How should I play this? Promotion or new position...

Discussion in 'Getting Ahead: Careers, Finance and Productivity' started by blackbrah, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    So I'm in a situation at work. My boss has nominated me for promotion. A promotion isn't guaranteed but there's a good chance. My boss finds out through HR that I applied for a position outside my current role and department.

    My boss inquired why I did this. Mostly because two of the team's members told me to apply, said I'd be a good fit, etc. I told my boss it would be a better challenge. My boss said to me "I can't afford to lose you".

    Essentially he wants me to pull back my application, but I told him I wanted more responsibility right now (e.g. access to specific tools to get my job done) and a significant increase in my salary upon this promotion period. The job I applied for would be closer to a 30% salary increase (not including our bonuses) and would be a learning curve, but I'd be up to it. It is a more technical job.

    I COULD get promoted on my team, possibly take a 10-15% salary increase (not sure what it exactly is), focus on training and mentoring other techs, build a name for myself.

    I told my boss that I want more close to a 20-25% salary increase and I will stay a full year. He said my demands were fair and he will 'see what he can do'.

    I just got a letter from HR today saying that I accidentally applied for that position, but the boss of the other team REALLY wants to interview me. Now I'm trying to think of the next move here for my boss to react. I'm willing to stay for a slightly less salary and focus on training/leadership and escalations instead of the more technical position. Both of these are technical jobs but you know being I work in IT. Thoughts?
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I'm going to tell you what My supervisor told me when I told him I was leaving.
    Fuck the company and do what is in your best interest.

    He also gave me advice on how to get more money. You tell them you are leaving unless they settle to your demands but you have got to be ready to walk.

    That's why he is my favorite supervisor.
    The truth of the matter is almost anyone can do anyone's job

    What I would do if I were you is take the promotion until you find out if you got the job. then leave if it pays more and has more opportunity.

    Not everyone is fortunate to have th boss that I had.
  3. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Problem is if I accept the promotion, I HAVE to commit a year. I was trying to bend the rule on that with him to see if I could get it less.

    I kind of want to stay in my role right now and just get promoted because I could learn more stuff on this side and build a name for myself. The other job is more operation level stuff but more internal. Both great paths but depends on what you want.

    I really just want to see how much my boss will budge and react. He knows my gripes about false promises since I started 16 months ago, not through him but just dealing with a big company.

    I appreciate the advice. I think I will proceed with interviewing for the other role.
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Think what position would benefit you the most, in the long run. If you think the current position w a promotion would be a better investment, one year is really not long at all to invest.

    Write a pro and con list for both jobs, get all your thoughts on it out of your head and on paper.
    Getting it on paper and seeing it, really can make a difference in how you proceed. Also -really -imagine yourself in both positions a few years from now. How does that look?
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    there u go rite there bro
  6. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    So my boss heard me and is giving me more training opportunities which I'm grateful for. As for pay...well fighting that battle still so I'm going to interview for the other position.
  7. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Word so my boss is looking out for me.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    best advice he could give someone young like you, before you get too complacent with just one company

    leaving after 5-10yrs and going somewhere else is one popular way of maneuvering, especially when you look at how pensions are calculated

    shit..leaving sooner if u find a better gig is even more popular..but staying somewhere for 20..30yrs out of company loyalty or other bullshit.....lots of times it's not worth it
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    u eed to wifed up for saying some shit like that. bros love women like that
  10. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    I have to agree, and recently did this myself. I got offered a position (I didn't even apply for) with better pay and better long term management opportunities for a different company. My first thought was for the current role and company I have joined which I have only been in for six months... That soon dissappeared after I did a pros and cons list.

    BB I agree with what others have posted. Forget the company itself, do what is best for YOU in the long term.
  11. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Yeah my boss and I talked about this and he's fighting for me now so I trust him. If not, he knows I can move into other positions easily, but at the moment things are going well right now. More responsibility, getting more face time with higher level people, and pay should follow suit so I will be happy.
  12. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Fantastic. Sounds like they are looking after you. :D
  13. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Had my interview today *cross fingers*.
  14. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Good luck with that BB!
    I hope you get that promotion.

    I finally had the balls and asked for a raise.
    It was hard to even get an appointment with my higher up.
    After the talk (which went pretty well), she said she would have a talk with my supervisor about it.
    It's been 2 weeks and they didn't get back to me yet.
    I'm wondering did she just brush me off?
    Maybe my timing was bad cause things tend to get so busy at the end of the year.
    Now both of them are off until early January.
    I wonder how I'm supposed to react now? Just wait?
    Anyone else been in a situation like that?
  15. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Yes... A few months ago I asked for a raise for me and my officers due to our work environment conditions not being to OSHA standards ( Got a notice of rejection in the mail about two weeks later for my officers although they did offer me a promotion at another site about 50 miles away from mine. We all quit the job and a new company had to replace us but my old company now pays my officers unemployment insurance while they are in training for a new job. I have a law suit against them that I will surely win soon. They were already fined for their neglect of the law and my requests, and were dismissed by the company we worked for under those terrible conditions. It was their responsibility to provide all that we needed which they did not do no matter how hard I fought for it. They tried to convince me that it was the responsibility of the company we worked for which was not the case. I will see them in court again soon and hopefully for the last time.

    I hope your raise request will be granted without complications. Good luck!!
  16. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Got one more round of interviews. Seems like the Team Lead portion went well, but the Technical portion was eh.

    But they are trying to create an even panel for me to be interviewed on and for all candidates so that will be good to know.
  17. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Meh kinda in a bad mood. Didn't get the promotion. Boss thought I had it, but we have a panel of voting based on technical/non-technical stuff at my company and we have promotion cycles twice a year.

    They felt my leadership was great, but gaps in my knowledge of our infrastructure at work, which wasn't my fault because I was moved to another team immediately when I worked here and some upper management stuff delayed my career. My boss also has me do a lot of stuff outside my main role (go to several meetings on different issues, work with other products, teams as well as additional training) some of which are more suited for higher levels on our team such as some of our L3s, but I'm an L1.

    Kinda depresses me, but at the same time my boss gave me an excellent performance review rating and is putting in for a pay bump for me (roughly 10%), but I might try to leverage a little more and see what happens. He says he values me but shit...

    Not sure if I am going to apply for other internal positions, but I feel like I can contribute a lot where I'm at now, but damn I could work a lot less and get paid more in other positions if I was really a dick about it.
  18. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Sorry BB, I was hoping you will get it.
    At least you are about to get a raise, that's better than nothing, right?
  19. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree. Still wanted it, and honestly if I got the next position up it would have gotten me a 15-20% raise..but closer to 15%, so 10% now ain't bad and I can improve my own knowledge by sticking around some.

    Still might apply to other positions though.
  20. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    So I pretty much right now have the access of an L2 (which I was trying to get promoted to), just not the significant pay...just yet. Still there's work to be done on my team.

    My boss has put me in training later this month and asked me if I wanted to go to LA (yes!) so he's looking out for me. I'm also representing our team by being involved in a lot of meetings as well. Bug reports, processes that need to get done, etc.

    Plus he said if taking less work will allow me to get the promotion with in six months (five now actually) then that's OK. Oh and I got a great performance review. It's good to have a boss that appreciates your work and appreciates having you on their team.

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