault Weapons"

    This is one of the most coherent explanations and rational arguments I've seen about banning certain types of weapons- from someone who loves *LOVES* her shotgun. It's worth reading the entire thing.


  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    And if he had a gun, he may have been able to answer.

    But ignore how many crimes have been prevented with guns. I posted the stats in this thread (I can show you). Way more than homicides committed with them.

    Also, Loki showed stats of crimes going down in the areas that have a right to carry.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Biggest eye roll ever. So guns are vad because she "feels" that they are evil?
    And her ex bf could have held her hostage witha knife or a the shotgun she loved so much because he was fucking crazy. Gun registration? Fine. Thats already on the books in NY. But all these examples you guys post about confirm that tgere are crazy mofos out there and Im justified in wanting to protect myself from them
  6. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    You're smarter than this.

    I don't understand why YOU have such a hard time grasping the difference between ordinary things used in ways not consistent with their purpose to hurt people versus SOMETHING CREATED WITH THE SPECIFIC AND SOLE PURPOSE TO KILL LIVING THINGS.

    Why do you think dynamite is something that's regulated by the government? Uh, maybe because it too is also created for the sole purpose of destruction? Maybe you've read about those kids that were killed 80 years ago in Bath when a man wired and ENTIRE school full of dynamite back when it wasn't regulated?

    Maybe you read in the article I posted about the kid who walked into his school with a machete and slashed people, but NO ONE DIED, and then the author posed the opposite scenario- what if he had had a gun?? Certainly, that would have changed things even more. People WOULD have died. That's a certainty.

    You want to talk about protecting people? Then acknowledge that there's more to it than blind zealotry to an amendment you don't even fucking understand. Back in the day, Coca-Cola was made with cocaine, and eventually, they had to re-evaluate and say 'hmm...not responsible. Not a good idea. We should change this.' and they did. I'm sure people were pissed. No one likes change for the greater good. Especially Americans. We're such an individualist, selfish culture. It's all 'what *I* want'....'MY rights' 'ME ME ME!'

    Well, what rights did those little babies have, huh? What rights did Trayvon Martin have? What rights did those kids at Virginia Tech have? The ones at Columbine? Did the right for people to want to own a fucking weapon trump someone else's life? Spare me the bullshit anectodes about how this person stopped a burglar, and this one saved someone's life. Do those things happen? Yes. But again, no one is saying ban anything. We are saying 'WE NEED TO RE-EVALUATE'. Just because the problem is too big for you, you're lying down and saying 'Meh, we can't fix it, might as well get used to it!' instead of taking a proactive stance and trying to facilitate change...because it's not convenient for you. Again with the selfishness.

    The way you're treating Tarshi is ABOMINABLE and you should be ASHAMED. Australia did something about the gun violence, because they recognized that the system they had didn't fucking work, and babies died because the system failed them. That's OUR point. We need to make some changes. Again, maybe banning them won't work, but there's an entire cultural shift that has to take place and starts with legislation. Remember, at one point, lynchings were a totally acceptable practice, and eventually the entire population rose up and said 'no more'. The time is now for this change. There are no excuses. There are no counter arguments that even make sense for why we should not. None.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The Huntress just went all Dark Phoenix on your azz, TDK.

  8. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    honestly wish we could let these angels be laid to rest before the gun debate reared its ugly head.
  9. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    If we waited, we'd be dishonoring their memory.
  10. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    not in my mind....we would be letting grief take its course and have some time to think instead of attacking the other side ...who knows maybe something positive could be done with a cool down period.
  11. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    But she lived. So now you see, it's not guns - it's whoever pulls the trigger.

    Furthermore, in this case, he didn't even pull it. He threatened to kill himself, (and she says her), before he put it down to go throw up.

    But you see what she did? She didn't press charges.

    So she let an emotionally unstable man go scott-free without insisting he get mental help, whom she recently learned met a woman with kids. Instead, she kept the bullet as a symbolic reminder. Please.

    She also kept her shotgun. No where did she say she give it up after her encounter with her ex. Go figure. Even she knows she'd be nuts to after that.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You think? J.D Attorney General Holder would screw that up again, as per usual.

    The "Fast and Furious" operation was launched in 2009 to catch trafficking kingpins,
    but agents lost track of about 1,400 of the more than 2,000 weapons involved.

    Again, who the competent hell is going to track all the illegal guns that will come into this country from the "bordering neighbors once we surrender our LEGAL ones? :neutral:

    *ps: Neighbors even Australia DOES NOT HAVE. (that's for Tarshi and soon to be Aussie, Huntress)

    Fast And Furious Lawsuit: Family Of Slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Sues Federal Government
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Someone going into a school and using a machete but no one died so that makes it somehow better isn't a valid argument. Those people are irrevocably changed and who knows how they're "living" after that incident.

    Can we stop comparing the US to Australia, please? I admire what the Australians did, but it's not the same thing. Not even close and I'll tell you why:

    Australia is all by itself in the ocean. It's its own continent.

    There are about 300 million less people there than here.

    The US is bordered by Canada (not a bad thing) and Mexico and only 90 miles away from Cuba.

    But let's chat a bit about Mexico. Mexico is in a state of war right now. Tens of thousands of people are being slaughtered (and not just by guns) every year in that country because of the drug cartels. The US border may have patrols, but the border is still a sieve and we get illegal everything coming across our border.

    Chicago had a no gun restriction for 28 years and gun violence is RAMPANT here, RAMPANT. They have buy back programs. They don't work. Not by a long shot. Innocent people are getting killed by guns and knives and fists on a near daily basis here.

    The problem is a HELLUVA lot more systemic than everyone knows.

    Should guns and ammo be allowed to be sold on the internet? I'm a firm believer in HELL NO.

    Guns have serial numbers. If guns are bought from a store, the police can trace the owner of the gun. But do you think that illegal guns still have their serial numbers? Nope. I bet most of them have been scratched off.

    Like I said, the answer to this issue is not simple. Not by a long shot.

    Ban assault rifles. But you can't force people who own/collect them to give them up. So they're still going to be out there.

    And I will echo TDK's sentiment: there are millions upon millions upon millions of gun owners in this country that have never, nor will ever do anything bad with their guns.

    If people are hell-bent on causing carnage, they're going to cause carnage with or without guns. And that's the truth.
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Can I please mention that whilst Australia is on it's own, it's also very accessible via boat, which can land anywhere. Very hard to patrol our borders and the oceans surrounding us
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Doesn't float.

    I mentioned the other day that we have countries bordering us on either end, with millions of trucks and cars crossing, along with NAFTA, which created a trilateral trade access...while Oz is an island unto itself, and much more easily monitored by the Aussie Coast Guard.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't get why that's up for discussion. Is it really so hard to believe that the US and AU are not the same thing, it just isn't. Its like arguing why can't we have free healthcare and nearly free education like Canada? Because Canada doesn't have a shit ton of illegals crossing the border like we do nor do they have a population as big to support. I seriously don't get why people don't recognize that.
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    We have free healthcare as well :p
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm sold I'm coming I promise lol
  20. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Promises promises. ;)

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