Women’s Idea of the Perfect Man Changes Drastically as They Age, Survey Says Have you ever looked back at an ex-boyfriend and asked, how did I ever date that person when we were so obviously incompatible? It's not necessarily that you were incompatible...then. According to a survey conducted by Match.com over the past year, your tastes have simply changed over the years. Is your family keeping you single? Men must possess certain qualities to be considered "the perfect man," and those parameters change drastically as women age. In the survey, called "The Ages of Man," what women want from their relationships with men is broken down according to age range. "[The research] also disproves the notion that standards drop later in life, as women over 55 were shown to be most picky about who they date," a Match UK rep told Yahoo! Shine. The results of the study are summarized below. You can see the full study results here. http://shine.yahoo.com/love-sex/women-8217-idea-perfect-man-changes-drastically-age-195700175.html ======================================================= HHHMMM. very interesting
How can you forget to post this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Age 18-24: Women's main concern in their late teens and early twenties is that their partner gets along with their friends. "47 percent said they would look for a relationship with someone their friends would approve of." "This is a very relationally social time in a female's life. I refer to it as the 'fit into me' stage. Women want men who will fit in to their lives," Dr. Karen Ruskin, a licensed marriage and family psychotherapist, told Yahoo! Shine. "A key way to fit in is to be viewed positively by one's social network, and to have shared interests. It is less about future and more about what feels good right now." Also, women this age are far more likely to date a man in better physical shape than them, but shared tastes in "books, music, and film," are extremely important. Age 25-34: At this stage in their lives most women are focused on their careers, but physical attraction and sexual compatibility are most important. They also consider a man's level of "ambition" to be important. Two-thirds of surveyed in this age group say this is a key trait. "This is the 'can you add value or will you take-eth away' stage. Women are starting to think about having kids someday and they certainly do not want a man who is mooching off of them," Dr. Ruskin explains. "They want someone who can be a partner with them so that their children can have the life they want their children to have, and so that they can have the lives they want to have." ------------------------------------------------------------------ These two are the ages that the majority people on the forum are trying to date. lol and no I couldn't image old people being choosey in their old age because if it's one thing we know, it's tat old people are not choosy. Let me tell you the story of my boss. A collegue of mines bought him a macbook. FIrst his comment was it is too heavy then he bought him a macbook lite. He said it was too light. Mind you the external hard drive that he will be carrying is heavier!!!!! So yea I believe old people are choosy.
I can't say a darn thing. I need his recommendation. lol The good thing is he is barely there. I saw him once and I have been working there for at least a month. He is suppose to be a big name in the science field so it would help me out.