25 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now you sound like an absolute loon Ali. Why should they offer condolences? They didn't actually kill anyone. In this isolated incident someone illegally stole his mother's legally obtained gun. The NRA didn't advocate on his behalf then purchase the gun for him and said go have fun.
    I'm no fan of any lobbying group, they make life hard for all of us but we can't have honest discourse if we don't look at things honestly.
    If you want to offer heavier restrictions on certain weapons as well a limit on how many guns a single person can own fine but we have to be honest about what causes these problems if we really want to stop them.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Who cares if its primary or secondary. And where can you get a gun as easy as a slurpee? Maybe in your part of the state because down here its tough as fuck.
    Like I said if you want to promote heavier restrictions fine but we have to be honest about what caused this problem not what we think or feel caused it.
    You think legislation stops use? Ummm yeah tell that to the DEA or the Border Patrol. Like I said to Tarshi you can't compare the US to Australia completely different set of circumstances.
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    That's how they got Malcolm X. Suspicion and betrayals. ^

    BTW, if Fred had a some guns...just sayin'.

    Just wondering though, why didn't Clinton order that on David Koresh? How the hell was he able to keep the powerful A..F at bay for 51 days? And the only thing that killed him was smoke inhalation. A few ATF guys even died. And he was essentially one man.
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I got three sentences into this rubbish and hit reply.

    Believe what you want tdk. A FUCKTON of people who didn't physically go into that school and shoot those people have offered their condolences. Hell, people from OTHER countries have offered their condolences for...wait for it... Dead CHILDREN.

    But go on...push for your second amendment rights bullshit so even more children can die.
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Fred Hampton did have guns. Several of them. That was part of the reason he got smoked.
    21 years old when he was assassinated because the FBI thought this young brother was one of the biggest threats to the stability of the country.smdh.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Right on, Ali.

    People need to be reminded the NRA has been requested to give a response by almost every national news media outlet, and the NRA has gone silent.

    If you're as morally and ideologically pure as the NRA claims to be, what are they hiding from??

    It's a serious indictment of that group knowing they have purposefully chosen not to be interviewed on their stance regarding gun access and ownership.

    There was a congressman on Fox who said it's a shame those teachers at an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL didn't have firearms at work, that way they could have prevented this tragedy.:smt104

    The solution to gun violence isn't more guns.

    The NRA is a fraud.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude you're not making any sense. So everyone who doesn't offer public condolences is fucked up?
    No one is saying its not messed up. I just don't get what you think is going to happen if you repeal second amendment rights. No more firearm deaths? Or a drastic reduction? No more spree killing?
    They can set remote activated bombs with cell phones or set fires or use a car to run people over.
    And if you are that worried about needless children deaths guns is probably about number 100 on that list.
    I just don't want to live my life at the mercy of the lunatics in this country. Every time a few loons do something then the vast majority are forced to readjust their lives in the hopes they can prevent it from ever happening again which absurd
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So the solution to gun violence is less guns in the hands of responsible people?
    You have any data to suggest harsher more restrictions reduce negative actions?
  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    You're not making any sense.

    Does it not occur to you that a man, armed with assault weapons, when into a school and systematically murdered women and children.

    Women and children.

    Does that not ring any bells for you?

    Here's a clue.

    Women and children (and the elderly) are the 3 groups of people men have been protecting since there was those groups to protect.

    He went in there with assault weapons and opened fire on unarmed women and children.

    Women and children TDK.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Women and children die by the boat from a shit ton of things and there isn't this call to regulations the way there is with this situation.
    Drunk drivers kill far more people than lone gun men on spree kills and by your logic every single drop of alcohol should be poured down the drain and everyone should take public transportation because women and children must be protected all costs. Less drivers on the road and less alcohol in the world would help that.
    Also no more cigarettes, too many smokers don't adhere to second hand smoke laws as well as women smoking while their pregnant. We can't take a chance thousands of women and children are dying we have to put a stop to it right this instant no exceptions.

    I wonder if this really bothers people so much because it shakes them out of the fantasy that they aren't safe and nothing will change that
  12. Steven

    Steven New Member

    2nd Amendment was written because the colonist was scared of the redcoats. British isn't go to retake the United States. You have the right to bare arms yes, you shouldn't have access to the same arsenal as the U.S military. The country has been taken over by corporate special interest long time ago. A handgun and shotgun is good enough to defend you're family and protect yourself.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Your "stricter gun laws fucking now" mantra that MAKES NO SENSE.
    To borrow from Loki: "there are over 20,000 gun laws already on the books, how many more do you think we need?"
    Do you UNDERSTAND CT has some of the strictest gun laws? :smt104

    Doesn't surprise me though that you'd give the killer a pass. Blame his fucking mother if you can't blame him.

    Where is the American Psychiatric Association??
    Why hasn't the APA been available for a public statement following the massacre in Connecticut?

    And BS, you have idiots arguing to repeal the 2nd Amendment. When people die because they can't protect their loved ones because the criminals didn't dispose of their guns those ashasts wanting to repeal it "will have blood on their hands".
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You know?

    You're right. Absolutely right.

    Take everything away from everywhere. No more alcohol. No more cars. No more drugs. No more sex.

    None of it.

    And when it's the last man standing..and he dies then MAYBE the earth can go back to being the way it was before we starting driving cars drunk and shooting each other for the fuck of it.

    Until the sun explodes 5 hundred thousand years from now.

    But who will be around to give a fuck?

    Certainly not women.

    Or children.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Rifle too, and no limit on handguns.

    I don't thing we need semi-assault rifles, or military grade, I agree. But what weapons did this killer steal from his mom? Were they military grade?
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So does this all go back to your fear of safety because you're a woman and you have children?
    Because the real truth here is we as a nation don't give a flying fuck about brutality and how wrong things are until it touches us personally.
    If we did we wouldn't buy shit WE KNOW FOR A FACT is being made by sweat shop labor all so we can have eight shirts instead of 3 American made ones.
    We'll drink our coffee and buy our material shit even though as a result thousands of WOMEN AND CHILDREN are suffering for it.

    I am honestly not trying to mock you, we've always gotten along but its incredibly weird that we are acting like taking assault rifles from gun shops is the most important issue of the day and let me also point out women and children have been victim of firearm deaths long before any of the brutality in Colorado, CT, Arizona, Va, or Oregon but they were poor and... well I won't play the race/ethnicity card but it just seems insincere that now is the time to save the women and children when we don't mind brutalizing them else where.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    military grade can be broad since they use side arms that civilians use.
    But I think his semi auto rifle was military grade but lets also keep in mind he stole that.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I know. Bloody horrendous!
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The Military don't use semi-auto rifles (they use auto). Most likely military STYLED weapons are being confused with military GRADE.

    Found this piece which breaks it down well...
    "Media myths on assault weapons and semiautomatic firearms"
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Just my opinion but we as a society couldn't/wouldn't be able to band together and organize to be able to overthrow the government. Too many selfish and greedy personalities & interest in society as a whole for that to happen. That's one of the main reasons we find ourselves with many of the problems we face and are unwilling to set aside differences in order to find solutions for them. As it has already been pointed out, corrupt people in power would find a way to get to the greedy & selfish among any opposition making any resistance to them difficult. We might be able to come together as far as tragedies are concerned but not over "Power & Control" level issues. And even if we did it would more than likely take decades at best/centuries at worst to even get any worthwhile results we sought to reach.

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