Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I hate when people show up at my house unannounced. Makes me wish I still had a dog so I could have it bite 'em in the ass.
  2. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Since I'm afraid of Dogs, I won't show up at your house.
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    I don't have a dog anymore since the one I had for 10 years died, and I have no intention of getting another one (I do miss her though, especially lately). The only person she ever bit in the ass was my ex-boyfriend...she was fine with him until she saw him touch me, and she got jealous. lol

    Whoever it was knocking at my door went away, so even if I'd still had my dog I wouldn't have had the chance to sic her on 'em. Rarely do I answer the door when I'm not expecting someone. IMO it's rude to just show up at someone's place without calling or being invited.

    Did something happen to make you afraid of dogs? My son was mauled by a chow when he was 8, but surprisingly he's not fearful like I thought he'd be after being attacked.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I think a little bit is healthy when it comes to other suitors trying to make moves on your significant other...you have to protect your relationship to a degree.....But kids? Kids?? How the hell are you going to be jealous of his kids?! C'mon now...

    That's why I love my sweet Taurus...a bullet in the ass sends a stronger message :D
  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Being protective of your relationship when someone is trying to move in on your SO is one thing, but jealousy is something else altogether. Jealousy is controlling, possessive, insecure, paranoid, accusatory, etc., and there is nothing healthy or loving about any of those things.

    It'd be more fun watching my dog bite 'em in the ass while chasing them away more than it would be shooting them. I have a healthy respect for guns and would use one if necessary, but shooting someone isn't something I'd enjoy. Besides, I'd feel more guilt about shooting at my mother or a friend or neighbor than I would about my dog running them off. lol
  6. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Got chased by a friend's dog when I was a kid & I didn't provoke it or nothing.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Two ways to resolve that.

    1. Peanut butter

    2. Anti-freeze mixed into dog food.

  8. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Ugh...I think everything is finally catching up to me. Daughter was sick last week...now mommy is sick. We are both at the doctor now...lol
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    That is a scary thing to experience, especially when the dog acts like it's going to tear you to pieces. A few years ago I was carrying a bag of groceries over to my parents' house (a two block walk), and their neighbor's dog was loose and tried to attack me. Thankfully I was able to keep it off of me by using that bag of groceries upside its head a few times...if I hadn't had that bag, there's no doubt in my mind that dog would've have done me some serious harm. If I'd had a gun on me, I would've shoot that psycho motherfucker.

    The owners did get into some trouble when I called animal control. Turned out it wasn't the first time it had gone after someone. Not long after that they did put up a fence to keep the dog in the yard.

    I'm more careful around dogs than I used to me since my son was mauled, but I take each dog on a case by case basis. Neither experience has made me afraid of them in general.
  10. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Talking about killing animals is NOT OK, BBW.
  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's perfectly reasonable to defend yourself when you're dealing with a crazed animal hellbent on making a meal out of you. Thus, this is a justified situation.

  12. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    No, what you're describing is premeditated. It's not defending yourself in the midst of an attack.
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I prefer the phrase taking extreme caution when dealing with hostiles. They maybe less intelligent creatures, but their need to feed is on-point and should they attack, best to prepare for that. And if you don't have any of the tools like above mentioned, simply crunch up glass shards into powder and blow it in their eyes. I'm sure glass is abundant even in clean areas.

  14. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Semantics. What you're describing is clear animal abuse, no matter what you want to candy coat it as. Many of us here are animal lovers and have pets, and it's not funny, cute, or appreciated by us.

    Animal abuse and death is not funny. In the past few weeks alone, two animals have been severely abused in the Buffalo area...one of them Phoenix, a small dog who was hung up by his collar, covered in gasoline, and then LIT ON FIRE. The men who did this to him have been arrested, and Phoenix is at the Erie County ASPCA getting care and recovering. That poor thing is burned all over and thankfully has a second chance. (http://interactives.wivb.com/photom...g-playful/phoenix-shows-signs-of-improvement/)

    Second, was Metro, a little pitbull puppy who was only a few weeks old...left as skin and bones on the steps of a building in downtown and rescued by EMTs. Metro scored a 1 out of 9 on the body score, which means she was barely alive and horribly starved by the time she was found. Someone LET her get like that. Someone LET her starve. Fortunately, she is also recovering. But there are many animals out there like her and Phoenix that are abused. (http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/buffalo/starved-dog-found-at-clinics-doorstep)

    Whatever feeling you might have about animals...fine. Have those feelings. Don't get a pet, obviously. But to make jokes about killing animals is insensitive and inappropriate. I've seen too much of it lately, and I cannot take it anymore.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    How is it animal abuse when I'm speaking of the animals as being the hostile attackers? If it was a poor puppy that was brutalized for no reason, then yes it could be animal abuse. But what I'm describing are hostile strays that would actually come at you and attack you. I don't tolerate that, nor would I want to be attacked by one. So, I'll defend myself and rightfully so. Clear differences between what happened in your links - they victims were the animals themselves and the humans acted maliciously. I'm speaking on being on the receiving end of the attack from a hostile stray.

    If it bites and wants to feed, it'll be in for a rude awakening.

  16. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Approaching women is not as bad as I thought it was. I still need to learn how to approach them again.
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


    Someone here in PA murdered a rottweiler, they caged her and then set her on fire so she couldn't even roll or do anything to get relief. (I saw the gruesome after pics). I don't get SUB-HUMANS WHO GET OFF ON TORTURING and MURDERING.

    Another woman's little beloved Yorkie was stolen and found a few blocks away dead inside a plastic bag where he had been set on fire. I seriously weep for the defenseless in this world, whether human or animal. :(

    As we already know, Criminal psychiatrists have long proven the correlation that (mentally-defective) people who want to and/or do torture and premeditate murdering animals are future human serial-killers. It's just a matter of time -
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  19. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I maxed out on my hours this week, since I cannot work more than 20 hours. Still met with students for a 2 hour study session "free" though... They're taking the ACT test today, which is what I was tutoring them for, *crosses fingers for them*

    Also, since I couldn't be here next week, and a student had a paper due Monday, I told him to email it to me, I'll edit it that way. He already stopped by to see me Thursday.. wanted to meet again, but we couldn't.

    At least, since I'll be working at the same place next semester, I'll be getting more hours through word of mouth *shrugs*. Working for free now, is going to pay good next semester :p
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Back in my days, the sat was much easier than the act. I never could get why someone would take the act over the sat.

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