25 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    1. You can't steal a gun that's not available to steal. Fact.

    2. Gun statistics are ridiculous. It's like throwing out Bible versus to prove that God exists.

    3. I choose more gun laws, ones that are enforced, and more mental health funding. They do go hand in hand. And I think that if you want to own a gun, you should have a 6 month waiting period, all applicants and their families who live in the home with them should have extensive background checks, fingerprinting, and psychological evaluations. If anything questionable is found, they are denied for two years and then they can reapply. By the way, all of this should be paid for by the person who wants to own the gun. Sure, you have a right to own one, doesn't mean it should be easy - Republicans especially tend to love this clause, especially when it comes to abortion rights. Oh, and assault and semi automatic weapons should be retroactively illegal (meaning, owning them when they were legal is now an offense that can send you to jail instantly). Furthermore, every bit of ammunition purchased should be cataloged and tagged with microchips that can't be removed so owners can be identified if need be. And it should be so expensive for the ammunition that it's the kind of thing that would be reported if it was stolen, especially if you know you're tagged.

    I think that's all fair.

    And please, spare me the boring, overused argument that criminals will still get guns if they want them. Other countries are already proving that argument to be patently false.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Um what countries would that be? Because I know for a fact that you aren't allowed to own guns in Jamaica and they have one of the highest firearm related homicides on earth love.

    I'm curious how much are you willing to give up for the illusion of safety because if you think that in world where everything is accessible via the internet that removing legal guns will stop a person from taking out who they want to you're bugging.
    Honestly there is no evidence to support the idea that legal guns are harming people equal to the frenzy that's ensued as of late.
    Like I said earlier if the goal is the reduction of needless death and reduced brutality there are far BIGGER issues plaguing this country that should be addressed first. Legal gun owners don't hold a fucking candle to genetically altered food or alcohol. But I guess since they're not big and shiny and don't get news coverage people don't see it as a problem.
  3. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Maybe you want to try reading my other post that addresses all of these questions? I'm not going to repeat myself.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So in other words you have nothing. Got it. Thanks for confirming, just was hoping I didn't miss anything.
    But it's the usual rhetoric supported by nothing other than your fears of what might happen and not based on anything real.
    My bad carry on.

    So the entire argument boils down to this those who are for gun control/banning guns want to restrict the sale of guns in hopes it will reduce gun violence even though there are hundreds of guns in circulation and ignore the fact making things illegal won't stop them from being purchased and/or used.
    So basically make it really hard for those who are a lot less likely to use guns in an offensive/homicidal way in favor of allowing those who obtain them illegally to be the ones most likely to have them.
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    We haven't always seen eye to eye on everything but I want to say THANK YOU!

    You so eloquently state your views and show how insane the love of guns are and how twisted the 2nd amendment as become.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    If only the gun loving nuts could be as articulate and straightforward and sane as you.
    The USA would most likely have 20 less dead children who were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa instead of laying on a concrete slab in a morgue in a small Connecticut town tonite.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


    Ali if you want to agree with Huntress fine but quit acting like people who want to maintain the right to protect themselves are just weird and crazy.
    If we can't actually deal in fact and not emotions then there is no chance of dialogue.
    The US has put way more than 20 kids in the ground over way less complicated and politicized matters so like I said to you earlier if your entire motive is the protection of women and children there are things we can actually focus on that would do infinitely more good.
    Unless your argument has far more to do with your own personal fear that some lunatic might grab a gun and get you in a public place.
    And I'm not trying to minimize your fears but lets call this what it is not what we feel.
    More kids are going to die this Christmas because they don't have enough to eat or live on the street. We stock pile enough food to feed the entire nation ever year but I don't see the anger and passion over that or does it not matter because its something that won't personally affect some of our fears?
  7. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Dude, spare me your sanctimonious bleeding heart for the hungry and homeless. So, because we could have the power to save one kid from gun violence, we shouldn't, obviously, right, because starving kids are more important? We have a chance to correct a raging problem in this country, and you're completely off in left field. WHY SHOULDN'T WE TRY TO SAVE AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE?? Why?!

    If this thread was about the hungry and homeless, we could be all about it, and I would be with you on the whole 'we need to do more for the hungry and homeless' because we DO, but as usual with you, TDK, you run out of shit to say so you try to deflect it onto something else. OMG HUNGRY AND HOMELESS CHILDREEEEEENNN...
  8. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Ah, thanks Ali. And thank you for the rep!

