Google condom allergies Dr Paniro. I have one so. The pill uses hormones already present in your body so most women can use.
Not only that but here's a big SURPISE! Those condoms you get for free at your clinic? They are paid for by you guessed it! Tax money! Thru the forms of GRANTS which is from the GOVERNMENT! Plus, condoms have higher failure rate than the pill. So see? You simply can't have it both ways. And by you..I mean those that preach straight absence (that's the keep yer legs closed argument) and then fuss when somehow some way the government pays for "free" birth control.
Please let me know if im off base here JC, but there are condoms made out of different material than latex (sheepskin for example) for those who are alergic to latex right?
For some people a sensitivity can cause reactions like UTI's etc. It not a one thing fits all people. Non latex condoms have a higher failure rate also. FYI.
Well bless your little pointed head. Look up the failure rate of condoms. If I told her the woman you are about the fuck had virulent AIDS how confident would you be in ??if I threw another risk in like Aids to see if I make it more risky than just pregnancy. I think looking at the failure rate would go ewwwww. Go ahead look it up and educate yourself.
No use a more effective method unless you are in a LT relationship or married and wouldn't mind have a kid.
You can handle it as you see fit. I know you Repubs like being in control of a woman's reproductive organs. I will therefore leave you to yourself. Just thought you might like to know condoms are not the most reliable. So I have done my public service and signoff. You're on your own.
Aw pani When u actually look at the actual stats you see how effective an abstenence approach only is. Follow along here because THIS a shocker! Not very:
Bottom line is abstinence works EVERYTIME. ITS FAIL PROOF. If its used and statistics show..and you CAN'T skew this..that it's not That's why it's ineffective. See that little loop I just made there? And of course education has nothing whatsoever to do with life after education. Because as IS ALWAYS the case..if we can't get them to do it in HS then for Godsake we can get them to do it when they hit that magical line between irresponsible and responsible known as 18. Your logic is absolutely stunning.
The mods should just give this motherfucker Iggy his own thread so that he can post all of the fight videos from WSHH, Youtube clips of ignorant hoodrats rambling and all of the other negative bullshit about black people that he scours the internet for daily in one place instead of spamming it all across the entire message board. Be sure to sticky that shit in "Stereotypes & Myths."
lmao at some of you for actually sticking up for this piece of trash. I do feel for the kids though. They deserve better. And while condoms arent fool proof, they are very effective. She should use them more often.
Wow. How noble of you. However you were far more critical of the white guy in the video telling other white guys to stop acting like they were oppressed & victimized considering they are the top of the food chain in pretty much everything. You were the only person who seemed to be offend by that and took it upon yourself to be offended for white males in fact labelling everyone here as racists in the process. A strange thing for a black man to do when even the white female members here didn't even seem to think what was said as something to be offended by..........
This reminds me of a short Japanese film where a couple needed a license to have children. It was an amusing story. I sometimes wonder if some people just need to be policed in that manner.
You know what amazes me, I know a couple of female work collegues with lots of deniro in da bank, they have been trying to get pregnant for a while, from one fertility clinic to another but so far unsuccessful, nada, zip, zero....but this chcik had not one but 15 kids that she can not afford, lol, life is certianly a big bitch.