Did she cross the line? Is this something American voters would care about? [HDYT]BzHSo_hjfAk[/HDYT] Serious replies only. TY.
Unfortunatley I think his appearance will have an affect on the voters. It helps to have a certain look in order to fit the job. Take John Kerry for an example, He is very smart but his looks worked against him, people said he looked like a horse. Some just said he does not look "presidential". That is unfortunate, Bush looked presidential but he sucked. Anyway....asking this man about his weight could easily be seen as offensive, but if you are going to run for president, I guess it comes with the territory.
Its horseshit that it comes up because they wouldn't do that shit to a woman or a minority. And to be honest I don't like the idea of a fat president, it shows poor decision making and poor health in most cases, but I don't think it should come up in interview questions. Shit like that only serves to shame someone not ask legitimate questions related to the job.
I agree, but when you run for president someone is going to address ANYTHING that they may think you could be struggling with, alcohol or whateva
Is that fair? Has he made poor decisions so far as a Gov? President Obama smokes and also eats very poorly..Just because his metabolism works amazingly well or he is just not prone to putting on weight, his "decisions" are no different than Christie's.
On second thought, You don't like the idea of a fat president, but you don't think it should come up as an interview question? Mabe he should be asked in an interview, in order to give him a chance to respond to the people who are not likley to vote for him because of his weight.
Great point, Beasty ^^^^ I wonder how important "looking Presidential" actually is in the end. Gov. Romney was close to perfecting that image. Btw, I actually felt Bush looked quite UN-presidential. I thought he was short and goofy-looking. I only changed my mind when I managed to be in his presence 5 yrs ago (at the Army/Navy game) and was surprised to see he was much taller IRL and actually appeared stoic.
I never said it was fair but that's what comes to mind when I see a fat person. Unlike smoking which I can't visually see unless you're doing it in my presence. And where did you get that Obama eats poorly? Its the first I'm hearing of it and would imagine it would have come up a lot since his wife has taken on eating right and healthy lifestyle as her public mission.
Well he just did and didn't do a good job of it. Unless I hear something like "I have a condition that slows my metabolism to a near halt" I don't think any excuse would suffice. To be honest people with as much access to good whole foods and trainers and good doctors have ZERO excuses unless its a well defined medical condition which he hasn't spoken about.
True, it is hard to quantify the overall affect on voters, but it can be argued that Obama did well in that category too. Also....I hear what you are saying about Bush, but look who he was running against the second time (Kerry) who was apparently just as ugly as he was intellegent. lol
Same can be said about Gore who they love calling fat. We really are a bunch of dopes as a country. We'll take dumb and pretty over hard working and smart. There is no universe where Bush should have been president over Gore. Especially since both wins were questionable as fuck. What does looking presidential even mean? Tall good looking and smart? Then I think Obama looked just as presidential. Or do we still need them to be white to embody that image I wonder?
Americans on the average tend to weigh more than people in any other country in the world. We also seem to be very lustful in our values as seen in the divorce statistics. However we seem to elect a president that represents our ideals instead of representing what direction we are really going as a nation. If the president really represented the reality of this country it would be ok for him to be fat and even single. Thats why I would vote for anyone that could do the job, that includes someone single and fat, even though this guy is probably not single. Why hold the president to a standard that hardly represents reality?
and we get mad when we find out they have been hiding the truth all along. Damn him! He eats cheeseburgers and sleeps with hoes just like us. lol
Absolutely. Two people can do the same thing exactly and genetics will doom one person to look one way and another another. :smt102 I totally would vote for him if he were the best person for the job. I like Hillary and the press seem to chide her to no end on her hair........too short too long too old to wear ponytails. Her clothes pantsuits are too butch. I think it's the press that cares and not the voters. I never studied someones weight, hair, clothes or eating habits when voting for them. I think the press tries to make these issues. If he was having an affair or some other issue would Walters have brought it up. I bet not. Some things are ok to ridicule for some silly reason and others not. In the end I think Barbara Walters cares more of it than the voters would. He got in to office now.
While this might be true sometimes its very far from the norm. You see it on this forum in particular. Most of the people in good shape eat right and exercise. It's not a coincidence. Yeah there are people like BBW and FG who appear to be naturally thin people but the majority of the posters gotta work at it, at least according to their posts.
Unfortunately, human beings are primates and our collective group decisions are driven as much by meaningless alpha-male charisma as they are any other rational criteria. Many of the so-called "presidential looking" leaders are actually vapid, post-adolescents who are used to group adulation, and many of the best thinkers our species has are the ignored, un-charismatic and unappealing. They may be brilliant, but have issues like low self-esteem, depression, things that they address with food. Or they may have genes that predispose them to weight gain. And those 'presidential looking types' may also have issues...like lack of intelligence. I think that's a bigger issue than an unattractive physique. It shouldn't matter how someone looks, but unfortunately it does in a contest of this type.