25 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Amen to that.
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    They are a hate group, they just are.

    Good to hear that the community will rally around the mourners. I couldn't imagine the pain they're going through now and then to be faced with those hateful haters
  3. Troublewitahalo

    Troublewitahalo New Member

    You are very lucky. We have lock down drills, active shooter drills, evacuation drills, fire drills and stay in place drills. (which is where we keep the kids in the classroom but they don't have to hide).
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    This should be interesting
  5. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Amen, whenever we go to visit family in Canada, you actually feel safer, even when you are in large crowds. I still have my radar up as Husband and Father, but I am much more relaxed when I am there.
  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Guns were meant to kill. We kill animals for food, and defense ect. David Killed Golith out of necessity like special forces kills terrorists and so on. Its just like taking a shit. Damn shame we have to stank up the bathroom?? or is it just a part of life that we accept but do not relish. If you eat meat you are part of a cycle of killing animals. Are you evil for that?? Of course not.
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    That's just beyond my ability to comprehend
  8. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    The parent radar never goes down, that I know, but the feeling of being safe and relaxed in your surroundings should be something everyone has. The only time I'm not relaxed and a little anxious is at night walking alone.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    You're talking to a vegetarian, tree hugging hippy here, so I do believe that eating and killing animals is evil ;)

    I don't believe in killing and I don't accept that it's just part of life. Innocent people get hurt in this sort of violence. I don't see or understand why people keep insisting that owning a gun is okay, it's not okay. Taking another persons life is not okay, who are we to say that it is? Guns kill, they were made to kill. If you own a gun you are saying that you are ready to take another persons life.

    It's unfathomable to me
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Somethings in life you are never really ready for. If you kill someone you are not only taking every thing that they have but you are taking everything that they will ever have or will be. There is no way I would ever want to do such a thing. The people that do are just awful. People have others that care about them, but guess what so do I. If I let someone kill me then they have taken my mothers only son. I can't let that happen under any circumstance. Just can't let that happen. Enough people I knew from my high school years are in their graves. I have seen enough people cry due to the lost of their love ones, and I promised myself that my mother will never cry like that, at least not for me. Thats why I earn an honest living and if anyone ever kicks in my door, may God have mercy on their soul.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So weird that you say that. I have a friend that told me the minite he became a father he truly understood the need to kill because if anyone looks at his daughter the wrong way he's willing to take out an army for her.
    You also act like being a gun owner means you want to harm others. I just want to be able to stop others from harming me. I wont air my dirty laundry but I had a very real situation where someone meant me deadly harm andif not for a friend I wouldnt be here right now. So instead of hoping that someome will always be there to intervene I choose to protect myself. What about my right to live Tarah. Do I not have right to protect myself and my loved ones or os someone elses whim to kill more important because there is some remote chance someone might take my gun amd harm others.
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    of course you have the right to live, everyone does, but there has to other ways to do so other than picking up a gun, that's my point. owning a gun is a decision and an acceptance that if needed, you will kill. that's something i could never do, but that's me, and i understand that.

    as for the protection of my children, i would give my life for theirs, it's that plain and simple really, as would any parent, it's a given
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Every situation where someone gives their life doesnt magically save others. That elemwntary school principle gave her life and it didnt stop two others from joining her.
    I am not saying I want to patrol the streets but if me and my girl arm home and some one breaks in that can do us harm they have to go plain and simple. I literally couldnt live with myself if my failure to protect her resulted in her rape or death. That would destroy me. The problem is here guns already exist. If you halted manufacturing tonight and banned them there are still hundreds of millions out there. So should the law abiding be at the mercy of the criminal element praying that cops get to their home in time? Provided that tgey can get to a phobe of course
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Teachers did yesterday. The teacher who hid her kids in a bathroom said she told her kids that she loved them and wanted them to know that and that it would be ok even if they were discovered and killed that would be the very last thing they heard from another human.
    I understand wanting to save your life. All life is programmed to understand that and act on it. That changes a bit when you have children. Not only would you go to great links to protect them..but you go so far as if the need came..you would take their place if it meant they could live. But can you really say you would kill someone if you were threatened? It's a lame ass comparison..and I'm not at all excusing the behavior but that same mentality (or so they say) led to the murder of Treyvon Martin and those shot at the gas station. Why?
    Because the guy who had a gun so he could protect himself from "them".

    So many other ways of dealing with those two scenarios.
    Let me count the ways.

    Studies have repeatedly shown that carrying a gun just in case something should happen is not effective and more times than not usually ends up in the death of the just in case person.
  15. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    I feel sick just thinking about this. I tried a media blackout almost immediately. But just knowing there was somebody out there mowing down six and seven year olds with semi-automatic rifles is deeply disconcerting. My heart goes out to their families.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Yeah but seriously, you live in NYC, DK.
    If you're walking the street with a concealed firearm and you discharge it even in self defense, you're going to prison for a very long time.

    There are just too many guns in this country. It's become a cultural fetish that doesn't make any sense.
    I have too many acquaintances who talk about their guns like it's a vital appendage and if it were suddenly taken away from them they couldn't live anymore.

    Maybe stricter gun laws wouldn't have prevented this massacre, but it does highlight the problem of out of control gun violence generally speaking in this country.

    IMO a handgun is probably the easiest way for someone to either premeditated or impulsively kill another human being.

    To me it's no different than being unable to buy arsenic OTC.

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    Teachers need to carry guns

    Teachers need to carry guns.

    Train them in use and precautiions against students having access and carry them at all times. Some people will still be killed at first. But all the teachers combined will strategize (this should also be part of the training too) and take down the assailant.
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Some unfortunate life decisions, judged by 12 or carried by six??
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    People do realize that discharging a firearm is a last resort for us sane people i hope.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What the hell are you people talking about? I never said anything about walking around with one especially illegally Arch. I'm talking about having them in my home for protection which is what Tarsh is arguing against. Just not having them at all and praying that the cops come in time in case of an incident.
    And Ali you're write there is no way of knowing what I'd do in a life or death situation but I like my chances of survival if I'm armed opposed to not. And its not a lame ass comparison, if I had to kill to protect the lives of loved ones I most certainly would hope that I have the power to do so.

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