25 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Why should a civilian be allowed to own a weapon like this at all??
    This firearm is basically a small artillery gun. It has no practical use for most gun enthusiasts.

    The pro gun crowd should put it on the table that they REALLY LIKE GUNS, because they're super cool and owning them makes them feel good.

    That way we know we're dealing with a deep seated emotional payoff guns give you and we can try to find a better happy medium.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    guns check
    bullets check
    bullet proof vest check

    U.S.A. not checking up on people buy all three items check

    The U.S.A. having a system to stop people from buying all three items priceless:smt023
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    As it's been said before, it's often mental illness causing these young WM to go on massacre killing-sprees. It's being reported he went off his meds and was about to be committed but was resisting it.

    I'd like to add some of the behavior stems from a purely criminal mind as well toxic (illegal) drug-use...and just plain evilness or hatred. (THINK OKC bomber Tim McVie who blew up the daycare center kids with everyday items he bought at Walmart and online to make the explosives.)
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    OK sale all the guns you like. just charge $100 a bullet. lets see how slow gun sales go
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    thats another thing. i went to a military surplus store and they have TM-manuels on how to make explosives. I mean got damn
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Why should it come up when those arent the guns killing anyone? Why shouldnt civilians have them?
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    FACT: The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides.

    And you know if someone is hell bent on killing themselves, they will find a way (just look at countries where guns are outlawed).

    While citizens may not be able to overthrow with one Bushmaster, try 300 million collectively. But as you see, short of having to nuke their own citizens, no US Govt has yet to dare try such tyranny. (you know, like Saddam did, Castro has, Mao, Hitler, Stalin and Kim Jong did, as well as a plethora of M/E countries which have felt the wrath if it's fed up citizens who finally armed themselves in resistance.)
    (ps: Bet you if the Slaves had guns, it would have been a whole different history!)

    Finally, while true most people are unprepared for random crime, here are some stats that most likely have increased in numbers since then....


    Between 1987 and 1990, David McDowall found that guns were used in defense during a crime incident 64,615 times annually...
    Under President Clinton, the Department of Justice conducted a survey in 1994 that placed the usage rate at 1.5 million per year. ...

    also....IN TERMS OF prevention...

    ...A 1993 study by Gary Kleck, who found that 2.45 million crimes were thwarted each year in the United States, and in most cases, the potential victim never fired a shot in these cases where firearms are used constructively for self-protection. The results of the Kleck studies have been cited many times in scholarly and popular media....

    In other words, a warning to leave, back off, or a showing of a firearm...thwarted a potential or a crime-in progress.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They dont wanna hear it. Theyre uncomfortable with guns so no one should have them. smh
  9. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You keep saying that...and NO one in this thread has said take all the guns away.

    Come ON TDK....You are becoming like Faux Noise in your repeated echoing of this ONE theme.

    People are saying make it HARDER, more EXPENSIVE, and more personally accountable for the people who do want to purchase these guns.

    That does not equate on any level an outright attempt to take guns away.

    You are smarter than that.
  10. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Gary Kleck is one of the major voices for the pro gun movement and the NRA. He's not what I would call an objective voice on the issue of gun control and gun violence.
    I don't know who David McDowall is.

    Why is it necessary to believe we need the ability to militarily overthrow the U.S. government in the 21st century?? Trust me, if whole regions of the United States were declared enemies of the Union, those Bushmasters wouldn't do shit against 10 regiments of the U.S. army.

    It's this silly myth still being sold to the American people by the gun lobby the the federal government is their enemy that we as citizens need to be protected from, with guns.

    If our political system can't be an instrument of non-violent reform, a few hundred thousands Americans with rifles isn't going to do shit for the public good.

    This isn't 1861. You can't just defeat the U.S. military with firearms.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. truth bomb like a mofo

  12. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Thank you..

    And can I just say, please..

    This whole bullshit "it's the mentally ill people doing this" is getting really tiring.

    Could those of you who know NOTHING whatsoever about even living with mental illness find some othere group of people to blame for YOUR gun problem.

    As was posted on another blog by another person who happens to suffer from mental illness 24/7:


    We are more likely to be victims of violent crime than to ever commit one.

    The vast majority of us are a threat to no one other than to ourselves."

    so PLEASE..make some attempt at at least sounding a bit educated about what the fuck you are talking about before you talk about it.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    more sick news surrounding the newton massacre
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So basically make it more difficult for those who are LAW ABIDING to get a gun because a few people have made bad decisions. The guns that are killing people by the thousands are not the ones legally obtained, they aren't the ones that require registration to begin with so me paying 5 grand for a shotgun and a 100 dollar a bullet isn't going to make anyone safer it just restricts my use even though I have never done anything and have no ill intentions.
    The reason why legal gun owners take this shit so personally is the same reason why so many black men get pissed when some dummy does some bs there becomes a discussion about black people having to clean up their act. No how about that individual who fucked up take the blame for their actions just like this solitary incident is not symptomatic of gun purchases but mental illness and the irresponsibility of that assholes family.
    One more time MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of legal gun owners with very few incidents.
    I know this conversation won't change anything but I do feel that's important to present the logical and fair side to the argument because it seems like everyone against gun ownership is illogically afraid of their neighbors owning it when its not likely to be used on them unless you decide to do something illegal and try to harm them
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    It's so strange to me because it's an actual Right of the People to own one. THAT Right stands alone.
    So if they want to repel the Constitution due to discomfort, by all means let them try. Wonder what they'd think of the Government then removing all the others that people are uncomfortable with. Or do anti-Constitutional advocates think they can pick and choose.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its based in almost no rationale just pure emotion. Until someone can PROVE that LEGAL GUN ownership causes the majority, shit even half of firearm homicides I don't want to hear it.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    a law biding citzen shot up a theater. a law biding citzen shot up a sikh temple. a law biding citzen shot up a school.

    hhhmmm there is a pattern here.
  18. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    How is this any different from the other procautions put into place that all of us, law abiding, or not have to follow?

    I can't go into a store here and buy more than 2 packets of that crap they use in meth.
    Do I ever make meth? nope. Would I ever make meth? Nope. Would I help someone else to make meth? nope.

    When you fly, don't you have to remove your shoes and go though that body scanner?
    Are you boarding the plane to blow it up? Take down wall street? Show the pentagon who's who?
    Probably not. Most people aren't.
    But we do it anyway. Why? Because we somehow think that will ensure the safety of america.

    So your argument is what, again?
  19. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Hmmmm....out of the 142 guns used in mass murders since 1982 more than three quarters of them were obtained LEGALLY.

    So again, what now?

  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    preach to the church of truth.

    lawd have mercy ....down hurt em with the truth too much. have mercy.

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