Dumb things I have seen on dating website

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by stiletoes, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    There should be a show called are your standards too high. You just sit a person down and ask them if they have all of this that they are asking for. :smt018

    You make a good point. People do not to look about how high standards are.

    I think it is probably better to do a face to face. You aren't just another message to the lady. They may get to know you in a face to face conversation.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think Bliss was pretty spot on. Basically all Im saying is keep an open mind. What you think you might want can eadily be outweighed by what you never realized you needed. Like dating a 6'5 football player type or a Meagab Foxx look alike whose a lawyer. You might realize all you need is someone who makes you laugh abd supports your dreams
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You both took him out of context without completing his point. He ALSO said -
    Remember, he is responding to Blackbrah's decision of "it's not worth it" after reading through our experiences. Which is why he is essentially telling him take each person at face value and not EXPECT that each person coming at you will meet your standard. Almost a 'chill dude, you have to go shuffle thru a few rocks to find your gem..but don’t give up just because you will meet people NOT meeting YOUR expectations."
    And if that’s not what TDK means, then take the above as what I mean.

    And so we are clear, I added the part that you may decide your standards may be set too high, and to not throw the baby out with the bath water.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    See this is why I thought what Dwebpro thought. We have separations of expectations, standards and expectations of standards.
    It doesn't mean they can't match but they can be different.
    The issue is if(using me as an example) I want a woman who wants kids but doesn't have any. This literally matches both expectations and standards. You can have everything else that I want. Curly hair, pretty face blah blah blah. I'm never going to treat that kid as my own. There is no dropping my expectations because it would be dropping standards.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    That comment does not help the argument. It only adds to what he is saying.

    The problem is that standards can be rock bottom and can match expectations. That's why Dwebpro was right to have issues with the comment.

    Imagine if your expectation is she must be biologically a woman(had a talk with a stranger about a guy not knowing that his g/f has a dong too.)

    and your standards are the same.

    Do you drop those expectation if you are a heterosexual man?

    You can't drop one without dropping the other

    Sometimes people's standards match their expectations. I think TDK meant something different but that whole quote still leads you to somewhere that he might not have meant.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again I have to say Bliss got it right.
    Let me try this another way. My standards have less wiggle room than my expectations. Even if I meet a person who meets my standards physically, mentally, and personality wise I don't expect them to behave a certain way, I also don't expect that if they meet all my criteria that I'll meet theirs.
    As for standards there are certain things I find attractive. I like white women in their 20s. Is it a hard and fast rule? Not necessarily but more often then not a girl 5'4 to 5'7 with nice skin and light eyes with a nice ass and tits will always catch my attention physically. Also being smart and socially conscious is pretty much the whole package for me. Does she have to be NYU educated like my chick? Definitely not but it does turn me on when they are. I like what I like but I don't expect much because that puts unneeded stress on both parties.
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying that she didn't say what you meant. I'm simply saying that some of us have standards that are our expectations.
    That's why I agreed with Dwebpro.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Your biological example is reaching (& silly) because either they are female or not. Let's use your one about kids-

    Your STANDARD in a nutshell is to have a kid together. Ok great...that standard is met.

    Now your EXPECTATION is that you WILL have kids - but what happens if when it's time, she can't have kids? (or if you can't?) Are you going to leave her? (Hopefully not). *Keep in mind, your standards have remained the same here, they haven't changed.

    This outcome above is where TDK's advice kicks in...what you want(standard) and what you get(expectations) are indeed separate and different in and of themselves (and why it's advisable not to set your expectations by your standards.)

    Bottom line...Standards are not expectations. The former is theory, the latter is reality.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    One of the weirdest profile and message I have seen was a guy that ended every single sentence with "smile". There were often more than one "smile" in each sentence. No, not the smiley face but spelled out.

    It was very hard smile to read smile everything that he smile was writing smile

    Took me all but two e-mails before my eyes melted and I had to quit.

    The other dude I recall was a guy that was 45 and spelled in a mix Eubonics and teen short hand. Same there, yeah, you are good looking, but.. yeah... NO. Cant bother to read.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It isn't silly because most straight men have that as a standard. It is there before anything else is. You can sit there and call it a reach but w/e you don't like it fine.

    straight up hit the road, If she can't have kids!

    We can be friends but nothing else. That is the truth. I would rather be honest than lie to a person about reality. I don't date because I like to fuck. I date with hopes that my standards are reached. That friends become lovers and lovers become wife and husband that produce a product of their love(children).
    mushy crap. :smt096

    plus it would ruin my dream of dressing up like batman like this

    I need enough robins and one batgirl to cover everything lmao

    If I can't have kids, I don't know why I should bother with a relationship. I'd just stay friends. It is a lot easier to take care of myself than myself and another.

    Having kids is my standard and expectation at the same time. I'm not saying they can't be different but some of them can be the same such as this.

    It doesn't jump in. I leave like I said before.

    I have left women for far less. You have to understand that some people's standards can be there expectations. I'm not saying all of them are but it is what it is.

  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    See and that is why I use spell check. smile

    It also helps if the girl that likes you spells worse than you do. smile

    It helped me out a lot. smile :smt069

  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Kick rocks yourself, fella.

    You're soo, sooo cold! So you'd leave your wife? :smt019

    Better both get that fertility test, oh future King (of Singledom) :smt029
    And let's hope your little tadpoles aren't shooting blanks. :smt039
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It is what it is. But lets face reality how many women can't give birth?
    The statistics on this actually happening is very slim.

    I'm more worried that I have tadpoles after all that shooting that i have done.:smt037

    I have wasted a lot of good batches.
    You know you make your best in your 20's lol

    I'm so disgusting but I just can't help meyself.

    edit: Admit it, It would be totally cool to have a spouse and enough kids to do that batman pic!:smt019
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So you meet the right girl for you and she finds out later on she can't have kids that's it for you? Damn homie that's cold
  15. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Cold World, bro.

    If I didn't sugar code half that crap that I say, I'd be the boogyman up in this place.

    Actually now that I think about it, there are other options. We could get another egg some where and pay women to go through the pregnancy. If wanda can do it, then I think I could do that.

    Also at around 55 and up, I probably wouldn't leave.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Bahahaha! (I thought you were still in your 20's tho)

    Yeah that family would totally rock! Although...I bet (childless) Wonder-Woman would have you soooo whipped! (and remember she lives on an Island of just women :smt047)

    Anyway, I sincerely hope you find your princess and have lotsa babies. :smt023
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I am in my 20's. I'm just pointing to the quality lol

    6 is the limit.
    I say go big or go home but 5 would ideal. 4 boys and one girl.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The hell?! :mad: Girls rock, mate!


    Have fun going for it though! :yawinkle:
  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Because im really just looking for friends, ive spoken to all types of looneys and head cases.

    I had a couple dudes hit me up begging to suck my dick for payment.

    This chick who said she wanted me to be her boyfriend, theirs no other guy for her. I told her i was 5'6" 300lbs jokingly, she hung up on immediately. 2 days later her profile read "im in love with dan".

    This woman i be ignore pretty much all the time be having full blown conversations by herself, one time she mentioned how great of a family we'll have together in a conversation by herself.
  20. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Oh, I have seen a ton of desperate and crazy. One guy I met was nice -we had lunch together, but there was just no chemistry in person. I was barely home and he was already texting me about being his girlfriend, and said that his house was really nice, and it would be happier with a woman for his FOUR children - a fact he omitted early on. I was like 'WTF?!' When I told him that I wasn't into a relationship with him, two days later I saw him talking about his OMGAMAZINGGIRLFRIEND that he LOVES SO MUCH!

    Dude. Really?

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