    I'm just so frustrated with this whole thing. So many things need to change in the wake of this, I have no idea how more people don't see it.
  9. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Once again, I have to call into question your reading comprehension...

    although I notice you have a tendency to read the first and last lines of a post and spout off a response without taking the time to actually READ and THINK about what you've read before responding. Read the whole thing. And the other posts I've made about gun control, because I'm not rehashing my entire fucking argument in every single post I write because you're not keeping up. My discussion was with Bliss, who WAS following, and I was CONTINUING the discussion.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And thats why yoy have absolutely no leg to stand on. "Raging problem"? Are you serious? So your argument is legal guns are the problem? Keep in mimd you can only regulate the law abiding. And if youre objective is to save innocent children why not buy groceries and feed some people rather bitch about something that jas little to no chance of affecting you. I wonder how what you guys are going to say once we do ot your way and the only thing that changes is rrsponsible people will no longer be allowed to protect themselves but hey illegal gun sales will go up
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Yes. LEGAL guns are a huge part of the problem.

    40% of all LEGAL gun sales in this country are done over the internet with NO BACKGROUND CHECK.

    Go to any gun show. It's cash and carry man. They sell to gangbangers and church deacons alike.
    Thanks to our forever trustworthy NRA.:smt026

    The only thing a 'legal' purchase of a firearm means in this country for the most part is that your e-check cleared.:smt070
  12. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    The links below would argue against what you are saying here...


  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the links, Loki.

    These are very interesting (and scary) articles. And it just goes to show: where there's a will, there's a way.

    The UK article said something a bit scary: You'll find one in any poverty area, every estate in London, and it's even easier in Manchester, where there are areas where the police don't go.

    Why are there areas where police "don't go"?? Isn't the whole point of being a police officer, to serve and protect the citizens? Why won't police go to certain areas??

    And these articles also show that America isn't the only place that has a "love affair with guns".
  14. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    You lot are nuts, loco, crazy etc

    You're right, I don't know what I'm talking about. I live in a country that has outlawed guns and gun violence has stopped.

    I feel safe in my home and out in public. My children will never know the fear Americans do because we have outlawed guns. We can walk in a shopping centre or a movie theatre and not give our safety a second thought.

    Continue on your merry way America in your gun loving rights. You're obviously right in your laws and thinking
  15. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    So I'm crazy for not agreeing with you? Ok. You are entitled to your opinion. I was curious what country you live in. Because it sounds like there is no death from violent crime, no racism, no suicides and so on. Sounds like a bit of a utopia. Just curious.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member


    Yes we have violence. No we do not have fear of nutjobs walking in anywhere and killing us and yes, Australia as a whole thinks that a country that fights so hard to keep something that is obviously not working and killing people is crazy.
    Both Curley and myself have spoken about banning guns like our country and we've either been ignored or told we cannot compare, so enjoy your rights to guns, continue with no change and contine to kill.

    My children will never know the fear that you all do because of our laws, and for that I'm grateful
  17. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    This. I've been talking about Australia, too and heard the same. I swear, I'm moving.
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Lol. Move in with me. We have crossfit 15 minutes from us. I'd wife the shiz out if you
  19. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Congratulations. You aren't the first people to feel that your country is better than ours. No big deal. I suppose in your country blacks don't have to worry about crooked cops and a white privilege based justice system. But, hey, I am glad and quite proud to be an American (with the injuries to prove it), guns and all.

    Is it true that Australia has a higher Assault Victims rate than the U.S.? And Australia actually has a higher suicide rate (Even though we are right behind you on the scale)? We have a higher rate of prisoners (U.S. 2,019,234 prisoners , Australia only 22,492 prisoners), but is it that bad when we have over 100 times the amount of people in this country than Australia? I suppose if I lived in a country of only 22+ million I would feel a bit safer too. Oh well, I guess I am just another crazy American.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    So that gives your pro gun fight its basis? A corrupt and racist legal system?

    Lolz keep being proud. I'm off to drop my kids to school where you can just walk in, no screening, no frisking, just walk off the street and into the playground and classroom. But hey, your system ain't broke, so keep it 100

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